Are You Crazy? (Nightcore)

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I sigh as the bell rings for the end of fourth hour. I smile as I slowly exit the classroom, knowing that it's lunch. Lunch means I can sit with friends I don't get to see in class. After shoving my stuff in my locker, grabbing lunch from the line, and sitting down, I notice something. Or rather, someone. Seated not too far away was my...girlfriend. We weren't in a great relationship anymore. When we first started dating she was kind, helpful, big-hearted, and just someone you'd want to be around. Sadly this has seemed to change in the past year or so. She's turned to be a bitch.

"You know.." I turn to Tristen, a friend whose always been there for me. I see he's looking at her before his eyes flick to me.

"You should just break up with her." I turn my eyes downward.

"I know, and i'm going to." The others gasp before softly clapping.

"It's about time!" Roy.

"Let's go put her in her fricking place!" Thomas.

I smile softly before an idea pops into my head.

"Wait." I stop the guys as they all stand up. They look at me, concerned, before sitting back down.

"Don't tell me you're backing out of this," Mat says as he sits again. I shake my head.

"No, definitely not." I then turn and look at Jeremy, the head of a club we're all in.

"Hey Jeremy, could we plan a...'special' club activity for tonight?" He sees the glint in my eyes and nods excitedly.

"Alright, let's do this!"

*Time skip brought to you by Be More Chill*

It's club time. I'm filled with nervousness... but also excitement. This will change a huge part of my life. Finally, Steph and her group arrives. She sees me and runs over, grabbing my arm to boast more about me to her followers. I smirk, though not at her.. at how this is going to bring her down. Seeing that i'm going to get uncomfortable fast, Jeremy puts our plan to action.

"Alright everyone! Gather 'round! Gather 'round!" We all walk up to him, Steph still clinging to my arm. Jeremy eyes us worriedly as his continues.

"So.. tonight we're going to do something a little...different. Ok?" Everyone, especially my friends and I, nod.

"So... I've decided that tonight we will split of into partnerships and each person shall show the other how they feel in one way or another. The others shall watch when it's not their turn. Got it?"

"Got it!" Everyone but Steph yells. As soon as this is said though, she turns to me.

"Wanna be partners hun?" I smile and nod.

"Sure." She smirks and turns to everyone else.

"I don't want to do anything though, so it's all on you." I grin.

"Got it." We watch as the others go. I clap loudly at each and every one. Finally, it's our...well... my turn. I turn and back away from Steph, watching her face. I can see she's expecting a love song or something. I look around, and see the guys giving me signs of encouragement. I take a deep breath, and start to sing.

"There... 'aint no need to.. cry no more-" She's happy.

"When you break my heart into..24." Her face drops. I pretend to pick up something.

"I'll pick up the pieces you left. If you think i'm coming back, don't hold your breath." She's angry.

"Now, I 'aint your mister." Steph tries to speak.

"'cuz I'm breaking up with ya. Shoulda laid down with your sister. Go now, here's my middle finger." I flip her off and watch her face twist into an unreadable emotion.

"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Must be stupid if you think that we can start again. Come on now." The guys are silently celebrating.

"What do you mean you're breaking up? I'm the beat thing that has and will ever happen to you!"

"Best spelled w o r s t!" Thomas yells, making me laugh. Steph gawks at him, then turns to me.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can ruin your rep just like that!" She snaps her finger and I just shrug.

"Don't care."

"Um... are you-"

"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Must be stupid if you think that we can start again."

"Are you joking? Must be joking." -Steph.

"You 'aint laughing I 'aint smoking. Must be crazy if you think that we can start again." I laugh as the guys dance behind me.

"There 'aint no need to cry no more when you break my heart into 24." The guys echo my 24.

"I'll pick up the pieces you left, if you think i'm coming back don't hold your breath." The guys inhale loudly and hold it for a second.

"I 'aint your mister!"

"No!" -The guys

"'Cuz i'm breakin up with ya."

"Shoulda hooked up with your sister. Go now, here's my middle finger." W all flip her off.

"'Cuz i'm hurtin baby, hurtin baby. Look what you did!"

"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?"

"Must be stupid." -Thomas

"If you think that we can start again!"

"Are you jokin?" -Roy

"Must be jokin." -Jeremy

"You 'aint laughing." -Mat

"I 'aint smoking." -Tristen

 Must be crazy if you think that we can start again." I wink and smile.

"Yeah, I'm with my boys. Hit the town. Let's go see what kind of chick, knocks me out." The guys fan themselves.

"Now I know that she, wants me back nothin sounds...more better than."

"Hit the road Jack, Jack." -The guys

"Don't call me mister. Girl I've broken up with ya! Love me now my name is bigger? Girl i'm givin you the finger."

"'Cuz i'm hurtin baby, hurtin baby. Look what you did!"

"Are you crazy?" -Thomas

"Are you crazy?" -Roy

"Are you crazy?" -Jeremy

 "Are you crazy?" -Mat

"Must be stupid." -Tristen

"If you think that we can start again."

"Start again!" -Mat

"Are you jokin?" -Tristen

"Must be jokin." -Roy

"You 'aint laughin." -Jeremy

"I 'aint smokin. Must be crazy if you think that we can start again!"

"Are  you crazy? Are you-"

"Crazy?" -The guys

"Are you crazy? Are you-"

"Crazy?" -The guys

"Must be-"

"Stupid" -The guys

"If you think that we ca- sta-art again."

"Are you jokin?" Tristen & Roy

"Must be jokin." -Mat, Jeremy, & Thomas

"I 'aint" The guys inhaled

"Smo-smokin. Must be"

"Crazy." -The guys

"If you think that we can start again." Steph looked at me, furious.

"You don't mean this." I chuckled.

"Actually, I do." Her jaw tightened.

"You can't break up with me! Not after all we've been through! This isn't you, Jack! This is 'the guys' getting to your head! Don't listen to them! Give me a second chance! I'll give your rep a huge boost!" This time it was time for my jaw to tighten.

"You don't understand. There's no second chance for us baby!" The guys are 'ooh'ing in the background.

"It's not a game! So why are you trying to play me?" A 'tear' fell from her eye.

"Now I gotta go! I'm not gonna stay and watch you cry!

"'Cuz i'm hurtin baby! Hurtin baby! Look what you did!"

"Yeah." -Mat

"Are you crazy? Are you-"

"Crazy?" -The guys

"Are you crazy? Are you-"

"Crazy?" -The guys

"Must be-"

"Stupid" -The guys

"If you think that we ca- sta-art again."

"Are you jokin?" -Thomas

"Must be jokin." -Mat, Jeremy, Roy, & Tristen

"I 'aint " The guys inhaled

"Smo-smokin. Must be"

"Crazy." -All of us

"If you think that we can start again." The guys started saying 'no' over and over again.

"Hit the road Jack." They continued 'no'ing.

"Hi-I-I-I-hi-hi hit the road Jack, Jack." I finished and watched as she ran off, her followers trailing behind.

"Well, I for one think that this was a VERY successful club meeting. How about you guys?" Thomas asked us when they were all out of sight. We all, of course, agreed. That night, as I lay in bed, I celebrated finally being a free man yet again. Jack was free.

THERE WE GO GUYS! FINALLY! WHOO! DONE!'m actually pretty pleased with this one. Heh. I know, it's probably trash, but I like it anyway. So...heh..I hafta go. See you guys in the next chapter!

And remember...



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