HP - Miserable Mumbles

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Harry got abused terribly and had a habit of mumbling to himself, at the time of the sorting he chose to go to his actual house - Slytherin - because he saw how people didn't like them and hoped to be left the Fuck alone! He sat in between Blaise and Pansy, while he was enjoying the first bit of food he's had in 2 weeks, he was listening to the small talk around the table, the were currently talking about the summer and where they went. Draco, saw that Harry wasn't included in the conversation, so wanting to be nice he asked what he did in a Malfoy manner "Oi, Potter, what were you up to during the summer? The savior of the wizarding world must have been doing something!" Harry froze. 'What am I supposed to tell them?' He thought 'Oh, I was just doing all the chores in the house, eating scraps, getting beaten, burned, and broken bones from my uncle and cousin while my aunt was locked up in her room cause she can't handle the sight of blood..? Yeah right... what do I say?' Harry looks up to see their horrified faces. He blinks once.


Three times-

"I was mumbling again... wasn't I?" All of Slytherin nods in conformation "oh.... SHIT." he says as he gets up, -Blaise, Pansy, Draco, and Theo following- and books it out of the great hall.

Severus stares in shock as the Slytherins rise and run out of the hall, he's pale, for he has a listening charm on the Slytherin table to know about any problems the Slytherins may have...

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