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"Oceanstar!" A blue gray she-cat cries, "you're here!"
"Of course I'm here!" Oceanstar spats, "my clan is in danger Seastar, I want to make sure you cooperate with the cats coming to save you!"
"Why wouldn't I?" Seastar tilts her head and steps back a bit.
"Because-" Oceanstar stutters a bit, "I- I didn't know why you do some things."
"I'm going to cooperate. They're offering to save our clan. There's no way I'm letting the clan be destroyed!" Seastar shouts.
"Which is another reason we've come," a brown tabby tom steps out of the cloudy area around them.
"Mudshallows," Seastar dips her head to the former elder.
"If you go with them our clan will be destroyed. It will be pulled apart," Mudshallows mews.
Then Oceanstar adds, "torn apart like a Crow eats its prey."
"Or a vulture," Mudshallow chimes.
"What do you mean?" Seastar turns her head a bit and looks at the pair with mainly her right eye.
"They will want to separate you into their clans," Mudshallows shakes her head.
"Strip you of your leadership," Oceanstar growls.
"Then what am I to do?" Seastars voice shakes.
"Tell them," Mudshallows squints a bit.
Seastar steps back a bit, "Who? Rav-"
Oceanstar just nods, "she'll help."
"No!" Seastar shouts, "I will not go to her for help!"

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