Thoughts of the hopeless

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This is becoming hopeless

Day after horrid day

I can't sleep at night anymore

I can't dream of a bright future

I'm losing a fight against myself

I just want some peace

I want an escape

My hope if flighting

I've started to stop caring

Small things at first

I stopped doing homework, chores

I don't feel like drawing, writing

Dancing, singing


All these things I used to love

Why don't they make me happy anymore

Where is my happiness going

Why did something take it away

Trying to sleep is pointless

If I do even end up falling asleep all I do is wake up from the nightmares

My own head is holding me hostage

Why am I such a disappointment

Why did god make such a disgrace

Who would even miss me if I died

Sure we'd have the fake mourners and some legit ones

But here's the thing

Sooner or later everyone would move one

I'm not important enough for anyone to miss me for long

I'm easily replaced

I always have been just a person used to pass the time for a bit

Then sooner or later everyone forgets about me

Sooner rather than later everybody leaves

I mean it's a fact at this point

Everybody always leaves

Maybe it's my turn

Well not today...

Let's see how things go in the morning

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro