I think it's like 6 now

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''Rookstar?'' Leechstorm let out a meow, peeking her head into the leader's den. Rookstar was eating a rabbit, lifting his head to motion for Leechstorm to come inside. He chewed for a moment, eyes on his prey, then he took a breath.

''What do you need?'' The tom asked, taking another bite out of his rabbit. The black ticked molly before him seemed to struggle in finding her words for a moment.

''Actually, I've come to tell you of a- erm- prophecy I got a moon back. In Newleaf.'' She dipped her head, flattening her ears. ''I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner- but, I didn't feel that it was worth mentioning if I didn't know what it even meant. Spiderberry, Sootpelt and I discussed the strange kits we found on our respectful lands, and we concluded that one will be deaf, one mute, and one blind.'' She meowed.

''Leopardkit will probably be blind, because she should've opened her eyes by now, she meows, and can hear us easily. Spotkit must be mute because he can't mewl like a normal kit, and Manekit seems to be deaf, from what i've heard. The prophecy says that they must 'come together or a dark time will take flight', and their other senses are greatly enhanced.'' The deputy meowed. Rookstar chewed for a moment, smacking his lips in disapproval and swallowing his food.

''You mean to tell me that you waited an entire moon before you decided to mention a prophecy?''He meowed, licking his lips. ''Why, exactly, did you think to hide a message from StarClan?'' He asked sternly.

''I didn't think it was the right time to--'' Leechstorm began.

''I know how to lead my own clan, Leechstorm. You think it isn't the right time to tell me? It's not in your power that you get to decide what StarClan gets to and doesn't get to tell me.'' Rookstar began to raise his voice, biting into what remained of his rabbit. ''You tell your friends before me? And if you were friends with a SandClan warrior, would they be in that line, too?''

''The only SandClanner I'm on good terms with is Slugcloud.'' The deputy meowed. A low grumble came from the leader's throat.

''She no longer lives in that barbaric clan, Leechstorm. She is of WoodClan.'' He spat.

''Her blood runs with SandClan. She is not truly excused. Related to Sandstar, even. She may be loyal to us, but had she not defected from that clan, she would never be.'' Leechstorm slimmed her eyes. Rookstar sat in the den in silence for a moment, chewing.

''I'll announce that you got a prophecy tomorrow. You are excused.'' He meowed. Licking his paws clean of any scraps. The deputy pursed her lips for a moment, padding quietly out of the den.

''He's such a goody-four-paws.'' Leechstorm hissed to herself, glancing at the den behind her. She bumped into Waspstream, causing him to make a quiet squeaking noise and drop a mouse he had in his grasp. He frowned, looking down at the dropped prey for a while before picking it up and turning to the deputy. He didn't speak, just noises. He was weird. He often just left camp and came back in the middle of the night or even the next day. He blinked, as if waiting for Leechstorm to tell him something. His expression blank, but eyes asking a thousand questions, the black-ticked molly felt uncomfortable. The black and white warrior blinked, albeit slowly, which seemed to tell Leechstorm what he was expecting. ''Ah, yes, I'm sorry for bumping into ya, Waspstream.'' She added a smile, unsure of why exactly. Waspstream stood for a moment before turning his blank face towards the camp's exit and padding out. ''Where are you going?'' she asked, padding toward him. The tom walked over to her, turning sideways and moving her back with his body. Then, he continued what he was doing. ''Mmh. Alright..then.''

She padded toward what the queens and warriors had rebuilt of the nursery, spotting Leopardkit and Slugcloud. The other queens were speaking to her- well, speaking at her for the most part, in what seemed like an attempt to get her to join them in the nursery. ''Oh, but think of all the fun stories you can tell the kits when they're born and really awake, right, Leechstorm?'' Redwhisker purred, joyfully. Leechstorm froze. What? Why did she single her out?

''I don't speak for Slugcloud, but she does have so cool stories.'' Leechstorm playfully teased.

''Ohho, miss-never-grow-up,'' Slugcloud grinned back. ''Did I ever tell you two that Leechstorm never plans to have kits? Absurd.'' The molly glanced at the queens, then smirked at Leechstorm who was already trying to sneak away.

''Oh? Leechie-hun! Is this true? Why wouldn't you want kits?'' Marigoldblaze gasped, stepping toward the deputy, tilting her head ever-so-slightly.

''Oh but you and Waspstream would make such a cute pair. Maybe even Hyenahcall.'' Redwhisker purred.

''I- I dunno, I don't really think the little blobs are really worth stepping down for six moons.'' The black-ticked deputy shrugged. ''And, I don't really like the sweet and warm scent in here all that much, either. You might- but I wasn't raised in a nursery. I was raised in a tree.'' She chuckled.

''Oh, I wish you someday settle down, Leechstorm. You're going so fast- take a break!'' Marigoldblaze teased, watching as Leechstorm smirked and turned around to leave. Slugcloud hurriedly scampered after her friend, panting.

''Moons, I've put on so much weight since I started moving into the nursery.'' The molly sighed, shaking her head. ''I'm glad to get out of there for a while. They're so lovey-dovey to each other I thought I was one second away from witnessing them kiss. For the fifth time today.'' The black she-cat mewed. Padding close to her friend's side, she spoke again. ''What do you think we should do today?'' The molly asked.

''Haven't patrolled the borders yet, but I believe Waspstream has already gone. Perhaps we should do a spot of hunting? It's always good to have a bit of extra prey when there's kits around. And on their way.'' She suggested, flicking her tail towards the camp exit.

''Oh, I'd love to finally get outside of camp for once.'' Slugcloud sighed happily.

''Then let's go!'' Leechstorm smiled, running toward the exit of camp, Slugcloud doing her best to catch up. The pair made their way toward some of the sandier areas of their territory, intent on hunting some Meerkat, which housed just on neutral territory. ''Don't you think they're cute, though?'' Leechstorm purred.

''Bleugh, Meerkat are little vermin. All Mongoose should just stay away from me unless it wants to be eaten.'' Slugcloud shook her fur, frowning. Her hazel eyes removed their sight from the deputy to the sky, nose twitching. ''Dry season is always a bummer. However, this area smells a bit dirtier today.'' She spoke with disgust. ''The rogues can't get over here without trampling the Meerkat tunnels.'' The black-furred she-cat spat. Crouching and stalking toward what looked like disturbed land, she squinted. She stared intently at it for a moment before backing away, unsheathing her claws. Taking a deep breath as Leechstorm crept closer, Slugcloud blew, uncovering something that looked like a-- whatever it was. ''Leechstorm, you know what this is?'' The molly turned toward the She-cat at her side.

''It looks like.. Erm.. Snakeskin? We-- don't we snakes here.'' Leechstorm tilted her head.

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