Chapter Twenty Two

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Ceaderstripe pads beside Nighteyes and Iceberry in the middle of the group.
I wonder what will happen once we get to the territories... will Oceanclan be split up? She asks herself.
Nighteyes, seeming to sense Ceaderstripes feelings, begins to speak, "If Oceanclan ends up having to split up," he begins, "I think I'll join Stoneclan."
"Me as well," Iceberry adds.
"Wouldn't you all want to stay with Seastar?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"Seastar knows that it's hard for the clans to accept a whole new clan and that moving borders is a hassle. I think she'll just want us safe," Nighteyes mews.
"That makes sense..." Ceaderstripe trails off, "thank you."
"Glad to put your mind at ease," Nighteyes dips his head, "now, if you'll excuse us, Sparkfall invited Iceberry and I to go hunting with him and and Gingerpaw."
"Ok," Ceaderstripe nods, "catch lots!" She calls as the pair pad away to meet up with Sparkfall.
"Hey," Hazelstripe mews from behind her.
"Hey," Ceaderstripe glances back as Hazelstripe catches up to her.
"The fish you and the others brought over was good," Ceaderstripe mews, "at least as far as fish goes."
Hazelstripe chuckles, "I'm not a big fan of fish either," she shakes her head.
Ceaderstripe nods, "I'll eat it if I have to."
"Same here," Hazelstripe mews.
The two of them pick up their speed to catch up with Heatherfur and Fluffypelt.
"Cocoapaw is up there with the apprentices and Fadedwing," Heatherfur nods towards the front of the group where Cocoapaw led the group of younger cats.
Froststar was in the very front of the group, looking towards the mountain in the distance.
"Not much further," Fluffypelt sighs happily, "I'm excited to get home."
"Me too," Heatherfur nods.
"I wonder if my siblings are as big as Cocoapaw is now," Ceaderstripe wonders aloud.

The group takes a few moments to stop and get some water and eat all the prey the hunting patrol had brought back.
Once the group starts going again they pick up the pace.
The whole group of Prophecy cats form the front of the group, all excited to be so close to home.
"The mountains base-" Hazelstripe breathes.
"We're so close-" Heatherfur smiles and looks to Cocoapaw.
Cocoapaw nudges Fadedwing mischievously, "I'll race you to the base of the mountain."
Fadedwing laughs, "you're on."
"One," Cocoapaw begins.
"Two," Fadedwing crouches down.
"Three!" Cocoapaw calls out.
The two dart off towards the base of the mountain, laughing the whole way there.
In the end Cocoapaw wins, boasting to Fadedwing about his victory as he hops up a few stones.
The rest of the prophecy cats all exchange glances and yell out as they run to join the two younger cats. Hemlockhearts kits struggle to run along with the group and end up stumbling and falling behind.
"Can any of you carry a kit?" Zenwhisker asks.
"Sure," Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur chorus.
Hemlockheart already had Fluffypelt, Shrewtail, and Pinestripe helping to carry her kits and Fadedwing was bound to be helping their sister with her kits.
Zenwhisker leads them over to his and Kelpstreams kits and let's them each pick up a kit.
Burstkit wriggles as Ceaderstripe lifts him off the peice of wood he and the others had been laying on.
Heatherfur picks up Whimkit and the two of them step back as several other cats come and pick up kits.
The group starts its way up the mountain, Cocoapaw is in the lead, walking up the mountain with ease.
As the group gets to the top of the mountain the cats stop and look down the other side.
"We're here..." Fadedwing mews around a bundle of wriggling fur.
Cocoapaw bounces, "Let's go home!"

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