Chapter Ten

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"Cocoakit!" Heatherfur mewed sharply, "stop attacking Fluffypelts tail and listen to us!"
"Ok," Cocoakit groaned.
"You," Ceaderstripe began, "you are- you're special."
"I am?" Cocoakit asked, perking up a bit.
"You are one of us," Fluffypelt mewed.
"Us?" Cocoakit mewed, "what do you mean?"
"A group of prophesized cats with powers," Hemlockheart clarified.
"You can't tell anyone," Heatherfur mewed, "not even Whitekit and Treekit."
"Wh-" Cocoakit began, "how may of you are there? Are you all powerful?"
The kit began asking several questions about how and why he was chosen, and what for.
"You, and us, were chosen because we showed potential to be able to save Oceanclan," Shrewtail mewed.
"Oceanclan?" Cocoakit asked, "who are they? They aren't one of the Legend clans are they!?" He bounced with excitement.
"No, Oceanclan is a clan from far away," Ceaderstripe began to explain some of her recent visions.
"Froststar is a prophecy cat too!?" Cocoakit asked.
"Yes, and others. We will teach you all about the prophecy when you become an apprentice," Heatherfur mewed.
Hemlockheart nodded, "you'll be an apprentice in about a moon."
"Only a moon to wait and then we will tell you everything," Burntwhisker mewed.
"O-Ok!" Cocoakit mewed.
As the group padded back to the camp Cocoakit asked more questions about the other cat's powers and about Oceanclan.

"Galaxy, step forwards," Stonestar called from the stone pillar.
The young tom stepped forwards slowly.
"Galaxy," Stone star mewed, "from this moment on, until your warrior ceremony you will be an apprentice. Do you wish to become Galaxypaw or keep your name?"
"I want to be Galaxypaw," Galaxy mewed.
"Then you will be known as Galaxypaw," Stonestar mewed, "your mentor will be Hemlockheart, I hope she will pass to you her hunting skill and her logical way of thinking."
"Logical way of thinking," Ceaderstripe mewed, nudging her sisters shoulder.
"Touch noses," Stonestar continued.
The two cats touched nosed while the name 'Galaxypaw' echoed throughout the camp as clanmates cheered happily.
"Before you all scatter," Stonestar shot a glance at Snowcloud who was padding towards the camp entrance, "we have two more ceremonys."
Ceaderstripe could hear Snowcloud groan quietly.
"Pinekit," Stonestar mewed, "From this moment on, until your warrior ceremony you will be known as Pinepaw. Your mentor will be Dawnlight, I hope she passes on her wisdom and helpfulness."
The two cats touched noses as the clan began to cheer Pinepaws name.
"Applepaw," Stonestar continued, "From this moment on, until your warrior ceremony you will be known as Applepaw. Your mentor will be Flathead, I hope he passes on his Battle skill and persistence."
The clan cheered Applepaws name while Snowcloud stared expectantly at his father.
"Everyone, please congratulate Snowcloud on getting the privilege of helping the medicine cat for the next seven sunrises because of how disrespectful he has been," Stonestar dipped his head before jumping down and padding towards Goldfur.

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