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She knew she had to leave. To get far from Willow and Black. Far from the herd's concerned glances and constant crowding.
She had to find a safe place,sheltered from the meadow's cold winds and wet rains. Safe from the creatures who stalked day and night.
That's all she thought of as she left the herd that night, her belly heavy with the foal she would bear soon. She could tell from it's kicks it was a strong little colt.
She had barely made it far when the pains had begun. Her body throbbed and her mind screamed"The foal is coming! The foal is coming!".
She quickly hid in a patch of small fir trees. She didn't care if the long branches jabbed her side, as long as her baby was safe.
She let her aching body fall on the meadow's un-soft grass.
She had foaled before, but only once. . .
The pain was unbearable. Had it been this worse last time? She couldn't remember.
It was to late to go back. She couldn't possibly drag herself back now.
She realized something was terribly wrong. The foal souls of had it's head out by now,taking it's first breaths.
She had heard stories of foals or even mares dying from their foals getting stuck.
Her last foaling had been so easy! She sat in the darkness,in fear for herself and her foal.
Please be alright,she thought. She clenched her eyes shut,breathing hard.
Suddenly, the pressure on her flank was released. She took a deep breath, thank Star Meadow her foal was going to be alright.
As night faded into the beginnings of a new day,a new life was born.
Lavender licked the little colt clean. He was jet black,just like his father,with rippling muscles underneath his gleaming coat.
He was clearly strong-willed, trying to stand right away. He took his first wobbly steps as the sun rose higher then the trees. Lavender stood up, allowing the colt to come over to nurse.
For the rest of the afternoon, Lavendertail grazed while the colt nursed or play hide-and-seek behind her. She nickered as he stumbled in and out of view.
Finally, the little colt grew tired of his games. As the sun started to set,he curled up for the night.
Lavender nudged him up. She knew they had to get back to the herd,and soon. The colt stood up warily.
"We have to go now"Lavender whispered.
"Why?"He asked,staring up at her with unblinking eyes.
"Our herd is waiting for us by Hoofbeat Meadows. You have to meet your father and sister".
He tilted his little head. "What is Hoofbeat Meadows?".
"The grassy plains before Hoofbeat Mountain. You'll see soon enough".
For the rest of the night, they traveled through the forest along the stream,stopping to drink every so often.
By dawn,Lavendertail could see the moving shadows of her herd in the distance. "Stay here. I have to go"she said,pushing her son into a bush.
"Okay mommy".
Lavender nodded and started at a study trot. She let out a whiney to let them know it was her.
Willow's head snapped up and she whinnied back. "Mom!". She galloped up to greet her.
They stopped to touch muzzles, nickering softly.
The rest of the herd followed slowly. They stopped to sniff Lavender's pelt and asked questions about the new foal.
Black was the last one to trot up."Where's the foal?".
Lavender looked back at the bush,giving the colt permissson to come out. He poked his head out and blinked at her then trotted warily out of his hiding place. He went straight under Lavender's legs.
Black lowered his head to peer through her legs. "A colt!".
Sagebrush,her own belly heavy with a foal,peaked at him. "How cute! A new addition to our herd".
Wildflower lifted her head. "What will you name him?".
Lavender and Black looked at each other. "I like the name Storm?".
"Stormtail? Stormbreeze,After your names?"Willow suggested.
Wildfire,Wildflower's colt,pushed past Wildflower to look at the new colt."He looks weak! I bet I could beat him!".
Black gentley nipped him."Nonsense! No son of mine is weak!".
Wildfire snorted and ran off to find some where else to play.
Everyone turned to look Waterwillow,she ducked her head."I'm sorry. I thought it was a good name".
"No,No! I really like it,what do you think,Black?"Lavendertail said,looking at her mate.
He shrugged."Sure".
Lavender turned to smile down at her son. "Stormwhisper,that's your name. You're going to do great things".

A/N: Hi guys! It's the author, Quietrxin!
I just want to say this is my first Wattpad story so it's not the best. If anyone actually views this, thank you! I'm going to get Chapter 1 by Sunday. I'm planning on doing 1-3 chapters a week.
Anyway,again, thank you for reading! ily💖


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