SciFi Space Travel

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This part is not going to read like a short story, since I had literally no plot I could think to add to this. It's some worldbuilding that I did and thought was very cool so I thought to put it onto The Internet. 

Facts: This is set suuuper far into the future. Space is weird. Humans had no idea how weird it was because Earth exists inside of a dead zone. Dead zones are not uncommon to the universe, but they're not everywhere. You know what I'm just going to write the scenes inside my head and fill in gaps of knowledge that I know that aren't really used.

"Cargo 3, you're clear for entry" (So I have a picture in my head. This isn't a planet she's entering. It's kind of like a huge dome in space, like people made a miniature moon out in space. I thought of this idea to avoid the science problem of space shuttles punching holes in the atmosphere, it just has a landing bay to avoid that, and it will bring the ships on like a conveyor belt basically inside.) She hovers near the landing gear and feels her ship lock into place and begins powering down the travel engines. "Calir (they are descended from humans, this name comes from an old artifact, a map of the United States and "California" has been severely degraded). Have you prepped the cargo to offload?" She called into the comm system connecting the ship. "Yeah, everything's ready to go once we get there."

I don't have a lot for this scene specifically, I just wanted to show the fake moon thing really.

"Was your core compromised or something?! (The best I could do in the moment. Basically I wanted it to be an expression meaning "are you nuts or something" the "core compromised" is referring to a planet whose core was damaged and the planet had a negative reaction and affected all the living species. I also thought about making it something to do with radiation from their stars but I don't really know.) Alternatively, it could be something like "Was your grav adjustment off?" Referring to artificial gravity not being quite correct and not letting resources reach the brain correctly and someone doing something stupid.) You can't take this ship into a gas planet like that, the atmosphere will tear it apart." "Of course I'm not going to fly a 'model' Cargo ship into that, we're high level organisms. You're just going to drop me off at a moon in its orbit." (So her ship got taken over by someone, IDK who yet, who needs transportation from A to B. I really don't have a story that makes sense. I wanted to introduce expressions and the idea that ships are designed for certain atmospheres. So some ships can fly into gas planets, but not hers. Hers is a smaller ship designed to take smaller cargo shipments to artificial satellites and smaller areas. There are some pretty huge ones though that make huge hauls, hers can go long distances pretty fast due to its size, but its carry capacity is limited.

So more about space and Earth being in a dead zone. Earth is in a section of space, IDK how big, where little life exists for some reason. I'm not just referring to the number of habitable planets, but organisms living in space. Of course space is a vacuum, and it consists of nothing, but there are some who can survive in it. Giant graceful creatures that look kind of like whales inhabit most nebulas, they help to form a lot of planets in solar systems (Like Earth has 8, most systems have a little less than twenty planets because these creatures help create deposits that eventually become planets. They're seen as good omens and bringers of life for their role in planetary creation, even though that process takes a very long time.) My vision was that space is kind of like the ocean. Not quite as lively, there aren't tons of things that evolved to live in space when there are planets right there, but Earth exists in that scene from Nemo where its just blank blue wherever you look, when there are coral reefs that exist teeming with life, habitable planets exists, giant stations exist, just not in Earth's region for some reason I don't know yet.

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