Chapter 6

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Ceaderstripe was sitting in the clearing with her friends.
"I can't belive this!" Hemlockheart mews in shock, then adds
in a whisper, "Now your part of two prophicies!"
"Not necessarily," Heatherfur mews, "it could just be pointing out that she's part of the prophecy we're all a part of."
"True," Hemlockheart mews.
"Burntwhisker!" Dawnlight, Burntwhisker's mother, called to her son. She sat by the warriors den next to her mate, Burntwhiskers father, Pebblefur.
"Coming mom!" Burntwhisker calls back.
Burntwhisker walks over to his mother and father.
"I wonder what thats about," Fluffypelt wonders aloud.
"Who knows," Heatherfur sighs.
"Mabey somthing's wrong?" Shrewtail contributes to their thoughts.
Hm... whats going on? Ceaderstripe wondered
"Ceaderstripe," Hemlockheart broke into her thoughts.
"Huh? What?" Ceaderstripe asked.
"I hear mom has moved to the nursery!" Hemlockheart tried
to contain her happieness.
"Lets go catch her the biggest squirrel we can find!"
Ceaderstripe hopped up and ran to the entrance tunnel.
"Ok!" Hemlockheart raced past her.
Burntwhisker sat back down by Shrewtail, "Where are they going?"
Shrewtail just shrugged.

Ceaderstripe runs for the tallest tree and immediately spotts a squirrel
scurrying down the trunk.
She crouched in wait of her prey.
As soon as it was two tail lenghs away from the trunk Ceaderstripe
pounced and dealt the killing bite.
"Nice catch," Hemlockheart said droping a mouse.
"Same to you," Ceaderstripe replied.
The two she-cats continued to hunt until Ceaderstripe had caught a
sparrow and Hemlockheart had caught a rabbit.
As they headed home Hemlockheart and Ceaderstripe talked about how excited they were to be older sisters.

"Hey mom!" Ceaderstripe exclaimed around the squirrel as she and
Hemlockheart entered the nursery and ran to their mothers side
dropping the squirrel.
"Mom we brought you a squirrel, and for Fallen we brough a
sparrow," Hemlockhear said after dropping her sparrow.
"Thank you girls," Creamtail said.
"Thank you," Fallen said licking her lips.
The two she-cats dived into their meal.
"Oh, how many kitts does Gravelstripe say your going to have?"
Hemlockheart asked excitedly.
Creamtail paused eating the squirrel, "Three or four."
"Thats wonderful!" Ceaderstripe exclaimed.
"Hi!" Timberkitt squeaked drowsily.
"Hello little one," Ceaderstripe brushed her muzzel against hers.
"Hello," Patchkitt mewed shyly from behind Timberkitt.
"Hello Patchkitt, how are you?" Ceaderstripe asked the shy she-kitt.
"I'm good, you?" Patchkitt replied.
"I'm good to, what about you Milkkitt?" Ceaderstripe asked the small,
white, tom-kitt.
"I'm good!" Milkkitt squealed in response, "just a bit tired."
"Hello kitts," Hemlockheart greeted the three kitts.
"Hi Hemlockheart!" Timberkitt squeaked.
Ceaderstripe started to play with the three kitts.
"She will be a great mother wont she?" Fallen asked Creamtail as they watched her play with them.
Hemlockheart had left to go eat.
"Yes she will be," Creamtail said.
The two she-cats continued to watch Ceaderstripe
playing with the kitts.

"I'm going to go eat, goodnight," Ceaderstripe had been playing with the kitts for so long she had forgotten to eat.
"Night," Timberkitt yawned.
"Night," Milkkitt wraped her tail over her nose and fell asleep.
"Goodnight," Fallen and Creamtail said together.
Fallen curled arond her kitts.
Oh little Patchkitt is already asleep Ceaderstripe though to herself.

Ceaderstripe finished the mouse she was eating and went to the warriors den yo rest.
As she fell asleep she could already hear the rush of the wave.
"Help!" she yowled as she ran away from the wave.
The wave spattered droplets of cold water on her.
Ceaderstripe turned her head and saw a cat like shape in the water and recognized the pelt instantly.
"Froststar! Froststar I'm coming!" She yowled then dove head first into the wave.
Ceaderstripe was trying to get closer to the tom but it was no use he was already being pulled to far under.
She swam to the surface to get air but the pull of the water was to strong and she too sank into the depths of the wave

Ceaderstrip blinked her eyes open to dawn light blinding her.
I should probably dry myself off she thought as she looked at her wet fur and began to wash herself.

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