...planet name generator

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Hey everybody!

This... will be a good one. I promise.

If you're writing sci-fi, there's a chance that you're gonna be making planets in it, and maybe you can't think of a good enough name.

Never fear!
I've got you covered.

This generator will give you two parts of a name, depending on what numbers you choose (as you can see, I'm not a fan when your name depends on your actual initials, cause then you're only stuck with one name.)

Those two parts will make up a complete name for you to use!

And it's not just solely for planets. You could use this for any type of name. Whether it be magic, a regular name for a character.
...maybe you want a cool name for your new cat.

Either way, this generator is here. Let's begin!

1. First part. Pick an odd number 1-15.

1- Mer

3- Ska

5- Gha

7- Fel

9- Ree

11- Hav

13- Eur

15- Ash

1. Second part. Pick an even number 2-18.

2- lor

4- nid

6- kal

8- a

10- bah

12- tol

14- dich

16- ade

I got Felkal. Yknow... that went way better than I expected.

I hope you guys liked that one! And I hope you guys are having an incredibubble time!

Love you to bits!

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