The Heart of The Prince

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A woman walked down the dim hallways of the castle, her skirt swishing as she went. She entered the kitchens and stole an apron off an empty table, looking around to make sure no one saw her tying it around her waist. Flour on the front makes the look more believable, and so does a smear of batter on the sleeve. Someone shouts for a breakfast tray to be taken up to the Prince. She briskly walked up and held her hands out for the tray like she had done many times before. As always, he never noticed her, always assuming she was someone who actually worked for him. He placed it in her hands and then yelled out into the kitchen.

She left the kitchens, rolling her eyes at how easy it was. She hurried back along the staff hallways, wearing the same face as the rest of the kitchen staff, a hurried determined look that tells others of the importance of their task.

She arrived at the back door of the prince's room and knocked before standing by the wall near it. The door opened, and a balding butler stepped out. He looked her up and down before he opened the door wider to let her in. The door opened into a kind of living room, to the left was the bedroom, the door being opened for her by the butler. She stepped inside and pretended to fumble with the tray as I set it down, the soft clink of the plates on the metal traveling in the room. The prince poked his head out of his closet to find the source of the noise, and smiles widely when he recognizes the girl. She winked at him before slipping a note inside his napkin for him to discover.

She strolled back to the door without looking at him, acting like the exchange never happened. She walked back into the kitchen and quickly returned the stolen apron, no one had even noticed, and she was able to leave quickly before anyone noticed she was there. She continued down the staff hallways and went a level lower, the ornate decorations being phased out when she walked into the staff housing. She went to her room and changed out of the black button down shirt the kitchen staff wears into a pale blue shirt and loose black pants. She closed the door behind her and kept walking. She made her way back to the main floor and stood alone in a hallway. She quickly looked around her, making sure she was alone. A single maid could catch her and the entire palace would know the next day. She kept watching as she turned into a small hallway and walked into a small library, one of many scattered throughout the palace. She found a hidden corner of the library, and waited.

She heard faint footsteps coming down the hall. The steps grew louder as they approached. The steps found their way to her library and she smiled when a familiar voice spoke.

"Good morning, Corin." She looked up to see the prince leaning on a bookshelf, smiling in her direction.

"Morning, Your Highness." She gave him a mock curtsy and watched with a smirk as he wrinkled his nose.

"Oh ha ha, Corin." He rolled his eyes. "Real clever of you, like I haven't heard that one before." She laughed very softly, careful not to alert any passerbys of their presence together. "Also," he continued. "There was a girl from the kitchen this morning who looked just like you". He stated nonchalantly while she smiled at him. He smiled back, and smirked before saying "She was very arrogant though. She left me a secret note, telling me when and where she'd be if I wanted to see her. What is she thinking that I, the prince and sole heir, had time to meet in a secluded library just to chat?" He said this all uninterrupted, but received a punch, an actual one, in the arm afterwards. He put his hand on his arm but smiled at Corin.

"Hey!" He protested, trying not to laugh. She stood up on tiptoe and gave him a peck on the lips.

"She's probably thinking you love her." She whispered near his ear, the sentiment seemed better at a lower volume. Before she could return her feet to the ground, he gently held her arms and looked into her eyes, the smile still there, but the joke gone.

"Then she'd be right." He whispered back as he leaned in to kiss her again. She broke it a minute later.

"Wesley, I have to go now." She said quietly, his forehead resting on hers.

"Yes you do." Neither of them moved for a moment, neither wanted to. Eventually, he lifted his head and she dropped his hands. She took a step back and turned away from him, heading back to the hallway. No proof of the interaction but memories and a lingering smile on two faces.

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