Marvel x Dc: Spider-Man Bearer of The Fire Totem

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Plot: The fire totem one of the totems of zambesi it was created by the story spider god Anansi along with the others totems it had the power over the element of fire it was used to scare off invaders and dangerous animals but then the people of zambesi broke off from one another going off and starting their tribes of course the totem bearers went to each different tribes becoming their protectors but a war broke out and the totems were lost until the fire totem was discovered it was going to be in a museum but it was attacked as people tried to steal it and bring to their bosses so a fight broke out but in the battle the totem was taken from its container and was rushed off to safety but the guard was killed but used their Meta human ability to teleport the totem anywhere it was found by Y/N who would then get bitten by a spider gaining abilities of said creature now Y/N uses his new found powers to protect his home but unknown to Y/N was that the world would need his help

Name: Y/N Hammerstein
Hair color: Purple
Eye color: Purple
Gender: Male
Race: American. Human. Evol. Totem bearer.
Age: 18
Vital Status: Alive

Spider Abilities:
1. Enhanced physical peak condition
2. Enhanced regenerative healing factor
3. Enhanced immunity system
4. Organic web generation
5. Enhanced awareness
6. Enhanced longevity
7. Decelerated aging
8. Enhanced stamina
9. Enhanced senses
10. Venom Secretion
11. Enhanced agility
12. Wall Crawling
13. Danger Sense
14. Stingers
15. Fangs

Fire Totem:


Code Name: Spider-Blaze

Main Girls: Black Siren. Winter Soldier(Female).

1. Marvel x Dc
2. Harem
3. Male Reader
4. Romance
5. Fire Totem
6. Fluff and smut
7. Spider-Man
8. Love
9. Blood and gore
10. Secret identity
11. The supernatural
12. Gods and monsters
13. Magic
14. Double life
15. The justice league
16. World problems
17. Heroes and villains
18. Aliens

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