19~~ Together

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A/N: I kept changing the ending until I felt satisfied with the writing so I hope you'll be satisfied as well. This chapter came from all my heart and soul. My emotions have just burst from a ball of what once was my comfort zone. Everything is done.

My last message to you:

I'm leaving Wattpad after these updates. I know that this is so sudden, but I feel like I have already made my impact with these two books and writing further stories will just make me feel as if I'm writing the same thing over and over again.

If I remain on Wattpad, I'll be known for my sin books but, honestly, I'm sick of sin. I'm sick of this life I'm living. I'm just a kid, guys– we're all just kids and I don't want to be doing this anymore.

I have so much work to do for school as well and I need to put my friends and family first. I spent so much time on this Fanfic and I just need to finish it all, just like that.

I want to write about love and love doesn't have to include sex— it's about your story, whether you have a soulmate or not. It's about being loved. I think sin is just getting really repetitive for me, but I will complete this book and you can do with my stories as you please.

Before I say goodbye, I would like to thank all the readers who consider me as one of their favourite authors. It means a lot. I would also like to thank you all for being loyal to my books by voting, commenting and adding them to your reading lists.

Thank you and I'm sorry. I am really sorry... All I have left to say now is please read this book until the very end. Because writing the end has inspired me as I hope it shall inspire you.

As the saying goes: endings are the best part. And as this is the end of Wattpad writing for me, I hope this story has been one of the bests for you.


Armand D'Argencourt watched as Adrien Agreste, his most arrogant and successful student, kissed the top of Marinette Dupain-Cheng's head, whispering something into her ear with a smile on his face.

It was the night before they could head off early onto the battlefield and troops were getting ready for war. They were all camping in the forest a reasonable distance apart from the Bourgeois Kingdom and DarkBlade wanted to speak to the Prince about battle strategies.

He had been told that the Prince of the Agreste Kingdom had gotten married, but he thought that maybe he had been forced into it by his parents for the sake of his people. However, when he entered the main tent and witnessed Adrien Agreste himself pulling the princess (in her armour and all) into his arms, DarkBlade knew it had to be love.

He reminded himself of the time they had an argument about Hugo's death and the Dupain's letter.

We just want to help you, D'Argencourt had told him, You're ignoring important matters that will get you nowhere.

I am already lost, the prince had said.

A waterfall of pride rushed over him and a smile appeared on his own face. Because watching Adrien in that happy state... He had not worn a smile like that ever since Hugo was alive. It appeared that Adrien had already been found.

"DarkBlade," Adrien called, noticing him while holding Marinette's hand in his own, "I'd like you to finally meet my wife, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"You are the man who trained Adrien to be the strong soldier he is today," Marinette acknowledged, nodding curtly, "All my respect goes to you."

"You've managed to make him kind-hearted," Armand replied, gesturing to Adrien, "Truthfully, all the respect should go to you, Your Majesty."

Marinette laughed while Adrien rolled his eyes. He then noticed the armour Armand was wearing and asked, "Is that the shield you used in all your battles?"

DarkBlade held up his silver circular shield, branded with the sign of Aegis and replied, "Yes, I had used it in all the wars I fought in and it never let me down."

"I am glad you have it on you for this battle. What brings you here, DarkBlade?"

DarkBlade and Adrien then spoke of battle strategy. Max Kante added his own opinion at times while working on the additional plans. Marinette knew all about the planning already so she did not need to listen to their conversation.

Minutes later, Princess Marinette raised her hand to her lips and her face contorted in worry. She rushed out of the tent before Adrien could notice. Unfortunately for her, DarkBlade did.

"Excuse me for a moment," he told Max, following the princess out of the tent.

He watched as a figure made its way to the darker side of the forest and he followed further. He knew when his students were hiding secrets from him so Marinette was being much too suspicious for him not too become curious.

He watched as she started to throw up in a nearby bush, not too far from their camp. When she was done, Armand then noticed her hand upon her stomach, rubbing it in an unusual manner. He made his way towards her and Princess Marinette glanced behind to catch his eye. A tear streamed down her face– DarkBlade immediately knew why.

"Oh, Your Majesty," Armand sympathetically whispered so that no one could hear, "Why are you heading off to a battlefield when you have a baby to care for?"

"Please do not tell," she croaked, hand remaining on her stomach, "Adrien must not know or else he will not let me fight beside him."

Marinette was in no state to fight. She was much too vulnerable, holding another life. If she were to go onto the battlefield, there would be a close to possible chance of her not coming back alive. Even if she were almost as good at fighting as Adrien, one cut too to the stomach might cost her her own life and that of their child.

Hugo's death had been a difficult phase for Adrien to pass because he had always believed that he could have stopped it and that it should have been him that died. D'Argencourt could only imagine what Marinette's death would do to him.

"Then I will fight next to him," Armand insisted, placing his hand above her shoulder, "I taught him and am much stronger than him. You can rely on me. Go back to the kingdom. You are in no state to fight."

"You do not understand," she retaliated, stepping back from his touch, "I have to be here. Adrien will get weaker and without me... You just wouldn't understand."

D'Argencourt knew that whatever he said would not stop her from leaving, but he wanted her to be safe for Adrien's sake. Instead of arguing further, he gave her his Aegis shield that would give her luck on the battlefield.

"Take my shield," DarkBlade said, handing her his circular barrier, "the second you step foot onto that field, hold it to your stomach to protect your child at all costs. Do not fight too roughly and, no matter what, do not let it go."

"But this is your shield," Marinette argued, "You have used it in each battle you fought in."

"I will die knowing that the Prince will be happy."


"Promise me you will keep it with you at all times and keep it as my legacy when I die?"

If that was Dark Blade's final wish then she was not going to take it from him. She nodded gratefully and gave him a long and unexpected hug. His bravery would not be forgotten.

"I wish you luck on the battlefield, Your Majesty," Armand said.

He turned around and made his way back to the tent, leaving Marinette shocked at the brave form of kindness he had just done for her. DarkBlade had transformed the prince into a monster and now he would die knowing that that monster had been tamed. He would do anything to make it stay that way. Even if it killed him.


The smell of blood startled the violent atmosphere from its sleep. The opposite sides collided, the front lines breaking the barrier of peace. Prince Adrien had once believed that time knew no bounds when it came to war, but shattering that wall of unity with his wife by his side made him wish for time to just speed up because he would much rather spend it breaking another wall of hate than kill more soldiers who were there because of his love.

Adrien knew that Marinette was holding his mentor's shield, but he did not argue with her keeping it before the battle– he wanted all defences necessary to protect his wife. However, a few hours into the fight, Adrien noticed a group of soldiers in the corner of his eye and realised that DarkBlade was struggling fighting off too many opponents at once– more than he had ever practised with.

"Marinette," Adrien said hesitantly, "I think you should give your shield back to DarkBlade."

Marinette narrowed her brow confusedly, holding her stance for upcoming opponents. She was wondering why not many soldiers were coming towards them until she glanced in D'Argencourt's direction where Bourgeois and Kurtzburg soldiers crowded him.

"Adrien..." she began, but the prince would not let her finish.

"You know I will protect you," Adrien reassured glancing back at his mentor worriedly, "We are the strongest fighters together. You do not need the shield. You have me. DarkBlade needs it more."

Marinette made a promise to Armand that she would not remove the shield from her stomach once she was on the battlefield. She had to stand her ground for herself and for the future generation of her people. Because the future king was living inside her.

"I cannot give you the shield, Adrien," Marinette said guiltily.

"Why no—?"

"I'm pregnant."

Adrien's eyes widened, a gasp escaping his lips. Marinette did not know if his face showed the emotion of worry or anger but she had no time to find out once more soldiers made their way towards them. The princess stood ready in her usual battle stance but was stopped immediately.

"What?" Adrien sneered before killing his opponents with one single swipe of his sword, "Don't bloody tell me now that you've been holding our child, risking your life for me."

He swung his sword forcefully into the chest of another fighter, then another, doing his best to prevent his wife from raising her sword. Marinette knew that he could not stop her from fighting while killing off one soldier after the other with one hand. She had to persuade him to allow her to fight.

"I did not want to tell you before the war," she explained to him, pulling him towards her, "because I knew you wouldn't let me go..."

"It's my child as well!" Adrien yelled at her, "You should have told me, Marinette. Now your life is on the line! YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED!"

Taken aback by his outburst, Marinette looked up to his face. Where she expected to see fury, she noticed that his eyes were brimmed with tears. Those were not tears of sadness– if she knew her husband at all– those were tears of fear. Fear for her and his child that he could not afford to lose and she had risked them both. The prince never used to show weakness.

"We should surrender," Adrien breathed, looking around him at all his dead soldiers, "I-I can't lose you. No, we need to surrender..."

Marinette tried calming him down by pressing her back towards his own and gently retracting her arm from his grasp. She held her sword to the side where he could see it and spoke in a comforting tone.

"I'm sorry," she apologised to Adrien, eyeing the group of soldiers that was hesitantly moving towards them as if they needed permission to fight the couple, "Please just stay near me. I won't fight roughly. I am sorry, Adrien, but you need my strength and we need to save our kingdom today for the sake of our child."

As resistant as he was, Adrien knew that she was right. He would not have been standing alive at that moment if Marinette was not there and they have come too far to surrender now. They had to move on.

They stuck together and fought through Kurtzberg and Bourgeois soldiers, Adrien aware of the pregnancy this time and fighting ten times as hard as he had done before. Louis, who noticed Marinette's lack of technique, defended them as much as he could, wondering why on earth she was not fighting like she usually did.

At the end of the day, the Kurtzberg Kingdom had surrendered because they had realised that their leading soldier was nowhere to found on the battlefield and Ivan Bruel had gotten his head severed from his body under that of the DarkBlade who lay still on the battlefield as if he were in a peaceful sleep.


It was already night and soldiers were either mourning for the dead, healing or waiting until the announcement of Princess Marinette's baby was made. Everyone had gotten the news that she was pregnant the entire time and they all respected her even more now that she was being treated after almost fainting on the battlefield.

Louis stood besides Adrien outside the tent, waiting for the announcement from the 'Master' to see whether or not the baby was safe. After the battle, Prince Adrien refused to be carried by his soldiers because he needed to get Marinette a doctor as soon as possible– she looked very weak and needed medical help fast.

"Did you know?" Adrien asked Louis suddenly, almost in a threatening way.

The cousin shook his head, "You know I would have told you. It's probably why she did not tell me."

Master Fu appeared from the tent and a crowd of soldiers gathered in the moonlight, waiting for the answer to their worried questions. The healer smiled at the prince and nodded.

"Safe," he announced.

The crowd sighed in relief, some guards clapping in appreciation. Adrien closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, thankful to whatever being helped him through this battle called life.

"I would like to speak to her privately," Adrien said to the Master, walking into the tent.

Louis and Master Fu ushered the crowd back to their tents, ordering them all to pack their clothes for the next day when they make their way back home.

Adrien entered the tent and was confused as to why Marinette was not there. He saw another opening at the far end of the tent and noticed his wife standing outside, facing the open trees and night sky.

"I sorry for not telling you," she spoke, knowing it was him.

He made his way towards her, reaching his hands over her waist to rest his hands upon her stomach. The idea of an actual life being held inside gave him goosebumps of joy. Because it was a life he made with her.

"Tikki suspects it had been from the second time we had made love..." Marinette croaked, letting out a relieved laugh, "I guess we were lucky that you had not released the first time."

Realisation hit and Adrien did his best to stop himself from laughing along with her. If he had released the first time they made love and he had not come back to ask Marinette's hand in marriage... Nathaniel would have been in for one hell of a surprise.

He rested his head on her shoulder and kissed her neck– another sign of forgiveness. He hoped that his child was a boy. They would name him Hugo Armand Agreste, no doubt about it. DarkBlade had died for a good cause and he would not be forgotten for his bravery.

"Thank you," Adrien whispered in Marinette's ear, pushing the lose hair away from her face.

"What for?" she asked, leaning back on him with her hands over his.

"For changing me."

Marinette grinned and shook her head, "I did not change you, my love. You did that all on your own... Well, with my help, of course."

They both laughed and Marinette turned around to hug him in a satisfying embrace.

[A/N: I could just end it here...]

In the corner of his eye, Adrien saw a suspicious movement from the trees. The moonlight allowed him to make out a weapon upon a lone figure and instinctively pushed himself in front of his wife.

"No!" he shouted, facing his new opponent full on with nothing to defend him now.

"What are you doing?" Marinette said, glancing at the direction Adrien was facing.

She recognised the face of one of Nathaniel's main soldiers– Le Chién Kim– and gasped. He was pointing his bow-and-arrow straight at the heart of her husband. She grabbed Adrien's shoulder and tried pulling him behind her, but he would not budge.

Marinette worriedly looked to Le Chién Kim once more and remembered something that Alix Kubdel had told her before the war. Alix and Kim used to be close friends when they were younger and they had secretly been lovers until her father found out. Kim would have been ordered dead if not for Nathaniel who had recruited Kim as one of his leading soldiers in battle. Alix had not seen him since then. Kim had a soft spot and the princess knew exactly how to use it.

"This is not what Alix would want you to do, Kim!" Marinette blurted to the figure in the darkness.

The soldier hesitated, still holding up his weapon. They knew his name and his weakness already– a huge disadvantage for Nathaniel because he had wanted the murder to be a secret, no proof that it was his doing.

"Princesses aren't allowed to endure in any form of love from a lower class," Kim replied from the darkness, not entirely sure what to do.

"But Alix loves you!" Marinette persuaded, gripping Adrien's shoulder tighter, "She would be heartbroken if she knew that this is what you have come to be."

Marinette knew that her tactic was working. She never used the technique of personal or emotional weaknesses to defeat an opponent before, but it seemed she was using her words very well in this situation.

"Put the weapon down, Kim," she said, "Please, this is not you."

Adrien looked back to the tent, calculating their predicament precisely. The speed of an arrow was much too fast for them to run away from. Le Chién's absence on the battlefield cost the Kurtzberg Kingdom the war. If he was one of Nathaniel's greatest soldiers then he had good aim even if they tried to make their way back into the tent.

"I have to follow orders for Prince Nathaniel," the soldier said, but he lowered his weapon just an inch.

"Nathaniel is confused," Adrien spoke, reaching his hand to Marinette's on his shoulder,  "He does not understand the meaning behind his orders. Put down the bow. You control your own actions. You don't have to suffer from actions you were told to do."

"I cannot go back to the Kurtzberg Kingdom without having killed Adrien Agreste," Kim admitted, frowning.

"Then don't go back," Marinette said, "Come with us. You will never have to be apart from Alix ever again. Put down your weapon, Soldier. You are done fighting."

Kim nodded, accepting his situation. He surrendered to their promise, but just before he could put down his weapon, his eyes widened and he aimed it towards them once again. Marinette tried pulling herself forward, but Adrien refused, pushing his chest outwards and prepared for impact.

However, no one was prepared for what came next. Kim let go of the bowstring and the arrow shot forward...only to miss Adrien's chest by an inch. The soldier had aimed to the group of trees behind them.

Adrien looked confusedly into the darkness, wondering why Kim would possibly shoot there. Was his aim maybe just completely off? Wait...he could see a figure with an arrow now severed in it's heart. A female– ginger hair. Adrien did not understand who the female was and why Kim shot her.

But he understood seconds later– three painful seconds later– the moment he felt Marinette's hand slowly loosen from his shoulder.

"No," he breathed.

"Adrien..." his name was uttered so softly from her lips.

He was too afraid of turning around. It could not be. No, they had made it so far together it just could not be. He did not want to see the blood– the alarming punch to his heart that told him this was his reality. He turned around quickly, looking into her eyes first, those blue-bell eyes that he fell for the first time he saw her. The eyes he was so used to seeing happy and care-free, now contorted with pain and guilt.

He then looked down at her stomach, his world crashing down on him in one single second. This had to be nightmare. It was too shocking and heart-breaking to be real. He watched her reach out to the tip of the arrow protruding from her stomach and he fell apart.

"NO!" he shouted, rushing to her before she could fall, "NO, MARINETTE!"

Her life flashed before her eyes, from the time she first became friends with Alya to a future that could have been. Marinette held on to Adrien with all the power she had left because she wanted to give the rest of her strength to him. She knew that he would need it– it seemed that it was her fighting days that were now over.

"No, no no," Adrien repeated, holding her above the ground, trying to figure out how to save her.

She could not die like this, not like this– anything but this! She would have wanted to die fighting on the battlefield or from old age. This was not fair.

Tears were pooling his eyes and for the first time since Hugo's death, Adrien felt a boulder of sadness and heart-break fall upon his shoulders, a burden that will forever stay.

As much as he wanted to, he knew that it would be the worst idea to take the arrow out– Marinette would bleed out quickly that way and he was not ready to risk that without getting experienced help. He needed to call help– maybe he could still save her! Master Fu could heal her in time, he had to.

"Help," Adrien sobbed, turning to Kim, "Don't just stand there! HELP! Call for help!"

Le Chién gave a quick nod and ran off to the camp site as fast as his legs could allow him. Adrien bent over his wife, his tears falling on her skin. A streak of blood fell from her lips, making him tear up his own clothes and putting more pressure on her wound. He still had hope.

"Stay with me, my love," Adrien pleaded, holding her blood filled wound, "M-Marinette, you will be alright. Keep your eyes open! Please. Please."

Words were trying to form on her lips. He knew it was 'I love you' which just broke his heart even more.

"This is not goodbye!" he let out another unexpected sob, "J-just stay with me, eyes open." He looked back to the camp and saw a group of soldiers heading their way, "HELP! Over here!"

Marinette looked up at the star-filled sky and thought back to the romantic poems and small conversations with Adrien about beliefs and theories of life. She had a fulfilling life– she had been an inspiration to many citizens throughout Paris just like her mother had been... Her mother. She could see her mother.

Marinette placed something above her heart and Adrien looked down to see a black, ancient box– the Ladybug Miraculous. No, it could not end like this. Her inspiring, beautiful and fulfilling story should not be ending like this! Marinette did not deserve her book of life to be reduced to a single chapter. She deserved more than an arrow through her back. She deserved the world that he would give to her if ever she asked for it. It could not end like this.

"Stay with me," the prince begged, "No, you can't leave. NO, IT SHOULD BE ME!"

Marinette slowly shook her head, her last action to tell him not to think badly of himself. Her last action, before she held his elbow— the first place he had touched her in their first battle– and let out a final breath, reaching out to the person who allowed her to take her first.

Once the soldiers had found them, it  was already too late. Adrien felt her hand go limp and, just like that, she was gone.


20~~ Wish

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