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Hello! I try not to put long author's notes at the beginning, but I thought this story needed a little bit of an explanation before you read it. Whoever 'you' are, if you've gotten this far thanks for reading😊! Honestly I think it's so cool that the little things I've been writing on the void of the internet get seen, and hopefully enjoyed, by other people😁.

So... This is literally the strangest thing I have ever written, but I really enjoyed writing it, and thought someone might enjoy reading it. I don't want to give anything away now, so I'll keep this short and write again at the end. For now, keep an open mind, and enjoy!


"Welcome!" My eyes open, and soft white light fills the space. I turn to find the voice, but I'm alone. "Hello?" I call out, inspecting the white void for a silhouette. "Who are you?" I ask into the void. "You can call me Eta if you'd like." I turn to find a girl smiling at me. She has tan skin and dark hair which curls to her shoulders. "What is this place Eta?"

"This place has no name, it doesn't exist in the memory, so no one's ever been able to name it." She answered, keeping a soft smile on her face, and her hands clasped together in front of her. "Okay...But where are we?" I asked again and this time she walked towards me, somehow reaching my side in a split second. "We are in the space between dreams." Eta answered me and continued walking. I found myself moving with her, even without my legs moving. "Don't be alarmed" she reassured me, not offering any further explanation than that.

"So am I moving to my next dream then?" "Exactly!" She nodded at me and we came upon a strange building that looked to be made entirely of glass. Suddenly we were in the middle of the building and color tinted the glass. Pastels danced in front of my eyes. "Wow this is beautiful Eta!" She didn't answer, and I found her still standing by my side, bringing the colors together into images. "What are you doing?" She hesitated and looked into my eyes. "I'm weaving" She answered simply, almost shrugging with the response.

"Weaving?" I questioned, cocking my head at her reply. "Yes although I'm limited in my response by the understanding physical creatures have of this reality." She pulled the colors from the walls and a flower formed in her hands. The flower started to glow in the center. Light traveling to the ends of the petals until it brightened and vanished. "Where did the flower go, Eta?" She raised an arm and the colors from the walls began swirling towards her hand. "It went to be a part of your dream." She pulled the swirling colors into a bright ball. I could do nothing but stare "That's beautiful" I told her. She smiled softly, "Thank you" colors started peeling away from the ball and turning into light.

I blinked and we were outside of the building, back in the white void. "How did we get here?" I questioned. I turned to find Eta but she was gone. "Eta?" I called.

My feet touched solid ground and I stumbled. So I've been floating in this reality the whole time. I took a step and the ground in front of me began to glow. I stepped back and a small pillar of light appeared. When the light faded, Eta reappeared, blinking at me. She smiled and placed her hands back in front of her. "Hello again!" She chirped. "I see you've entered your next dream." She gestured with a hand at the landscape around us, a flat white beach with light blue water. I suddenly became aware of the sound of crashing waves. "I guess I am." I looked around and saw clouds moving lazily above us. "I do wonder what I'm doing here though." She turned to stare at the water. "I've never been inside of a dream before." When the wind blew from the sea a soft pink fabric swirled around Eta's legs. "I knew your minds constantly changed perception in dreams, that's why I have to weave so many images and concepts but I've never seen it from the inside."

I walked towards the water and felt the sand shift under my feet. "So do you see what I'm seeing Eta? The water, the clouds" I gestured upwards at the bright blue sky and she looked up to the clouds. "I can see the physical forms yes, but beyond that I can see my weaving, and parts of this reality you can't see." "So we're still in your reality?" She hummed at this, and kept walking with me, thinking. "Yes, although a different area of it. You've left the Dreamweavers and came to the Landscape." "How did I know those were capitalized?" She turned to look at me and smiled. "Your mind is constantly changing perception to accept the reality, it appears that the reasoning your mind chose to help you understand comes from one of your languages."

A thought suddenly struck me clear as day. "Eta, you're a star?" She laughed and stepped into the lapping water. "That's extraordinarily amusing. I didn't know how my presence would change my weaving but it appears you've taken one of the concepts and applied it to me." She shook her head and laughed quietly again. "Your memory will alter when your mind leaves this reality." She turned to face me and the setting sun made her seem to glow, the light and color sparkling from the water sparked a memory but I couldn't place it. "You won't be able to place that memory." She spoke, "I told you dreamweaving will not be remembered by the mind".

I didn't know what she was talking about but I nodded. I took a step back from the water and sat in a beach chair that was on the sand. I looked up at the stars and saw the galaxy spread out in the night. "So Ilee if you're a star how did you get here." Ilee took a seat next to me, her dark hair blew in the wind and her blue eyes glowed softly.

I blinked and found myself sitting in the white void again. I stood and Eta reappeared by my side. "How was your dream?" She asked with a smile. I stared at her for a minute, memories coming back to my mind. "You were there, then you vanished." She smiled wider and nodded. "You saw this form in your dream. I left because your brain accepted a different reality." Some understanding dawned on me, "I thought you were a star, so one just appeared?" She nodded again and walked, I moved with her. "That concept came from your memory of a book, and I wove it into your dream. I can't be perceived as a permanent fixture of your dream, so your mind led you somewhere else. It's interesting that I was able to enter in the first place." I nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, so because I wouldn't be able to remember the dream if you were there, I thought of something else to remember."

"Precisely! You understand this extraordinarily well, your adaptability is surprising given your unfamiliarity with this reality." "What was that word, Eta?" She looked at me and shrugged, "That was the best your mind could perceive my intended meaning. I suppose you don't have a word for it."

"Okay..." I trailed off, trying to understand. She laughed quietly, "Don't be alarmed. You won't understand everything, this reality is complex. I can't explain everything exactly due to your limited understanding of this reality." I nodded and asked instead. "So why will I remember this dream? I don't usually dream, or I don't remember if I do." I added, not wanting to offend the Dreamweaver. She smiled but didn't answer my question. I decided to ask something else if she wouldn't answer this one.

"If Ilee was only there to replace your 'form' in that dream then where did she come from." She turned to look at me again "Her concept was already there for your dream. My presence changed very little, only her name changed." Anticipating my next question, she continued. "You've been calling me Eta, and then you assumed I was a star. Your memory of the French language came in to give her the name Ilee. You pulled it from the word 'etoile'." "Meaning 'star'" I finished and laughed quietly in amazement. "Wow that's fantastic! So let's see if I understand this. I interact with dreams because all the concepts come from me, you weave them into things I see, then I go through it."

"For simplicity's sake, yes. Although occasionally your mind introduces a concept I didn't weave, like 'etoile' for example, I didn't weave the French language to be a part of that accepted reality."

"That accepted reality" I repeated, thinking for a minute. "I'm not dreaming now am I?" I questioned. She shook her head. "No, we are still in the space between dreams. None of this will be remembered, or even be real, once you leave this space."

"Aren't you real, Eta?" She laughed and placed her hands behind her back. "Of course I am" her smile widened, "but not like this. This is a form you conjured for me to understand my existence. When you no longer need to perceive this place this form ceases to exist." "Can I make anything I want here then?" "Yes, and no. This is not a reality you can control. You weren't made to be here, so nothing in this realm is made to respond to your touch. I on the other hand, was made in this reality, it reacts to me, and grants me a small amount of control over it." She blinked us out of the building and into a meadow, blanketed with wildflowers, birds chirped softly from somewhere in the distance. "This is so peaceful.. So you wove this Eta?" "No, whatever image you are perceiving was not my direct action. I simply brought us to 'peace' and your mind created what you see for you to understand the concept."

Eta started to fade, and the lights grew dim. "I've finished weaving more for your dream, it needed minor adjustments due to my presence. You'll move back there now." Her voice sounded far-away. "It was nice to meet you!" Then I was engulfed in silence.

The sound of crashing waves came closer and stars dotted the darkness. 


Hi again! I hope you enjoyed that! I told you it was a little odd, but it was so much fun to write😁. I had the thought that in dreams, we just accept changes in reality, so I wanted to say something about that. And then my sister gave me the perfect opportunity when she told me about a dream. It was nothing like this just so you know, it just gave me the idea of a dreamweaver, and a 'space between dreams'. 

So I'm pretty sure dialogue isn't supposed to be used back to back "like" "this" for example, but I organized the paragraphs how I thought they made sense, and this is how everything came out. 

Just to clarify a few places, the paragraph that starts "I didn't know what she was talking about", where Ilee comes in, Eta has disappeared at that point. It's supposed to be like Ilee just replaced Eta. So the narrator's supposed to think they've been talking to Ilee this whole time in the dream and something Ilee just said was confusing. The second clarification is the ending. The narrator is supposed to be back in the dream, back with Ille exactly as they left it. So when the narrator remembers the dream Eta and dreamweaving are completely cut out, the dream will just be talking to Ilee, who is a star, a literal "twinkle twinkle" kind of star😂. 

Just to defend this craziness that I had so much fun with. It's odd because it's literally about a being from a different plane of reality who has limited mind reading capabilities, and can literally build your dreams around you by creating things in that plane of reality🙃. Also if you remember from the beginning of this author's note. This narrator just accepts the changes in reality. They don't question anything since in a dream, you don't question a lot, things just happen and it's just like "Well okay then, that happened". Like, this is a crazy thing random internet strangers definitely need to know about me, but I had a dream once where I was on a bridge (I think it was supposed to be the George Washington bridge, but I don't know, it was crazy). And on that bridge, I met a giant Gregor-style rat who I was like "Oh okay, this rat is God". The rat didn't say anything, I just knew that in the dream, this giant six foot tall rat was just God. Then he spread his arms and a proportionate seagull swooped in (we were on the lower level of a bridge, like the bird just phased through the top like Vision or something) and just carried him off, and as soon as he was behind me, I didn't look back so it was just gone, it literally didn't exist anymore and I was just walking on a bridge like nothing happened. 

Sorry for my ramblings😂! If nothing else I hope it amused you! Welp, I really didn't intend for this author's note to be so long, so I'm just gonna..stop here. I don't really know how to end this now so just see you next time!

Okay that was a lie I'm back🎉! I went on my phone to add emojis to my author's notes and noticed something. I wrote this with a first person narrator, so I'm just curious what gender you assume they are? I had something in mind while I was writing, and I just went back and made sure the author's note only has gender neutral pronouns so you won't know definitively. Okay this time for real😂, I'll see you next time!

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