Chapter 1

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"You have to be faster Ceaderpaw!" Stonestar calls to his apprentice.
"I'm trying, its just squirrels are so fast!" Ceaderpaw groans.
"Try sliding your paws on the ground, like this," Stonestar demonstrates the move, sliding his white paws across the ground silently.
"Does that make the prey not hear me?" Ceaderpaw asks.
"Exactly! Good job!" Stonestar nods, a proud smile crossing his face.

Once the two cats finish hunting they head back to camp where Ceaderpaw leaves her two voles on the fresh kill pile. She notices her friends on the other side of camp huddled in the corner and goes to sit with them, kindly greeting Flatpaw, a younger apprentice, on the way.
"How was hunting?" Ceaderpaw's sister, Hemlockpaw, aks.
"It was good! Stonestar showed me a new move!" Replies Ceaderpaw.
She lifts and licks a fluffy white paw as her friends begin to speak.
"Show us please!" begs Shrewpaw, swaying his skinny grey tail.
Fluffypaw, Heatherpaw, Burntpaw, and Hemlockpaw all nod. Fluffypaws fluffy white tail sways behind her excitedly.
"Ok," Ceaderpaw laughs, "If you slide you're paws on the ground like this," She demonstrates the move, "the prey wont hear you!"
The group of friends practice the move together, laughing when Shrewpaw finishes by pouncing on Burntpaw's tail.
"Hemlockpaw! We're going on border patrol tonight, be sure to eat!" Hemlockpaw's mentor Halftail calls out from by the camp entrance.
"Ok!" Hemlockpaw nods and calls back.
"I can't wait until we are warriors!" Shrewpaw mews, jumping to his paws.
He sits down when Heatherpaw opens her mouth to speak.
"Yeah!" Heatherpaw agrees with him.
"I wonder what warrior names we will get," Burntpaw wonders aloud.
"Our assessments shouldn't be far from now!" Fluffypaw mews excitedly.
"Heatherfur would be the perfect name for me!" Heatherpaw purrs.
Ceaderstripe was thinking about a name she would like. She had always thought that Ceaderstripe was a nice name even though she only had one stripe on her back. The dark orange stripe along her spine hadn't been as obvious when she was born but it darkened once she was a little older.
"I want to be Hemlockheart!" Hemlockpaw exclaims loudly, then squishes herself to the ground when she realizes that all of the cats in the clearing had turned to look at her.
The group burst out laughing, even Hemlockpaw laughed a little.
"oops," Hemlockpaw giggles quietly.
"I don't know what warrior name I want," Burntpaw shrugs with a thoughtful expression on his face.
Ceaderpaw was still thinking about her future name. What about-
"Burntpaw!" Calls Peblefur, the deputy of the clan and also Burntpaw's father.
"Coming!" Burntpaw calls back.
He dips his head to his friends before rushing to his father's side.
"Pebblefur is saying 'you need to go gather herbs for Gravelstripe since she has no apprentice,' and Burntpaw groaned," Shrewpaw recites.
"How do you hear all that?" Fluffypaw asks, tilting her head a bit.
"I'm not sure," Shrewpaw shrugs, "I guess I have good ears."
They all turn to watch Burntpaw walk slowly to the medicine den.
Ceaderpaw lets out a sigh, "Sis?" she mews.
"Yeah?" Hemlockpaw mews
Ceaderpaw turns to look at her sister, "do you think we'll be good warriors?" She asks.
"We will be the best warriors!" Hemlockpaw raises her chin confidently.
"Lets go visit Icekit and Snowkit, and bring fresh kill for Goldfur and Falen," Heatherpaw suggests.
The four She-cats pad over to the Fresh Kill pile and grab a large Rabbit for the queens to share then drag it to the nursery.
"We brought you a Rabbit to share," Ceaderpaw mews as they enter the den.
"Thank you girls! Do you want to see the kits?" Goldfur asks softly.
"Yes!" The apprentices chorus.
Goldfur moves her tail to reveal two sleeping kits. One is a white tom with an orange belly, while the other is a white tom with a gray muzzle and a gray tail tip, the exact opposite of their father. The kits had only been born half a moon ago.
"They are so cute!" Ceaderpaw smiles.
Right then Stonestar pads into the den.
"How are our kits?" he asks Goldfur, brushing his muzzle against hers.
"Wonderful," Goldfur purrs happily.
Stonestar looks to his sleeping kits, a purr rumbling in his throat.
"Your kits are so cute!" Fluffypelt mews excitedly.
"Thank you," Stonestar beams, a purr still rumbling in his throat.
Hemlockpaw pads over to Falen. The orange and white she-cat lay in her nest, her belly bulging and convulsing.
"How do you feel?" Heamlockpaw asks softly.
"I think that I-! I Need Gravelstripe!" Falen yells in pain.
Ceaderpaw runs out of the den to see Gravelstripe and Burntpaw padding into the camp clearing.
"Gravelstripe! Falen is kitting!" Ceaderpaw calls out.
"On my way!" Gravelstripe yells running towards her before looking over her shoulder and yelling to Burntpaw, "Burntpaw! Get me some Raspberry leaves!" As she races past Ceaderpaw she mews, "Get Windwhisker."
Ceaderpaw dashes to the Warriors den where Windwisker is laying in his nest. As soon as Ceaderpaw looks at him he jumps out of his nest, "She's kitting, isn't she!?" he yelled.
Ceaderpaw nods then races out of the den, letting Windwhisker rush past her and into the nursery. Ceaderpaw then followed the tan tom into the den.
Stonestar exits the den quickly.
He must have been feeling crowded, Ceaderpaw thinks.
Soon Burntpaw runs into the den with a bundle of leaves. As he set the leaves down they revealed a smaller bundle of the jagged edged leaves Gravelstripe had demanded.
"Everyone who doesn't need to be in here needs to get out now!" Gravelstripe commands.
Ceaderpaw stumbles out of the den quickly, her friends close behind her.
Ceaderpaw hears a wail from the nursery, followed by the cry of a newborn kit.
"Its a tom!" Burntpaw calls.
"He's all white," Windwhisker mews proudly, "He's very handsome."
Soon there is another wail followed by the cry of a second newborn kit.
"It's a she-cat!" Burntpaw mewed.
"She's tan, just like me," Windwhisker mewed.
Falen groans loudly as the kitting continues. In a few moments there is another wail and soon after is a cry from a third newborn kit.
"It's a She-cat!" Burntpaw calls.
"It's the last one," Gravelstripe assures the queen.
Ceaderpaw can hear Windwhiskers purr from out where she is sitting.
"She's tan and Orange, a perfect combonation," Windwhisker mews.
"What are you going to name them?" Burntpaw asks.
"Milkkit, Timberkit, and Patchkit," Falen answers.
"Those are perfect names," Burntpaw mews.

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