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Ember padded through the courtyard, glancing around at the dragonets that covered it. Where is she? He suddenly spotted a ruby-red dragonet who looked like the one he was looking for and tapped them on the shoulder. The dragonet turned her head to look at him, her ears pricked slightly with curiosity, "Yea?" Ember quickly began telling her the message he had for who he thought was her. He distantly thought that his target had dark purple eyes, not bright green ones, but he couldn't quite remember, and he knew the Queen would be annoyed if he came back to check. He finished the message and looked at the SkyWing expectantly. She just smiled a bit, "Wow!" She shifted her wings, "What's she getting into now?" Ember blinked, puzzled. "Who?" He frowned slightly. "The Queen?" Surely even dragonets knew better then to talk about the Queen like that? The ruby dragonet flicked an ear with an amused look, "No, I meant Russet." The messenger's wings drooped, "You meant.....you're not Russet?" The dragonet shook her head, "My name is Cherry, but this 'Russet' sounds very interesting." She blinked at him as if silently urging him to give her more information. Ember sighed, "So you really listened to my whole report without telling me?" Cherry tipped her head slightly, "I suppose." Ember drooped his head a bit, Why would the Queen put me with a dragonet? She must know by now I'm not good at working with them. His claws twitched, Perhaps that's why she assigned me to this. To make him more agreeable and waste less time. He privately thought that the Queen was the sort of dragon who would do that. Still though, he wished that the royal SkyWing had chosen someone else for the job, someone like Thistle. He remembered how she had comforted the dragonets when there was a raging thunderstorm going on just outside of the castle. Her pale rose scales had been dulled in the half-light, and she had looked tired, but she still moved around in the swift, confident way she usually did, moving from dragonet to dragonet until the storm was over. One dragonet had launched a talon full of meat straight at Ember's face, deepening his dislike for them, but Thistle had just given him an exhausted smile and ushered the dragonet away to a game the other young dragons were playing.

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