Raging Waters - Part Eight

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The dungeon was not well guarded. It became clear over the past few weeks that Jarrow had few enemies at the time. Ducking into the shadows, I made my way through the dark halls searching for the occupied cell. The weight of the keys in my left hand. I reached the end of the hall and came to the only locked cell. Peering inside I could not make out who was sitting in the shadows. Quickly going through the keys I located the right one and stepped in. "Father?" I whispered as the man stood up. My breath caught in my throat as he walked from the shadows. I took a step back. "Captain," I gasped.

He rushed forward and I tensed ready for the punishment I knew was coming. Then froze as his arms wrapped around me and he held me tight, he'd never done that. "Asher," he said, releasing me but keeping one hand resting on the back of my head. "You're alright," he said, in the pirate tongue, looking me over.

I went to speak. To question why he was here. However, all I could do was stare back. I slowly nodded. "Yes, I believe I am. However, I am not sure if this is a dream or not," I said, my mouth hanging open.

He released me and took a step back. "I'm sure this is confusing. When you disappeared chaos struck The Lady Red. Your father and Jolee wanted to sail straight here and bring you home. I stopped them. Told them it was your own fault." He paused as he stared at me. "It was only a few days after you left that Jolee slid away as well. At this point your father was broken. I didn't know what to do. My own father never showed me compassion so I wasn't sure how to show it," he explained. Taking a step closer, he lay a hand on my shoulder. "The only thing I knew to do was find out if you were safe."

I nodded. "I am and Jolee is in Jarrow. She came to me a week ago. I haven't seen her since. She was mad at me. She doesn't think I'll come home," I said, then held up the keys. "But I'm ready. This isn't home, this isn't my family. We can sneak out, find Jolee and never step foot in Jarrow again."

Before either of us could say more, quick footsteps in the hall brought our attention back to where we were. Without much thought I turned and closed the cell. Locking both myself and grandfather in. Two guards emerged. "Your Highness," they called. The older of the two stepped forward. "Your Highness, we have to ask that you come out," he said, going to open the door but realized it was locked. "Peter, go get the keys," he ordered.

"You mean these?" I said, holding up the set of keys. "Or do you mean the spare?" I said, pulling another ring from my pocket.

"Peter, go get the king," the first said, sending the second guard running for the stairs. "Your Highness, we must ask that you come out. You aren't safe in there with the pirate."

Smirking, I slowly shook my head. "You mean I'm not safe with the captain of my ship? My very own grandfather?" I asked, bringing alarm to the guard. "Yes, this man that I stand beside is not only my captain, but my grandfather," I repeated.

The three of us fell into silence. Soon footsteps were heard and Peter returned with Nikolai beside him. Nikolai gripped the bar, his eyes full of concern as he looked between me and my grandfather. "Asher."

"I tried to have him come out, but he's got both sets of keys," the first guard said standing beside Nikolai.

"Asher, please come out. We can work through this," Nikolai urged.

I shook my head, standing my ground. "No, if you feel the place for a pirate is in the dungeon then this is where I should be as well."

"You're my son, I know this is confusing. I know that this is new. Please, come out and let's work through this together," he pleaded.

Before I could respond I felt the key ring be lifted from my pocket and watched as my grandfather tossed the keys through the bars. Nikolai quickly caught them and unlocked the door. He motioned for the guards to stay while he stepped in. I turned to my grandfather. "What are you doing?" I questioned.

He smiled down at me, another emotion that I had not often seen, and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Oh my boy. One day you will understand," he said, squeezing my shoulder then looking back at Nikolai. For a moment no one spoke then switching to Aurojian he continued. "The look this man has for you is the one that my own son has for you. The look a father should have for his son, one of love, compassion, protection, a look I never got... one that I've hardly given." He then turned to me. "One day you will understand," he repeated, then pushed me forward and into Nikolai's arms.

My footing faltered and Nikolai steadied me. His hand stayed on my shoulder, but he did not pull me from the cell. I did not fight. My grandfather, the one I had come to save, had pushed me back to my captor. I stared at him in shock and pain.

Nikolai motioned to the hall. "Come we have a lot to talk about," he said, turning me towards the door. He then paused and turned back to my grandfather who was sinking back onto the stool in the shadows. "You're Captain Rycoft, Asher's grandfather," he said. Grandfather nodded and Nikolai motioned for him to come as well. "If you are family to my son, then you should not be here in the dungeon. While we sort things out you will have free access to the castle and chambers beside your grandson," he said. Both my grandfather and my eyebrows raised in confusion. Nikolai smiled. "Although I would have preferred to have my son with me, I am grateful to know he was cared for. I won't have you staying down here if you truly are his family."

"He is," I quickly responded.

A moment of silence fell between us before grandfather slowly stood and walked out of the cell. The three of us made our way to the main level of the castle. "Your Majesty," grandfather called.

Nikolai stopped and turned to him. "Please Captain, we are very lax with titles. Call me Nikolai."

Grandfather nodded. "Then in turn I ask that you call me Vince," he said. He waved his hand moving the conversation forward. "I wanted to inform you that you may be facing a rather large pirate invasion soon," he said. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth knowing what he was talking about. "It seems in the past month, the children of the first mate and the captain of The Lady Red have run off... the first mate will see to it that they are retrieved."

"Dad's coming," I said softly, realizing the full weight of what was just said.

"Yes, your father is surely on his way," grandfather said to me then turned to Nikolai. "He will not come with weapons, but will come in a pirate ship nonetheless."

Nikolai smiled. "I'll make sure the dockmaster knows to be on the lookout. For now how about we get you settled into your chambers and a good meal into your stomach," he said, guiding us to the rooms next to mine. When we reached the rooms Nikolai left us leaving instructions for me to take him for a bath and once we were prepared to come to the dining hall for dinner.

As we prepared, grandfather asked me questions of my time in Jarrow and the people I had encountered so far. After an hour I led him through the halls and to the dining area. I stopped outside the door, my body nervous. "This is the first time in a week I have faced them," I said honestly.

Grandfather laid a hand on my shoulder. "I can't speak much on family, but I can say that a good one is better than a treasure chest full of gold. Maybe that is why I always sought after the gold... I lacked in the family," he said.

"You had father," I replied.

He nodded sadly. "And there is much I wish I would have done differently. I hope to be able to make some of those changes." He turned me to face him, "You are not only the son of the most powerful rulers, but you have been raised by one of the best men I know. You can face your family," he encouraged then turned me back to the doors.

With a deep breath I nodded and led the way in. When we entered the only families in the room were mine and Nikolai's sister's. Jocelyn and Otto were the first to notice our entrance and ran to us. Both of them quickly became mesmerized by my grandfather. I may have been a pirate, but this was a pirate captain. I jumped slightly when I felt a small hand grab mine. I had been busy watching the two question my grandfather. Looking down I saw Hope standing beside me holding my hand.

"I wuv you," she said, smiling up at me.

I didn't respond, but smiled at her. Turning, my eyes found Maylee staying beside her Uncle Morr-El while the rest came for introductions. Throughout dinner the conversation flowed, but my eyes kept drifting to Maylee and the pain across her face. After dinner we went outside and enjoyed the weather. Another side of my grandfather came forward I did not know existed. One where he engaged in conversation of his travels and even smiled a time or two. Once the sun started to set, we said our goodnights. I followed grandfather into his chambers.

"What happened between you and Maylee?" he questioned the moment the doors were closed.

I didn't respond right away. He didn't ask again, but he didn't move on either. After a few moments I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "She was the one that scared Jolee away... she came into my chambers when Jolee punched me and she cried for the guards. I was mad, I shoved her..." I said ducking my head.

He didn't respond right away. "Strife between crew causes harm to the ship," he repeated a line that I had learned at an early age. "Have you placed yourself within her shoes? To come into your brother's room, one you thought was dead, to find a pirate attacking him..."

I kept my head lowered. Knowing that he was right. That she had only been doing what instinct told her. Neither of us said more on the subject.

The following morning after breakfast I caught Maylee's elbow as she tried to slide from the room before anyone noticed. "Would you take a walk with me?" I asked. Maylee looked at me with fear and pain in her eyes before slowly nodding. We walked for a little while before finding a private spot on the battlement. "I'm sorr..." she started but I held up a finger.

"No, you have nothing to apologize for. All the blame is on me. You were trying to protect me," I said. She remained silent. "The girl that you saw in my room... that was my sister. Her mum decided, when she was two, that it was too much work to raise a child so she left Jolee at the docks until we came to port. I was four when she joined the crew. From the very first day not only were we siblings, but we were best friends. I hurt her the most when I left the ship without a word and came here," I paused, realizing just how deep the cut was I had inflicted. "She came to rescue me that night, but I wasn't ready," I said.

"Are you now?" Maylee asked quietly.

Sighing, I leaned onto the battlement. "I honestly don't know. I still have questions. A part of me wants to stay and get to know you, my siblings... my parents," I said, the words sounding strange on my lips. "Then another part misses my family at sea. My father, who stood up for me and fought for me everytime. My sister, who slapped me around when I started to spiral down... even my grandfather who at the time I thought hated me," I said.

Maylee didn't respond right away. She was processing my words. "Why can't you have both? Why not stay and get to know us but have a conversation to say that you want to be able to go back and forth," she said.

I straightened. I hadn't thought of that before. It had always been the sea or Jarrow... never both. "That will be something that I have to discuss once my father arrives," I said.

Her eyes widened. "Your father is coming?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yes, his two children and his own father are in Jarrow. He doesn't know if they are free or rotting in a dungeon. He will be here soon," I said.

"Until then do you think we could spend time getting to know one another?" she asked hesitantly.

Smiling, I gave her a nod. "I do believe that we can. How about we go ask if we can head to the compound. I could use a good sword drill."

The following three days were a whirlwind of activity. I had taken my grandfather's advice and dove head first into getting to know my family. I was either being dragged through the halls with the twins and Otto, playing with Hope, the dogs, or escaping to the compound with Maylee.

It was at dinner the third night that the alarm was raised. "Your Highnesses! A pirate ship with a flag of surrender is sailing in!" a guard called running into the room.

"On the bow is there a figurehead of a red lady?" I asked.

The guard nodded and grandfather put his hands on the table and stood. He looked at me. "Are you ready for a family reunion?"

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