~Assassin Generator~

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(Hey, hey, hey! I know, it's been a while! But I'm back!)

Ever wonder what you'd be like as an...

Wait for it...


That's right ladies and gentlemen, the assassin generator is here! So let's begin!

1. Now for the name...oh yes, of course, the first letter of your first name will be the first section of your name!

A- The Phantom

B- The Silver

C- The Hidden

D- The Red

E- The Mystic

F- The Cloaked

G- The Unknown

H- The Wise

I- The Deadly

J- The Flying

K- The Swift

L- The Snowy

M- The Preying

N- The Crying

O- The Blue

P- The Sacred

Q- The Winged

R- The Radiating

S- The Invisible

T- The Golden

U- The Black

V- The Silent

W- The Crimson

X- The Dark

Y- The Muzzled

Z- The Masked

2. Got your name? Great! Now for the second part! So for your last section, how about we do the second letter of your last name? Okay? Okay.

A- Star

B- Figure

C- Eagle

D- Falcon

E- Owl

F- Fox

G- Flame

H- Vision

I- Blade

J- Scorpion

K- Shadow

L- Thunder

M- Secret

N- Slayer

O- Claw

P- Eye(s)

Q- Raven

R- Illusion

S- Demise

T- Angel

U- Ghost

V- Knife

W- Reflection

X- Rain

Y- Feather

Z- Wrath

By the way, if your name isn't as cool as you'd like it to be, or sounds silly, then go ahead and try again, use it however you like!

3. Okay! Now it's time for your character's main weapon of choice, this also goes with how they like to kill their targets (stealth, publicly, painful and slow, quick and painless, etc). Choose your favourite animal out of the list below!

Tiger- Small Axe
Lion- Heavy Axe
Snake- Poison (Dart)
Lizard- Bombs (Lethal, distraction, tactical)
Deer- Pistol
Whale- Sword
Beaver- Knife/Dagger
Bird- Crossbow/Bow and Arrow

4. You've got your weapon? Alright, now we need a personality! You're favourite two even numbers from 2-30 will determine good traits!

Two- Patient
Four- Flexible
Six- Independent
Eight- Optimistic
Ten- Spunky
Twelve- Honourable
Fourteen- Honest
Sixteen- Determined
Eighteen- Modest
Twenty- Proud
TwentyTwo- Quiet
TwentyFour- Forgiving
TwentySix- Loyal
TwentyEight- Wise
Thirty- Understanding

5. Okay, now, your two favourite odd numbers 1-29 will determine your bad traits. If your traits conflict with each other, you can choose different numbers.

One- Naive
Three- Irrational
Five- Impatient
Seven- Cold
Nine- Insensitive
Eleven- Uncooperative
Thirteen- Secretive (as if you don't tell important information to the other assassins)
Fifteen- Hesitant
Seventeen- Merciless
Nineteen- Demanding
TwentyOne- Greedy
TwentyThree- Easily-distracted
TwentyFive- Doubtful (of yourself or others weaker than you)
TwentySeven- Arrogant
TwentyNine- Racist/Sexist/Unaccepting of weaker people

6. Alright! Now it's time for your physical build! (I'm sorry that chubby isn't in here, but in my opinion, if you're an assassin you wouldn't exactly be overweight or out of shape). Your favourite character in Assassins Creed will determine the build! If you don't know/like AC, then you can choose what name sounds coolest or just say other!

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad- Short and muscular (man)/ Average sized and thin (woman)

Ezio Auditore- Tall and not as much muscle (man)/ Lean and tall (woman)

Arno Dorian- Short and not much muscle (man)/ Tall and a bit wide/big (woman)

Shay Cormac- Tall and muscular (man)/ Short and average weight (for a 25(?) year old woman)

Other- You decide (one condition, they lost an eye during a fight >:D)

7. Okay, now that you got the body, it's time for their assassin robe colour! Your favourite colour (so original) will determine it!

Red- A sort of dark red/scarlett (base) and orange (extra) colour robe with with silver armor and an orange cape around the shoulder. Has small, orange scarf tied around neck

Orange- Dark grey (base) and white (extra) colour robe with no cape and no visible armor. Has brown belt for weapons (either over shoulder or around torso/waist and two white streaks on hood

Yellow- Beige (base) and light red (extra) colour robe with bronze armor and light red cape. Wears beige mask over nose and mouth

Green- Black (base) robe with gold cape and silver armor. Has some gold patterns and silver belt for weapons. Has black gloves with gold triangles designed on them

Blue- Indigo (base) and white (extra) robe with no visible armor. Has white cape around shoulder and black belt with white spiral on other shoulder

Purple- Royal purple (base) and black (extra) robe with silver symbol (any) on chest.

If the colour doesn't match with your name, you have every right to change the colour, or the name if you'd like.

8. Now for the family! Okay! Pick a number between 1-15 to determine your character's family.

1- Mother, dead father, dead brother, sister
2- Dead mother and father, missing/kidnapped brother
3- Mother, Father, dead brother and sister
4- Mother and Father
5- Unknown parents, sister
6- Mother, Father, two sisters, one brother
7- Missing mother, dead father, sister
8- Mother, father, dead brother, brother
9- Two mothers, father, half-sister
10- Dead mother, father, two sisters
11- Orphaned/Abandoned
12- Mother, Father left
13- Mother, dead father, unknown sister
14- Unknown mother, father, two brothers
15- How about... you decide? XD I'm out of ideas for this

9. QUESTION: Where were they born? ANSWER: Idk. Well let's find out! Your favourite fruit will determine where they were born!

Apple- America
Banana- Canada
Pear- Africa
Peach- Italy
Berries- Asia
Orange- Iceland
Pineapple- Israel
Watermelon- Russia
Other- France

10. How did they become an assassin? It depends on what number you choose 1-7!

1- Through parent
2- Through force
3- Through other relatives
4- Through sibling
5- Through want for revenge
6- Through stranger's advice
7- Through friends

11. We need to have a special skill, amiright? Your hair colour will determine the skill they have.

Black- Run faster
Brown- Amazing stealth
Blonde- Great at persuading
Dirty blonde- Jump higher and farther
Caramel- Good hearing, eyesight, or pick locking
Other- Better aim

Honestly, I think that's it!

I'm known as The Phantom Claw, which is pretty cool. My weapon of choice is the good olé sword. I am optimistic and understanding (Yusuf ;-;), but I'm also sometimes irrational and hesitant to kill targets. I'm tall but I don't have much muscle (My character's a guy btw). My outfit is a black robe with with gold patterns and silver armor. I have a golden cape and black gloves with gold triangles on the palms (I decided that people call me the Phantom Secret because of my black clothing and that at that time, triangles had connections to the spirits. I don't know who my parents are, but I have an alive sister who works at an orphanage with her husband. She dislikes the fact that I am an assassin. I come from Canada, and I joined the assassins in Italy because my friend, another assassin, convinced me too. My guild likes me because I'm great at pick locking locked doors.

What did you get? Comment! And be sure to vote if you liked it!

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