#4- PJO Fanfictions First Chapters

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Type Of Book- PJO Fanfictions


I woke up, opening my big blue orbs. I put the first thing I saw on- which was a sea green sparkly crop top and a black miniskirt. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself- I'm OceanFishBlueCookie Sea Tsunami Hurricane Hippocampi Horse Jackson. I walked over to my diamond vanity, sitting down in front of it. I applied mountains of makeup and looked in the mirror. I had a flawless complexion, with not a pimple in sight. My hair was wavy in just the right places, and a beautiful blonde. Not too dark, and not too light. My eyes were a sapphire blue. I had a perfect hourglass figure, and a perfect sized butt, and boobs. Ugh, I was an abomination!

"Breakfast!"My stepdad called. I hate him. I have no idea how I heard him from my room, which was fifty stories above the kitchen. I took the elevator down. "Good morning, sweetheart." My stepdad greeted, flipping heart-shaped pancakes on my plate. Oh, why does he hate me so?! I ate really fast, ignoring him, and ran out of the door to the driveway, which had fifteen cars parked there. I picked the sea-green one and drove away to my new school.

When I got there, I ran into a platinum blonde-haired girl in a cheerleading outfit. I hissed at her because she was a cheerleader. She was the embodiment of EVIL because she's a cheerleader. Best reason ever. I ran away before she could even speak. I then ran into a brown-haired girl, with pretty green orbs. She had on a blue crop top, with a white miniskirt. "Hi, I'm OwlFeatherWiseGirl Born Out Of Head." We became instant best friends.

Everything Wrong With This-

1. WHAT THE HECK ARE ORBS?!?!! What happened to regular old eyes?

2. Honey, the first thing that you probably see in the morning when you wake up is wall and ceiling or a pillow. Awesome outfit. And anyway, wearing a crop top and a miniskirt to school would get you EXPELLED. Extra points to expulsion if it's supposed to be a uniform-wearing school.

3. What kind of NAME is that?!?! Who would name their CHILD THAT!?! And it's usually a giveaway for their godly parent. Or they have multiple godly parents.

4. Who the h*ll puts on mountains of makeup, and can afford a DIAMOND vanity, fifteen cars, a 50+ story house, and an elevator?!?

5. Yes, the blonde cheerleaders are obviously the evil she-demons that are secretly empousai or some monster.

6. Who the heck has a perfect complexion, hair that is perfect, a body that is perfect, and a butt and boobs that are perfect?! IT DOESN'T WORK DAT WAY

7. The best friends have ridiculous names and clothing styles.

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