The saddest sweet

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One of my friends made this, I found it sweet, sad, and adorable. Hope you enjoy. Doesn't really have dialogue...oh well. Hehe that cat☝


She's so beautiful, I can't dare say anything to her. I'm not worthy of her presence...I'm nothing compared to her. She is everything...

I remember when I first saw her, it was a cold Autumn day and kind of rainy. We were waiting for our parents to pick us up because we had just left from Reading club.

She looked distraught, silently staring off into the distance. I wanted to say something, anything, but my words got caught in my throat. So I just glanced at her occasionally, beating myself up for being such a loser.

The fallen leaves were chasing each other round and round, like they were playing tag. I looked over at her, only to find she was looking at me...or through me?

I jumped slightly and stared at my feet, to which she responded with a small and simply cute giggle. Made me blush and feel like an idiot, but in a good way.

Just being around her seems to put me on cloud nine, and I love every second. If only I could make her mine, then I could feel like that all the time.


But could she ever like a girl like me?

The answer? Obviously not, she's basically a goddess while I'm a lowly peasant that worships. Not to mention that I'd only hold her back cause I'd always want her to be at my side, and vice versa.

Yeah, I know how clingy that sounds.... I just wanna wake up one morning laying next to someone who appreciates and loves me for me. Is that to much to ask?

These days, yeah it is. Cause to most love is a play toy that isn't taken seriously. Is it wrong to want more out of life?

Sometimes I feel like a rat in a maze. Always held to high expectations, yet I never get the praise or the correct motivation. I feel trapped.... in a world I know doesn't want me. But it's okay, cause if I can find that one person I'm willing to die for, I will.

A car pulls up, and she's gone. I was too deep in thought I forgot to wave bye, our daily routine. Damn it... I'm losing my mind. It's funny, obsessing over someone I know damn well I can't have.

Heh, just like me to want something i can't get. It's human nature after all, to want... to desire.....oh, my rides' here.


I walk into the classroom, well more like dragging myself across the floor, and sit at my isolated desk at the back of the room. It's not like we have assigned seats, this teacher doesn't care.

This class is super chill, super easy, so why have I claimed this desk as mine? Observation and eavesdropping, this is the best spot. Not that anyone else cares, all i do is sleep and read.

On the days I'm here that is. We share this class, just like all of our classes. The second she walks in the room lights up and is covered in this heavenly light. I'm not here that often because it's too early to experience the brightness of that light.

I sigh, yesterday might've screwed up my chances with her. It's not like it matters...I was never anywhere with her to begin with. I pull out my phone and put in my earbuds, drowning out every little sound, and lay my head on desk.

After about a minute or two, I get a tap on my shoulder. Only to look up and come face to face with the angel herself. I jump up, slightly surprised, she needs something from me?

I remove a bud, she asks about last nights homework. Oh, I pull it out and hand it to her. She smiles and blushes slightly followed by a thanks. My heart nearly jumps from my chest.

How can such beauty be perfected in a single person? This must be a curse.


Ehh, it's way colder than it was yesterday. I should've brought another jacket. At least she looks warm, I guess today's the day she has to walk home. Guess her parents are at it again.

She's walking with that one girl and her boyfriend, like always, but today she asked if I could walk with them. Since we all live in the same area, I said sure and she seemed really happy.

We were just waiting for the other two, it was really awkward. I had tons to say and no courage to say it. So a silence settled over us like a fluffy yet uncomfortable blanket.

Then her friends came out holding hands, ready to go...I was jealous. They apologized for taking so long, we forgave them, and began walking.

I stayed a bit behind them, not being used to that much social interaction, I was kind of weirded out. We were approach cross walk, luckily the light was green for us so we kept on ahead.

I got a sinking feeling that something wasn't right... a truck going full speed was headed our way, despite his light being red. Guess who was dead in front of the trucks path, yep the cliché 'crush in front of a deadly vehicle' event you see in anime.

At the time I couldn't believe what I was seeing and immediately acted on impulse. What did I do, you ask? Well being a lovestruck teen, I decided I'd rather have her live without me than live with her gone. So I pushed her out of the way, and got hit.

Then everything went white, I felt nothing. I was nothing. I didn't know what was going on. Cause even though I could hear things, I couldn't see them. All I knew was what I did was stupid, but I did save the one I love.

The doctors told my Dad I had suffered from major trauma and didn't know if I was going to survive. But I knew deep down, I wouldn't die without saying what needed to be said.


I've been in the hospital for three weeks and since then I've woken up a couple of times, waiting for her to come and see me.

Maybe it would never happen and I should give up. Or so I thought, she came in as I was reading. With a bouquet in her hands and tears in her eyes.

"Hey, how's it going?"

The moment I spoke the tears fell. She had sat next to me and was crying softly into her hand.

"This is all my fault, if only I was paying attention...."

She sobbed, unable to continue her sentence. I waited patiently for her to finish and when she did, she gave me the sweetest smile.

"I've never cried in front of anyone before, heh you must think I'm a huge cry baby."

I smiled, "I'd never think that. Not in a million years."

She laughed, it was a cute little laugh that warmed my heart.....yet I felt myself weakening. A pain came from deep on my heart. I need to tell her.

"There's something I need to tell you. It's really important and I fear I don't have much time left...."

"What is it?"

"Well, I've know you for the longest and I really admire your personality and I've grown attached to your presence...."

"Aww, that's really sweet but....what are you trying to say?"

I feel myself losing my connection to reality.... slipping away....


The monitor beeps get slower with each passing second, I know as soon as I say it....I'm a goner...

But I'm ready.....

"Hey, what's going on?!? Are you okay??"

I smile and nod, she's cute when worried....never thought she'd be worried about me.

"I'm fine..."

I reach out and caress her tear covered cheek. She grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"No you're not! Please don't lie to me!"

"I'm being honest with myself for the first time in years."

She starts to sob, holding both of my hands to her cheeks. Begging me not to leave her....not just yet. She leans over and kisses me.

"Don't go....please...."

A tear rolls down my cheek, and I know now that I'm ready. I smile and take my last breath.

" I love you..."


Here you are!!! Hope you enjoyed reading this.

word count: 1425

Damn son

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