Never take back a moment

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Okay this is getting to and end well I have three books to work on and this cover I was trying to link to the name of the chapter, and Thank you for being patient! I hope you Enjoy!    -Gk45 (aka Eric, even though Eric not my real name) 

Gameknight's Pov

We are trapped my head though as the words through my head, some words I remembered from a saying from the physical world. It said you can never recover 4 things, words, time, a rock that is thrown and occasion. I knew right now this battle was not over, we did not lose we are just losing time, we had to act quick. "Don't waste time guys" I said still knowing it was not over, but they were still to strong, then an idea popped through my head. "Digger and someone else swing me into the monsters to get a critical hit" I said as the perfect plan I said went through there head. "On three" I said then they started to count to three 

"1..........2...........3........... GO!" They swung we into a blob of mobs that thought if you crowd up you can destroy the enemy faster, but they were wrong. It was bad if you crowded up, I easily destroyed 23 mobs, it was just a perfect plan. As we kept on doing the same thing the mobs were taken out by the time we thought of a new plan. "Never take back that moment" Everyone said at the same time, so happy with themselves. As we kicked the hatch open ready to kick Herobrine's but down to the ground..... 

Herobrine's Pov

As I watched from a safe distance Gk45 kept on saying he was so proud of Gameknight I just stabbed him a lot making him groan. It was so awesome seeing Gk45 in so much pain, the headset was almost going to affect Gk45 soon.... so all I needed was time for the rest of my plan. I could see how Gameknight999 always thought of something amazing for a plan and beat me every time, now it was my turn to show the brat my plan. I kicked Gk45 on the floor then cut him with a sword making him pass out. Next I needed just a little more time.... 

Hunter Pov 

We sprinted through out the underground base, right now only time was are enemy and you could never take back time. Right know we needed to focus on what to do and what to do was stop Herobrine, then save Gk45. Before we could take another step a ringing sound took place we stepped on a tripwire. "We got to go now" Gameknight said as everyone completely agreed. As we saw the exit everything was getting closed down, we had to go quick. 

(Time skip cuz' I don't have much ideas) 

The exit was closing I had to go quick, I had 35 seconds. First I jumped on a wobbly piece of stone then twisted through some shattered wood, last slid under the thin exit, (wow go Hunter). As we walked past the exit everyone was looking at me in shock "it's fine" I say trying to hide myself. "That was so cool" Herder says still surprised, I just kept to myself and kept on walking along. We reached the dungeon by night according to Crafters watch, "where do you think Herobrine held Gk45" Sticher said looking serious. Everyone just shrugged and kept on walking, "to the right" Gameknight said swiftly. 

"Gameknight why do you have to be so cute when you serious" I said looking at him, he just turned away looking embarrassed.  As we took a one step we entered the dungeon, it was damp and cold as we made it around the corner we could see light coming from the corner. It was time for our stand against Herobrine......

(650 words)

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