Chapter Fifteen

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Ceaderstripe blinked and was back in the waking world.
"So that's what its like to have a vision," Shrewtail mewed.
"Its like a prophetic dream," Hemlockheart stated.
"We need to have another meeting," Ceaderstripe mewed, "With all of the prophecy cats."
Hemlockheart and Shrewtail nodded.
"But how will we tell everyone?" Shrewtail asked
"We literally have Heatherfur for that," Hemlockheart mewed.

Everyone, meet at the meeting place tonight at moon high, Heatherfurs voice went through Ceaderstripes mind.
Ceaderstripe had asked her to send a message to all of the prophecy cats to meet to talk about the prophecy.

"Mama?" Cocoakit shivered, "where are we all going?"
"We're going to a meeting," Heatherfur mewed, pressing herself against her kit.
"About what?" Cocoakit asked.
"The dream we had earlier," Heatherfur mewed.
"Froststar ruffles my fur," Burntwhisker grumbled.
"Really, I haven't noticed," Ceaderstripe rolled her eyes.
"Its just, you share a power with him," Burntwhisker mewed, "You're good friends."
"You and I share love, and a den, and a clan," Ceaderstripe pointed out, "I don't feel any love for him, just you. He's just a friend that I happen to share visions with."
Burntwhisker looked at the ground while the group kept walking.

"Ceaderstripe!" Froststar called when they reached the clearing, "I've been talking to Hazelstripe and I think i-"
"Ceaderpaw?" Hazelstripe mewed, "is that you?"
Ceaderstripe ran past Froststar, "yeah," she mewed, "you've grown since we last talked."
"I'm sorry," Hazelstripe mewed.
"I know," Ceaderstripe thought about their apprenticeship, when they got into trouble together all the time.
"Ceaderstripe," Pinestripe padded towards her, flicking away a fly with her good ear, "Hazelstripe."
"I've missed you both," Hazelstripe mewed, "I'm really sorry I messed up."
"We know," Pinestripe mewed, "we all messed up, it wasn't your fault."
"But it feels like-" Hazelstripe began.
"You've got to forget about it, move on. We can restart," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"I don't think we can truly restart, you two did save my life after all," Pinestripe mewed.
Ceaderstripe suddenly became aware of her friends all staring at them.
"Anyways," Froststar mewed, "as I was saying."
Everyone turned to face him.
"I found out Hazelstripes power," Froststar mewed.
"I can tell them myself," Hazelstripe mewed tartly, "I can become invisible."
Hazelstripe faded out of view and then back into view.
"Wait you have a power!?" Pinestripe mewed.
"We all do," Ceaderstripe mewed, "what's yours?"
Pinestripe tilted her head, "I don't have a power."
"Oh?" Shrewtail mewed.
Pinestripe shook her head, "I'm just a regular cat."
"You must have a power, you're one of us," Hemlockheart mewed.
"You just haven't found it yet," Fluffypelt added.
"I'm not so sure," Pinestripe mewed, her head down low.
"You'll find it, I know you will," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Do you want to see my power?" Cocoakit squealed.
"Sure," Froststar mewed with a purr
Cocoakit ran and walked right up a tree and stood upsidedown on one of its branches.
"Whoa," Hazelstripe breathed.
"Come back Cocoakit, we need to discuss our plan," Heatherfur beckoned her kit.
"What do you think we should do?" Pinestripe turned to Froststar.
Everyone turned to the tom, being older than the rest of them they sought out advice from him.
"I think we make the journey to save Oceanclan. It won't be easy, but its the right thing to do," Froststar mewed.
"But where are they?" Hazelstripe mewed, "and who are they?"
"That's where Stonestar comes in," Ceaderstripe mewed, "they are in the direction he came from once."
"Oceanclan is a clan of cats being threatened by massive flooding," Heatherfur explained.
"And Ceaderstripe and Froststar have been trying to figure out ways to save them through visions," Fluffypelt mewed.
"So how do we find out what way that is?" Pinestripe asked.
"We have to ask Stonestar, we're going to have to tell our clans before we leave anyways," Ceaderstripe reasoned.
"Maybe we should tell them all at the gathering, its in two days," Shrewtail suggested.
"Good idea," Froststar praised him.
"Ok, we'll all sit together at the gathering and when we see fit we'll announce it," Hemlockheart mewed.
Everyone nodded their agreement.
"I think its time to go back home now," Heatherfur mewed.
The cats said their farewells and headed back to their camps to sleep the rest of the night.

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