Peace and War

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Ok, so I have realized that I have up published most of my work without saying why so I'll tell you now. So the main series that this effects if my Peace and War series because there are two full books and one in progress and the only book that is part published is the third book.  See the issue yet?  The reason I have done this is because I have a writing class and well before 6th grade, I was a writing noob and guess when the first two books of peace and war were made. I realized how much the books sucked and needed editing so that's what I set out to do. The thing with me is if I don't start writing a book I will NEVER write the book, I'm live by "its now or never." so this is why the third book is in progress and the other two books are not. Have no fear if you started reading Drowning without reading the first two books because its Honey wings kits story now and background info you would need on past events is said in the book. The two books will be edited and put up as soon as I can so you can read them, which they will not only be grammatical edits but the book will be a bit longer and this will be cut out or moved around so if you have read the books already I advise reading them again.  Thanks <3  

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