Memories of sexual assualt

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My head is pounding
I can't think straight right now
I keep thinking, remembering
How his tongue like a razor slid down my throat
How I completely froze up, couldn't move, couldn't do anything
How I ran to the bathroom and wanted to vomit for the next five minutes before I was dragged out and told it was time to leave
When arriving back only to vomit in a bathroom and cry some more
Why did this happen to me
I can't stop thinking I deserved it
That maybe I led him on in some way
Maybe it was the way I dressed, maybe my comment of no sounded more like I was leading him on, what did I do wrong....
Why did this happen to me
I can't think about it without getting a spiral of headaches, guilt, and overall self hatred for something I'm told was not my fault
Why does my brain work like this
Why do I hurt so much
I need to just move on and forget about it forget about everything
I need to just let go...

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