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If Workin' is stuck in your head they read this, Se ya!-Gk45  

Gameknight Pov

As we ran through the roofed forest we asked anyone if they saw Gk45 or was Gk45 waiting for him to find him or what? As we searched "who is it"

"who's Gk45?" People would ask, 

"where should we look next Gameknight" Hunter said

"I think we should do the jungle" Digger said 

"oh that is perfect Digger yes the jungle" I say. As we climbed every vine "guys look at this" Herder said as he climbed some vines. "Was this his before hideout" Herder asked 

"hmmmm yes" I answer thinking what happend. 

"Ohh maybe Herobrine is chasing him" Sticher said raising her hand. 

"Yes lets look for some clues"  I say looking around 

"its clue time" Mineral said as we look for some clues why Gk45 had his hideout here we searched for reasonable clues.....

Gk45 Pov 

As I ran looking for a new base as possible, I hoped Gameknight found some clues I left and hoped he would not run into Herobrine. As Herobrine's scout army ran about, I realized my powers started working but I needed more potions of regeneration. Before I stopped an grabbed a potion of regeneration, I stopped and saw a disguised door to underground something it was my only chance I jumped through to view a whole new underground civilization.

Herobrine Pov 

As I looked and scanned the distance I saw some Zombies roaming around looking for my plans I hoped this would work. As I scouted around Gameknight45's Runaway passageway, it looked as if he used some secret passageway to the undergrounds "hmmm..." I thought. As I though of Gk45 it reminded me of Gameknight then "we could set a trap" I said out loud, it was so perfect. 

Gk45 Pov 

As I walked about some mobs roaming around I never realized how important I was to Herobrines plan's. He was evil but I knew there was some part of him that was still good I had to make him realize that but how would I? If it was my only option then bring it on I was born by the most evil person in the world and I never knew I would have such good friends. It kind of felt like everyone was realizing my pains of all my life, my fake parents felt like the best parents better then Herobrine. It was the most amazing thing I would ever think of such good friends to the son of a frickin most evil person. It made me cry for hours just standing there thinking of the good things of my life. I decided to talk to Herobrine, I said "uh can you take me to Herobrine" I say chill, the Zombies stood there really suprised. "Can you take me to him" I say snapping them back into a massive counfused look. "Why just turn yourself in to Herobrine if you hate Herobrine so much?" one Zombie says wondering what I was going to say. 

"Well some things can change a person's life forever to pure evil" I say looking around them, they all new exactly what I was talking about. 

Time skip (cuz I am really tired)

As the Zombies finished there trudging walk, Herobrine looked at me counfused till' I said, " you do not have to be evil Herobrine, not just because someone was mean" I say then continuing. 

"Just because they were mean, you should apoligize but.... they need to too" I said looking at his now ashamed face. "Herobrine it is fine you forget to since they were so mean you forgot to but it is still fine you can do it now" I say looking at his now brightened face. 

"Herobrine you can change" I say it seemed like those words can have a very powerful thing it must be used wisely. "Uhhh.. ummm.. I got to think on what to choose Gameknight45" he said definitely not lying. He was pretty calm "uhh you can leave if you want to" he said very meekly. As I walked back before I left I looked once wow Herobrine was kind of talking to himself wondering what he would choose. I sighed it was going to be some sure long day I wondered what would happen well I might as well find out tommorow..... 

(word count 732)

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