12~~ Closer

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A/N: This used to be the start of the actual sin for the book. In place of the deleted sex scene will be a ❤️ (<3) symbol which will be transported to another book called 'Secrecy'.


Ladybug jumped into her room, her heart beating with excitement. She knew he was following close behind, but she did not know what was going to happen the second he walked into her room.

She strolled towards her bed and waited for only a few seconds (which felt like hours) until he stepped into her room through the window. He watched her with those enticing green eyes, not exactly sure what to do next.

"Reveal yourself," Ladybug spoke, hinting at what she had ordered him to do when he had watched her reading through the shelves in the library.

Adrien took off his ring, revealing the prince under the mask. Ladybug watched as the green and black light engulfed him before detransforming into his true form. The prince had on his sleepwear attire— a loose-fitting, white shirt with two undone buttons which revealed scars upon his chest (scars that he had received years ago); and a comfortable dark-grey pants that matched his socks.

Ladybug wanted to giggle because never in her life had she expected a man to look so handsome in his sleepwear. With a smile, she took her Miraculous out of her earlobes and waited as a pink and red light detransformed her. The princess wore a nightgown similar to the one she wore when Chat Noir carried her back into the castle.

They stared at each other before laughing in disbelief once more. It seemed they had more in common than they thought possible. Both royal heirs to the throne, each holding possession of a Miraculous and considered as heroes to their people. Surely, the Master had chosen wisely.

Adrien made the first move. He closed the curtains behind him before stepping forward from the window towards her. He shoved his ring in the pocket of his shirt, whilst Marinette dropped her earrings on the floor— she had no time to think once his lips found hers again.

The princess reached up to his neck and pulled him with her onto her mattress. Without breaking the kiss, Adrien started to unbutton his shirt completely.

At every touch, he felt that familiar surge of strength, adrenaline coursing through his veins telling him to do so much more in order for her to feel the pleasure she was giving him.

"This is probably a bad idea," Adrien breathed, kissing Marinette down her neck towards her collar bone.

"A-Adrien," she gasped, "what are you—?"

"I have been dreaming about this," the prince admitted, hesitatingly staring into her eyes, "if not sinfully thinking about it. I apologize for my immaturity, but I had never felt this way for anyone before."

Marinette blinked a few times, hitching her upper body from the bed with her elbows. Her deep breaths caused her chest to rise heavily and this did not help calm Adrien from his sinful thoughts. The prince closed his eyes and tried slowing down his own breaths, calming the beast inside.

Marinette reached out to his arm, asking him in a concerned tone, "What is the matter?"

The prince opened his eyes and slowly bent down to her neck before pressing his lips to her ear. Adrien whispered a mixture of seductive words to her and Marinette widened her eyes when she realized that the words that were being spoken were taken directly from an extract of one of her favourite poems.

With chaste heart, and pure
I celebrate you, my beauty,
restraining my blood
so that the line
surges and follows
your contour,
and you bed yourself in my verse,
as in woodland, or wave-spume:
earth's perfume,
sea's music.

"Y-you memorised a poem," Marinette stammered incredulously, "Ode to a Naked Beauty by Pablo Neruda."

Adrien chuckled, "I am particularly skillful with memorising speeches before battle to encourage my people for war so you can definitely say that I have practice, My Lady."

The princess shivered, electricity passing through her body like fire. She groaned once she felt the sensation of his lips on her skin just above her breast on the the scar below her collar bone. Marinette arched her back in ecstasy, her hands roaming his golden locks of hair and pulling his head closer to her.

He could no longer take it— Adrien pushed her back onto the bed, a sliver of rebellion passing his spine as he started to strip every piece of clothing off Marinette's body.

❤️ (<3)

Morning came and Marinette felt something warm and hard behind her, waking her up. She turned around to see a strong chest and looked up to a smiling, messy-haired prince who was seconds away from sneaking out of bed.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," he greeted with a nervous smile, "S-so, uh, how was last night?"

One would never have imagined Prince Adrien— heir to the Agreste throne and successor of three war battles— would ever be nervous for anything. However, Adrien was nervous about Marinette and what she would think of him. He truly never had sex before and, to him, the only opinion that mattered to him was hers.

"It was amazing, Adrien," the princess replied, pressing her body closer to his.

Adrien reached his arms out to hold her in a tight embrace. He had never felt so close to anyone before like he did in that moment with her head under his chin, arms roaming his back, breasts pushed up onto his chest—

"My only problem, though..."

Adrien loosened the embrace immediately, staring at her face. Did he do something wrong when he was being dominant, making love to her? Did she not enjoy it as much as she had hoped? She had just said that he had been amazing so what was the problem?

"You did not..." Marinette hesitated, "You did not release with me last night. Did I not pleasure you enough?"

Adrien let out a sigh of relief. Marinette truly did enjoy her first experience, but she just did not enjoy the fact that he hadn't felt the same way. Adrien sighed, crawling on top of her once again.

"Princess," he spoke, "Do not think like that. What we had done last night was the best thing that has ever happened to my body."

"And what was the best thing that has ever happened to you?"

Adrien held his hands on each side of her head and gave her a brief, passionate kiss with a smile on his face. He stared at her with those green eyes and replied, "Meeting you, of course."

Marinette held her hands to her mouth and giggled extensively. Adrien smile widened. Her giggle was just too precious and adorable for him to be smiling about anything else in the world. Until she stopped giggling and slowly started to digress back on to his lack of emotion.

"But you did not... moan," she continued, speaking at a faster pace, "or b-breathe heavily or any of that w-wild, beautiful sexual sounds that lovers make in romance novels when they are making love."

She then slammed a pillow onto her face in embarrassment as Adrien resisted the urge to laugh. Instead, he pulled the pillow away gently with his one hand while the other rested on Marinette's naked thigh from underneath the sheets.

"Are you comparing our love to a book?" the prince asked, dropping his voice pitch a bit lower (Plagg would have hit himself with laughter).

The princess did not reply for she was suddenly so aware of the word 'love' while Adrien's hand was on her leg, rubbing closer and closer to her abdomen.

Before she could stop him, Adrien leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "I would have done all those romance-novel-sex-noises if I had continued, but I promised that I wouldn't make you scream last night."

"I know," Marinette laughed at the use of 'romance-novel-sex-noises and shook her head.

"But I really wanted to do more, my love," he admitted, kissing her cheek, "I really did."

Marinette closed her eyes and found herself savoring that lingering title. His love— as if she and Adrien belonged to one another. The prince noticed this action and stepped out of bed before putting his clothes on.

"Go back to sleep," he told her, "I shan't be keeping you up after that whole night."

"Where are you going?" Marinette asked, worried, "W-why are you leaving so early? It is practically night still."

He could have lied to her then, tell her he just did not want to get caught in bed with her, but then Adrien would just be lying to himself. He knew that there was no point keeping secrets from the love of his life so he felt no need to lie. They were meant to be, were they not?

"Early morning training," he admitted, buttoning his shirt, "It's nothing— just something to make me stronger because my Miraculous..."

"I know," Marinette said, "Your Kwami told you about Chat Noir's disadvantage."

"Disadvantage, you say?" Adrien asked, another charismatic smirk, "Did your Kwami not tell you that I get stronger each time I touch you. Physically stronger."

The princess blinked a couple of times out of confusion. No, Marinette thought irritatedly, Tikki did not tell me. Suddenly, a whole bunch of thoughts were running through her head like 'Was Adrien using me this entire time?' and 'Do I truly make him stronger?'.

"So touching me would balance your strength?" Marinette asked, "Even if you get weaker as Chat Noir? Do I get affected?"

"No, no, no," Adrien answered, "not at all. If that was the case, I never would have touched you... No matter how much it would have killed me."

"You're not saying all this as an excuse to—"

"Have sex with you?" Adrien completed with a shake of his head, "No. It's true, I touch you and I feel this wave of strength and you felt it too...ever since the first day we met."

Indeed, Marinette knew exactly what he was talking about. The first time he touched her on the battle field. The time he prevented her from falling during training. Now. The princess grinned, pulling Adrien towards her and kissing him with much fervour before whispering into his ear.

"Would you like to prove it to me tonight?" Marinette asked in a seductive tone.

Adrien contained his laughter as he retaliated, "Why don't I cancel training with Louis for today and show you now?"

"Louis?" Marinette asked, puzzled.

"Oh, right," Adrien sighed in realization, "I forgot to tell you. I...train with Louis so that you can start learning to be better than him."

Marinette stared at him in silent awe. Her cousin and Adrien were actually training together without her knowing? Why did Louis not want to tell her? Marinette would have asked Adrien why he had kept it a secret... But she knew that she wasn't any better. Her decision was final however. Now was not an option.

"Louis needs you," Marinette said, "Go. I'll see you tonight then?"

"Definitely tonight," Adrien agreed, pulling his pants on.

The princess fidgeted with the bed sheets before blurting, "There's also something I need to tell you about..."

Adrien winced at the nervousness in her eyes. He gripped her hand in his and asked, "What is the matter, my lady?"

Tell him, she thought, tell him about Nathaniel and the arranged marriage. Now. Tell him!

"I shall tell you tonight," Marinette said before Adrien crushed her with yet another passionate kiss.


The prince had never felt stronger in his life. Usually when he fought against a challenging opponent, there was no sign of strain but now that Adrien did not need the training, it seemed easier for him to defeat Louis Dupain-Cheng. As easy as breathing, in fact.

Fortunately, in Louis' defence, he had a lot on his mind so he had an excuse not to fight as great as he had in the passed few days. Unfortunately, Adrien had noticed this.

"Okay," Adrien said, circling his sword, "Stop. What is the matter with you today?"

"Is it that obvious?" Louis sighed, throwing his sword to the corner of the room and sitting on the floor with a concerned frown.

He stared at the ground, hoping that Adrien would not let out all his anger on him after what he would tell him next. He knew that Adrien loved Marinette and he could tell that she felt the same way. They would not like the message that there would possibly be something coming between them.

"Prince Nathaniel is making his way towards Gollieb country this morning," Louis explained guiltily, "I am sorry that you had to hear it from me."

The prince narrowed his eyes in a puzzled manner. What was Louis talking about? Prince Nathaniel? As in the heir to the Kurtzberg Kingdom? Why was Louis making it seem as if it were terrible news he was arriving?

"Okay...?" Adrien spoke uncertainly, "Why exactly should I care?"

Louis looked up to Adrien and slowly started to stand up. Did he not care that Marinette would be taken away from him? That the heir of the second most wealthy kingdom in Paris (after his own) was coming to Gollieb country to win the heart of his love?

"You are taking this all quite well," Louis said.

"I do not understand," Adrien admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Prince Nathaniel," Louis explained, raising his eyebrow in confusion, "the one who asked for Marinette's hand in marriage? Did she not tell you?"


A/N: How was the chapter?🙃
How're you guys feeling right now?
Everyone hating me at the moment for cliffhangers? (Mwahahaa!)
Please vote, comment and keep reading because we're closer to the end than you think.

13~~ Cautiousness

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