#19 - Mall Scenes/The Victoria Secret Drag-In

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Book Genre: I'm using Werewolf, but you can find this anywhere.


Erica's POV:

I dragged Luca through the mall. My light blue orbs sparkled in the light streaming down from the large sunroof built in the ceiling. My hot Alpha mate chuckled and shot me a charming smile. It made me melt, as his smile (and his ripped bod) was hotter than the Sun.

'He's so cute!!!' I thought, before blushing and glancing away. "Just because you're buying me stuff doesn't mean that I'm falling for you, Luca. You literally kidnapped me." I huffed. I totally was, but there was no way I'm admitting that until he saves me from a rival pack's Alpha or something. Or if the pack bimbo forces herself on him some more. Then I might reconsider. But that's never going to happen! "That, and you don't have to. I don't want you spending any money on me." I mumbled as we walked into an Apple store.

"Don't be silly, my mate. And I only took you away from your family and friends against your will because your lovely scent drove my wolf up the wall. I had to have you." So sexy!

He crossed over to the counter and asked the salesperson to bring out a golden iPhone X, black AirPods, and the prettiest case in my favourite colour that they could find. The salesperson nodded and brought the stuff out.

"Wha? Who's that for?" I asked.

Luca simply laughed and glanced down at me with those piercing, blue-green orbs that turned me to mush. My cheeks turned so red! He whipped out his wallet to pay and pulled out a black credit card with gold rimming. My eyes widened as I looked it over.

"That's a b-black card!" I yelped. "Only the richest of the rich can afford those!"

"Exactly." Luca laughed again. "The Moonblood Pack is the oldest, most powerful pack in the world. You know that, silly. With the title of Alpha comes infinite wealth and dashing good looks." He paid for the items with his card and tossed it to me. "That card is for you to keep." Luca then took the bag from the salesperson and handed it to me—but not before knocking out the  man for looking in my general direction. So dreamy!

I was in love. I barrelled into his wall-like chest and gave him a big bear hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Luca! I forgive you for everything."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Anything for my mate. Where to next?"

"Hmm..." As we exited the Apple store, I spotted a Victoria's Secret nestled right in between a Starbucks and a Forever 21. Luca saw what I was looking at and went pale.

"Oh. Oh no. Hannah, my lovely mate, I am not going in there." Luca whimpered.

"That's not my name... it's Erica." I shot him a devilish grin. "Oh, yes you are! This is payback for making out with that female wolf back at the pack house." I purred, before grabbing his tanned, muscled arm. "Didn't you just say you'd do anything for your mate?"

"First of all, she forced herself on me. She was walking by with three-quarter pants on! I couldn't control myself."

"What a bimbo." My nose wrinkled in disgust. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"And secondly...ack!" He was cut off as I dragged him into the lingerie store. "Nooooo! Let go, Maria!"

- - -

Everything Wrong With This:

1. Orbs, orbs, orbs. There's nothing wrong with using advanced English synonyms for words to make our writing look better/improve our literary skills, but Jesus Christ. Regular old eyes are fine.

2. Always gotta be an Alpha. Always gotta be hotter than the Sun itself. C'mon. As I said in an earlier chapter, your character doesn't always have to be mated to a conveniently attractive Alpha Male for the story to be interesting. Diversity is key.

3. ...trust and development, my dear. First off, if the Male does do something extremely wrong, don't have the female (or the love interest) forgive him instantly with a few gifts, sweet words, and kisses. That's not how trust works, or how you develop relationships at all. In this story, the Male should go to jail...but of course, I'm exaggerating just a tad (though there are stories where the Male just straight up kidnaps the female with no repercussions cuz he pulls the 'my wolf told meh to' card).

4. The Alpha Male is always insanely rich. Like, literally. He always has a black or platinum card, and takes his mate to the most expensive stores there are (Prada, Gucci, Apple etc). I get that the Alpha has to be somewhat wealthy to run the pack properly, but should be really be blowing it all on expensive shiz? Like, a gift here and there is fine, but the Alpha has to think responsibly as well.

5. Stop that. No. Overprotectiveness is rather toxic. You can't just deck people for looking in your love interest's direction. In reality, this will scare the love interest off and they'll feel like they're imprisoned rather than in a relationship.

6. Always gotta be the Alpha of the most powerful pack in the world—

7. Starbucks and Forever 21. Only stores that exist in books, right alongside the expensive ones. Department stores existttttt

8. wHaT a BiMbO! Anyways...there's always a bimbo/slut/bitch/whatever derogatory word for a female that likes sexual intercourse in these books that is thirsty for the male. There's no escape. I s'pose they were implemented to spark some conflict in/bring drama to these stories between the lovers, but c'mon. There are so many other ways that you can do that. Be creative ^-^

9. ...look. If your partner is clearly uncomfortable with going into a lingerie store, it's not your call to pull him in with you anyways. That's just mean. Respect the partner's wishes and go in without him (even if, sometimes, it's pretty silly).

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