Chapter Twenty Three

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The threat of rain had finally gone through with it when the moon began rising.
"Good thing we found this cave," Fluffypelt shifts in her nest.
"Its a bit cramped though," Heatherfur nods.
"When we have Oceanclan with us hiding and sheltering will be a challenge," Shrewtail points out, "this cave would be double crowded then."
"Triple," Cocoapaw corrects.
"Maybe more like double and a half crowded," Brightpaw laughs, "they're big, but not that big."
"Yeah, yeah," Shrewtail shakes his head and laughs, "go to sleep."
"Or at least be quiet," Hemlockheart whispers, "these four-" she looks to Hazelstripe snoring in the corner, "five- are sleeping."
"Almost-" Burntwhisker yawns, "six."
Ceaderstripe yawns and lays her head on her paws, "goodnight everyone."
"Sleep tight."
More yawns.
Everyone lays down and a few begin to snore. Cocoapaw sit in a corner quietly chatting and Ceaderstripes eyes droop. She can barely keep herself awake, which is ok because she wants to sleep.
"Go to sleep you two," she yawns.
Soon she is asleep, her breath blowing Hemlockheart's fur on her head as they sleep.

"I'm awake!" Ceaderstripe jumps up after being prodded awake.
Hazelstripe laughs, "hush, I just wanted to see if you and Cocoapaw wanted to go hunting with Brightpaw and I," she nods her head to Brightpaw blinking groggily behind her.
"Sure," Ceaderstripe nods.
She stretches he legs and shakes them on her way to prod Cocoapaw awake.
"Wake up," she whispers.
Cocoapaw opens his right eye first, his left eye still closed, "why?"
"Hunting," Ceaderstripe laughs, "get up."
"We'll catch prey for everyone and by the time they wake up they can just start filling their belly's!" Brightpaw exclaims quietly.
"Ok," Cocoapaw opens both eyes and blinks a few times.
He stands and stretches each brown paw in turn and flexing his claws.
They exit the cave and into the darkness of very early morning.
"Look at his eyes," Ceaderstripe nods to Cocoapaw.
"Aw!" Hazelstripe scrunches up her nose playfully, "he's growing up!"
"Hm? What?" Cocoapaws eyes dart around, "is something wrong with them!?"
"Nothings wrong with them," Ceaderstripe asures him, "They're changing color."
"Oh," Cocoapaw sighs, "what color are they?" He takes a step back and looks down at his own nose.
"Yellow," Ceaderstripe mews, "kind of greenish right now but they'll be more yellow soon I think."
"Cool," Cocoapaw nods his head and walks forwards confidently.
"You're still my baby," Heatherfur yawns behind him.
"Mom-!" Cocoapaw objects.
Heatherfur laughs, "go on, go hunting."
Cocoapaw run in front of the group and Brightpaw follows.
"C'mon! To the top of the cliff!" Brightpaw charges up the cliff wall, jumping from rock to rock.
Ceaderstripe wat he's her go and can barely tell that the young cat ever fell from the tree.
Ceaderstripe begins climbing a cliff when suddenly there's a lizard hissing at her. She swipes a paw put and smacks it off the wall. It falls on its back on the ground before flipping back over.
"C'mon slow pokes!" Cocoapaw calls.
"Coming," Ceaderstripe and Hazelstripe chorus.

"This mouse is gigantic!" Cocoapaw mews around the mouse in his mouth.
Ceaderstripe nods, "this rabbit is small though."
"My shrews-" Brightpaw begins. She sets them down, "these two shrews are a good size."
"And my air is just so fulfilling," Hazelstripe mumbles.
"You'll catch something next time," Ceaderstripe assured.
By now the sun was coming up and the light shines down on them as they climb down the cliff again.
"Hey!" Pinestripe calls, "that looks good!"
"It should be!" Ceaderstripe calls back, dropping onto the ground.
She pads over to her sister and drops the rabbit at her paws.
"Thank you," Hemlockheart smiles, "kits," she nudges them a bit, "come eat."
"Once everyone is done eating-" Froststar glances at Hazelstripe sitting beside him as Brightpaw sets one of her shrews at his paws. He pushes it to Hazelstripe, "you can have it. Once everyone is done eating we can go again."
That's sweet Ceaderstripe smiles.
"Thanks," Hazelstripe takes a bite of the shrew and pushes it over to Froststar, "we'll share."

"Are we ready?" Fluffypelt yawns.
Everyone nods.
Let's get on with this journey, Ceaderstripe thinks, I'm excited to get home in another however many days.

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