Chapter 5 - Elastigirl

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Most of the time, it was difficult to predict a pattern in her work.

Criminals behaved without so much as a hint of predictability at times. One day, she could be going off and stopping a bank robbery in downtown Municiberg. Another time she could be clear across the city, stopping a shoplifter at a small mom-and-pop type store.

Yet, in a way, Elastigirl liked the unpredictability. It made her job as a Super all the more exciting. But, despite the excitement, it was taking a toll on the woman's energy.

Just because she could pull off heading across town and back every day didn't mean that she wasn't getting tired out from it. Of course she'd go off and stop crime wherever it struck – that was her duty since day one of joining the NSA! But boy, would she kill to have some better means of getting to the site faster (okay, not really kill, but you get the idea). All that she had been able to rely on thus far had been her own two feet. But her legs, while stretchy and could cover several blocks, just wouldn't cut it for the fiends who had their own slick, tripped-up getaway rides. She would always find herself swiping a motorcycle from a friendly band of cyclists that she'd become well acquainted with in downtown Municiberg. In fact, she thought laughing to herself, that probably was the most predictable pattern in her work – the need to constantly borrow the bikes. She always felt a little bad whenever she did so, but they always took it in stride, actually honored that their bikes were the ones being used for such important matters. But now, she wouldn't have to be so dependent on the group anymore.

Fellow Super and friend, Downburst, had finally been able to succeed in creating a prototype, workable bicycle that can stretch alongside her not too long ago. He had dubbed it the "Elasticycle," and she had agreed to the name as well. It now sat in the corner of her apartment, awaiting to be used. And with the arrival of the spunky new red bike, she had gotten an idea for a brand-new style as well.

A few days' time after putting in the request, she had gotten herself a specially-made jacket created of a stretchable leather material from the NSA's fashion designer Edna Mode. The little lady was intrigued by Elastigirl's order, eager to see this new look that Helen was after. And she was almost there... only one more step.

Before leaving her apartment - donned in her super suit, mask, and jacket - she carefully detached the red crime-alert button from her headband and clipped it onto a spiked choker, slipping it onto her neck. As for the sparkling red headband that had once taken residence among her hair, she placed it in a drawer. She wouldn't be needing it for a while.


Elastigirl had followed one of her cyclist friend's instructions and arrived at the Luscious Locks Hair Salon approximately seven minutes later. The stylists gawked at the Super in their presence, eagerly reaching out to shake her hand or marvel at the new clothes she was wearing. After some deliberation among themselves, one stylist, a young brunette woman by the name of Aubrey, was selected to work on her. Elastigirl smirked as she stuttered in bashfulness and clasped her hands.

"S-so! Miss, uh, E-Elastigirl! Hehe! Wh-what will we be cutting off today?"

Elastigirl looked her in the eyes. " All of it." She showed her a photograph she had brought along with her, untucking it from her leather jacket.

The style that was on it made Aubrey's eyes widen and her drop. "Woah... Are you sure?" She peered at Elastigirl, who gave a small nod in confirmation.

"I'm sure."

The stylist smiled kindly at her, grabbed her scissors and shaver, and got to work.


Some snips, buzzing, and hair gel applications later, not only was it Aubrey gawking at Elastigirl, but it was the other stylists in the salon and the patrons getting their hair done as well. Scissors slipped out of hands in shock, magazines were set down, and every set of eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

Aubrey peered down at the beautiful red locks of hair that littered the floor around her in chunks by her feet, feeling a bit sad that they were gone from Elastigirl's head but also, in peering back up at the woman, unable to believe how in the world she managed to actually pull of the style that Elastigirl had requested.

Only, she hadn't actually seen it yet.

Elastigirl had thus far remained seated after the stylist declared her done, and then began to look her over along with everyone else at the salon. Noting their expressions though, she could tell some good work had been done.

"Could I have the hand mirror, maybe?" she asked.

Elastgirl speaking brought Aubrey out of her reverie. She gave her head a shake. "Wh-what? Oh! Sure! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Elastigirl."

"It's all right," the Super assured her, grabbing the mirror and holding it up to her face. Elastigirl sucked in a breath, absolutely stunned at the woman she now saw peeking back at her through the reflective glass. It was the same face she'd been seeing for years now, of course, but rather than being framed with long, red hair that flipped down her shoulders, she instead just had a short crop of it, standing up from the top of her head in a fiery, red mohawk.

And it looked astounding.

Carefully gelled, it stood in a spiky crown, her head buzz cut at the sides. She touched her fingers to it, surprised by how soft it felt even though its appearance gave off the exact opposite feeling, and her smile broadened even further. This... this was good .

After giving her a sizable tip for the work done, Elastigirl bid a giddy Aubrey goodbye, waving to the other stylists and patrons as she practically bounced out the front door with a skip in her step. Swiftly, she sped-walked back to her apartment, every civilian she passed complimenting her ravishing new look with much shock and admiration. The woman took it all in stride, though she was glad to see all the positive affirmation towards her new look. After all, it would be the look she would be presenting to the world for a while. She could already picture herself peeling down the streets of Municiberg on her special motorcycle. And it was a splendorous thought that made the new biker-esque Elastigirl buzz with great anticipation.

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