Enjoy The Show

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Okie. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh wow. Great start DeadEmberGirl.' Clap clap. 'Real great. Already using a YouTuber's song?' Yes. yes I am.  Live with it. Honestly though, I didn't actually realize that this was done by NateWantsToBattle (Yep. That's who it's by.) until I looked. I found this song in an edit so... yea. That's why. Okie. Now, onto the story?

I curled into a ball in the far corner of an empty store. Why was it empty? Well, because this city had a deathly virus that spread like wildfire. The people here got hit first. There was nothing anyone could do. The only reason I come here is because I have no home. That and it's always quiet. No one else comes here, so I can't hurt anyone. There was still some food lining the many shelves in here. Sitting up, I hugged my knees to my chest and looked around. There were some rays of light coming from a window on the other side of this place. I checked one last time that there was no one here. Nope, still alone. That's when I heard her. You can't hide from me. I'm always watching.

"Leave me alone." I muttered, pulling my knees harder into my chest, and setting my head on them.

You're going to have to hurt someone one day you know. I shivered, earning a cackle from her. How about this? Ripping someone's head off, watching the blood spill from their neck, watching their body take a few bloody steps before finally falling to the floor for the bugs to eat it. How. About. That?

"N-no. You ca-an't mak-k-e m-me" I stuttered. She laughed, then stopped short as we heard a door open and close.

Well well well. What to we have here?

I took a shaky breath as I heard footsteps in the store. Tears formed in my eyes. She was so close to getting out.  The footsteps got closer and closer until I saw someone step out from behind a bunch of old shelves. It was a boy who looked to be around my age. He had short black hair and pure white skin. He saw me and ran over.

Told you. Let's make him an example.

He knelt down beside me.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I sniffled but kept my head down. He started to rub my back. My mind was racing. How do I get him to go away? That question kept repeating itself in my head. That's when I remembered, I need to hint that I have her. If I tell him, I'll get punished by her. If I don't, she'll kill him. I sniffled again and looked him in the eyes. Gathering the courage to, I began to sing the first song that came to mind.

"Come one come all and behold we have a sight!" He looked incredibly confused at me.

"Immeasurable, a spectacle of innocence and fright! Oh maybe two, three, four or even five long nights! Now you're crawling, ever stalling with no end in sight" His confusion only grew as I continued. Even she was confused. So I sang on.

"Up all night to see if you can make it all new friends to see if you can take it. Be still, be quiet they still know you haven't left yet." When I said they, his face grew a little concerned. But he stayed, so I continued on.

"And we'll pretend, we'll just pretend, pretend that day would never end. I'll make believe that you can see, everything they did to me. Nowhere to hide, and now we're through, but if we were just like you... I'll be your friend, I'll be your friend, you can trust me 'till the end." I think he started to get the message then, because he removed his hand from my hand and started to slowly back up.

"There's something bad inside me. I'm broken beyond fixing, save me!" He got up and started to walk backwards away from me.

"I know that we've all been here. It only hurts a second, there's nothing to fear!" I heard him start running to the door. I knew I couldn't keep her in much longer.

"I have you hidden way too well, It's time to let you out!" She glitched in and out of control. 

"Put on a mask to hide yourself. That made you one of us now!" I think he's gone, but kept singing, hoping to push her back.

"And we'll pretend, we'll just pretend, pretend that day would never end. I'll make believe that you can see everything they did to me. Nowhere to hide, and now we're through but if we were just like you... I'll be your friend, I'll be your friend, you can trust me 'till the end." She gained control of me, and sang a few notes of it herself. Shit, she knows!!

"We need you so we can escape." I somehow regained control and sang.

"If they find you, it'll be too late." She glitched into control again.

"We need you so we can escape." It hurt, but I managed to gain control once more.

"If they find you, it'll be too late." This time she glitched into control and held it, repeating the same lines I had earlier sung.

"And we'll pretend, we'll just pretend, pretend that day would never end. I'll make believe that you can see everything they did to me. Nowhere to hide, and now we're through but if we were just like you... I'll be your friend, I'll be your friend, you can trust me 'till the end." I regained control once more, and slumped down to the ground. I knew she was tired too, hopefully too tired to fight. But that wasn't the case, was it?

"Now we're afraid, we're all afraid, afraid that it might be too late." She got in control.

"They never learn to wait their turn, now we get to watch them burn!" I somehow got control.

"Nowhere to hide, and now we're through, but if we were just like you..." She got in control once more, though I knew she was more tired than I was.

"I'll be your friend, I'll be your friend." I gained control and slumped down again, my head hitting the wall on the way down. As my vision narrowed for my last living time, I finished the song.

"You can trust me 'till the end."

I'm so bad at writing like this. XD Let me know if you somehow enjoyed this though!!! I'll see you back in Moon Child tomorrow, or in the next chapter here.... if I ever make another chapter that is. Anyway...

Before you go...



(Link to video above)

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