Chapter Seven

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Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker padded through the forest alone.
It had been several days since Ceaderstripe and Froststar had found out about the rest of the prophecy cats and things were going well.

"List all possible places that Oceanclan could be due to the visions," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Well I'm sure there's a cliff like that somewhere, also, what about heading up stream?" Burntwhisker mewed.
"That would basically just be climbing a mountain to find the end of a small stream," Ceaderstripe mewed, stepping over a fairly large rock.
"Fine, what about going more downstream?" Burntwhisker suggested.
"The stream literally ends in our territory Burntwhisker," Ceaderstripe pointed out.

The two padded back to camp, still discussing possible places Oceanclan could be.

"Hey Ceaderstripe!" Galaxy mewed, bouncing out of the Nursery.
"Hello Galaxy," Ceaderstripe purred as she bent down to lick the kits head.
"Ceaderstripe," Star called, padding out of the nursery, "do you think you could occupy Galaxy for a moment? The other kits are asleep and I want to go ask Stonestar a question."
Ceaderstripe nodded, "of course, I'd be happy to watch this little rascle."
Star dipped her head in thanks, "I'll be back in a little while."
Ceaderstripe watched the she-cat pad over to the leaders den.
"Ceaderstripe!" Galaxy mewed, "let's play!"
Galaxy jumped onto Ceaderstripes paw, full of giggles.
Ceaderstripe moved her paw and dropped into a menacing crouch, "Did you ever hear what I do to toms who mess with my paws?"
Burntwhisker laughed from behind her. He was eating a mouse and had dripped a little of its blood on his leg, "Its Bad Galaxy! Don't touch her paws! Look what she did to me!" He dropped to the ground dramatically.
Ceaderstripe smiled then turned back to Galaxy, resuming her attack crouch.
"I'm a brave Warrior! I can take her!" Galaxy mewed pridefully.
"Don't do it Galaxy!" Burntwhisker said pretending to be weak.
Galaxy jumped at Ceaderstripe, "take this!" He began to bat at her paws as she lifted each one.
"I don't think I can fend him off!" Ceaderstripe mewed, batting at Galaxy's sides playfully.
"Ha!" Galaxy mewed, "take this!" He batted at her stomach.
"No!" Ceaderstripe mewed then fell over, "he got me!"
Galaxy laughed as he pounced on top of Ceaderstripe, "you work for me now! I am Galaxystar, Leader of Stoneclan!"
"You've got a while before that really happens," Burntwhisker laughed.

"Ok, I'm back," Star mewed as she padded towards the three cats.
Galaxy jumped off of Ceaderstripe and ran to his mother purring.

"Ceaderstripe!" Heatherfur called from the nursery entrance, "Come here for a moment!"
Ceaderstripe nodded, "alright," she padded over to her friend.
Whitekit burst out of the den and ran to Galaxy, Applekit right behind him.
"Galaxy! Help! She's chasing me!" Whitekit mewed.
Pinekit laughed evilly as she ran out of the den and chased Whitekit.
Pumpkinkit and Swankit followed Pinekit and began chasing her and Applekit.
"Well they're awake," Ceaderstripe remarked.
Heatherfur laughed as Cocoakit tried on her tail when he padded out of the den.
"Are you ok?" She asked with a smile.
"I'm fine," Cocoakit hopped up and began chasing Whitekit.
The rest of the kits ran out of the den and joined in the game of chase.
"Ceaderstripe, I hope you get to be the mentor of one of those insane furballs," she laughed.
Ceaderstripe shook her head jokingly, "I couldn't handle them!" She mewed jokingly.

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