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Pounding pounding pounding
Can the headaches ever stop
If not even for a moment so I can try to think something if anything at all
But then again the throbbing back pain, rib pain, shoulder pain, that is already a painful reminder of my existence doesn't allow me to think too much either
It drags my thoughts away and distracts me making me lose my focus and not be able to think straight
I feel as though if for one moment it could stop perhaps I could figure out a way to ease it down a bit... but alas as I get older and my body decides there isn't enough weight on it, my back remembers how god tried to draw my spine straight but drew an S instead, my ankles remember to curve in as though they were feet of a bird, and like head will occasionally decide it feels left out from the rest of me and join in on the pain experience with pounding migraines which is currently fueling this rant that I seem to be going off on
Pain is like a game almost, see how much it can throw itself at me before I give up or start to cry..... a game it is close to winning I'm afraid
Pounding pounding pain

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