Marvel x Dc: Spider-Man Bearer of The Death Totem

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Plot: The death totem one of the totems of zambesi many archaeologists and scholars tried to find it along with the other totems the death totem was found but unfortunately evil organizations wanted it because magic powers to which started a battle for it the archaeologist who found it used its power to fight but was gravely injured in the struggle seeing that he will soon be surrounded the archaeologist's places the death totem in a box and places it in a truck the totem then appears at a yard sale where it was bought by y/n who would go on a field trip and would get bitten by a spider and in term gaining the powers of a spider and would his new found powers to help keep his home safe

Name: Y/N Johnson
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Red
Gender: Male
Race: American. Human. Evol. Totem bearer.
Age: 18
Status: Alive

Death totem appearance:

Death totem's info: The death totem is one of the totems of zambesi and it was created by the trickster spider god Anansi and was then given to the people of zambesi the death totem allows it's better to have the ability of necromancy being able to interact or converse with the souls of the dead or controlled them it is Theorized The totem was used to scare off invaders or allow others to have a final goodbye with their deceased loved ones or it could be that the user could use the skills and abilities of the dead by temporarily fuse with soul or by seeing The memories of the deceased soul It is also believe that the totem also protects its bearer from evil spirits but unfortunately The people of zambesi became divided and those with the totems created their own tribes and became their leaders or protectors but unfortunately a terrible war came and the totems of Zambesi were lost and were thought to never be seen again but the death totem seems to have resurfaced and now finds itself in the hands of y/n who now uses its powers along with his spider powers to fight crime and super villains

Spider Abilities:
1. Enhanced physical peak condition
2. Enhanced regenerative healing factor
3. Enhanced immunity system
4. Organic web Generation
5. Enhanced awareness
6. Enhanced longevity
7. Decelerated aging
8. Enhanced stamina
9. Enhanced senses
10. Venom Secretion
11. Enhanced agility
12. Wall Crawling
13. Danger Sense
14. Camouflage
15. Night Vision
16. Stingers
17. Fangs


Code Name: Necro-Spider

1. Marvel x Dc
2. Harem
3. Male Reader
4. Romance
5. Death totem ☠️
6. Fluff and smut
7. Spider-Man
8. Love ❤️
9. The supernatural
10. Gods and monsters
11. Blood and gore
12. The avengers
13. Discrimination
14. Double life
15. Magic 🪄
16. The X-men
17. Secretly identity
18. Society problems
19. The justice league
20. The fantastic four

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