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"Why does this keep happening?"

Once again, another Spirit had gone missing, and the others were in a meeting to discuss it. Of course, Lightning was the most panicked.

"First Snow. Then me. Then my brother! This is a disaster!"

"Lightning, calm yourself." Rain said gently. "I'm worried too, but we don't have time for this."

The others nodded in agreement.

"There's still a bigger predicament. Kasai's still missing too." Wind pointed out. "The group is going to be a member short."

"DON'T REMIND ME!" Lightning shrieked, and just as the words escaped his mouth, he sent a flash of lightning across the area.

"I'm preeeetty sure you're overreacting juuuust a teeny-tiny bit..." Sand said nervously.

"I'M overreacting!? YOU'RE underreacting!" Lightning snapped.

"Please, Lightning, you need to calm down. Even with one person missing, we still have a strong group. Surely they can find Thunder. They found you and me already." Snow said calmly. "There's nothing to worry about."

Lightning just grumbled complaints under his breath before turning away from the others.

"Shall I send for them again?" Rahasy asked.

"There's no need to ask. Just GO." Lightning snapped.

Rahasy nodded in understanding and sprinted away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kasai was greeted with a beautiful, mystical-looking cavern that seemed like something out of a fairytale or dream.

Her jaw dropped. This place was amazing!

Little animals scurried around, some drinking from a thin stream flowing through the cave. There almost seemed to be walls separating the cave into different rooms.

She jumped as she noticed some butterflies fluttering in from a room on the right. One of them flew up to her, landing right on her nose. She went cross-eyed from surprise to look at the beautiful insect. It flapped its fragile wings before fluttering away, despite Kasai's attempts to reach out to it and get it to stay.

She sighed, but looked around once more and decided to explore.

She didn't regret it.

In one room, there was what appeared to be a garden, entirely made from crystals; in another, butterflies similar to the ones that had flew out to greet her before lined the walls and floor, fluttering away as she stepped close to them.

The whole time, however, Kasai couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. But that was impossible! Despite the critters and butterflies, the cavern was almost abandoned...right?

She suddenly let out a yawn. Even if she was a little tired from running so far, she didn't remember being this tired before. She felt like all her energy had been drained out of her.

She considered leaving the cave, but before she could even get close to the exit, she collapsed, completely drained.

She yawned again and curled up in a tight ball. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a quick nap here, where she felt so secure...

Her eyes slowly fluttered closed as she drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Her temperature dropped as a smooth stone blanket slowly spread its way across every inch of her body before covering her completely.

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