God of mead

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This one is a more recent story idea that I wrote a chapter for. When you read it, you'll certainly get what inspired it so I am not going to spoil it. Just read it and you'll get a feel what the story would have been like and if I may say this chapter that I wrote down is probably the best writing that I have ever done or at least one that satisfied me the most while writing it.


Location somewhere in the Kingdom of Vale, Forest.

A forest in the middle of nowhere that had single road going into it, if you fallowed it, you would have reached a clearing that had a single wooden cabin with a Nordic motif standing in the middle of it. A bullhead approached this forest, it lowered itself just outside it and some people wearing in what appeared to be clothes colored grey, white and black or blue.

Inside the cabin a person on the second floor was sleeping in a bed that had some animal pelts on it, he heard a airship approaching and got up, he walked up to a ledge that had the ladder leading to the first floor and jumped down, the utensils, cups and furniture shook as he landed. He walked to a wall that had what appeared to be a ship anchor hung on it. He took it and held it in one hand. Young but authoritative female voice shouted from outside the cabin, if the man had to guess it came from the edge of the clearing straight in front of his cabins door.

(Female voice) "Atlas military, whoever is in the cabin come out with your hands raised."

The man slowly walked towards the cabin entrance as he stood just before he opened the door, he picked up a mask and put it on.

The four people saw as the cabins door opened and what appeared to be an anchor flew out towards them. All of them dodged out of its way, a low and gruff voice fallowed after that.

(Man with a mask) "Haven't heard of no Atlas military operating in Vale- ". The man had stepped out of the shadow of the cabin he had to lean a bit so his head wouldn't hit the top of the large door. The four people that introduced themselves as Atlasian military stared in awe at the unit of a man that stood 7'5 feet and was built like a barge."-So forgive me for resisting, I just smell bullshit." The masked man stopped for a second as he specifically stared at one of the people. He saw that she had white hair and he almost blurred out and called her Weiss but stopped himself as the time didn't make sense she would have been to young and the one in front of him was wearing an Atlas academy's uniform, she was Winter just younger that the one he was used to seeing. "Schnee, I guess its really Atlas that's after me, forgive me for not knowing your name, all you Schnee siblings have so similar a names that I never bothered to learn to differentiate you, well I never thought I'd have the honors of meeting any of Schnees so I hope you are understanding of my situation and don't feel offended."

(Winter) "So you'll comply with us and come without resistance."

(Masked man) "Not a snowballs chance in hell."

(Winters Teammate) "Well at least he doesn't have his weapon."

(Masked Man) *sighs* "As someone apart of-"He raises his right hand." Atlas, I thought you wouldn't be so foolish- "He snaps his fingers." and planned about me weapon possessing gravity dust-"The previously thrown weapon that looked like and anchor flew and hit the man that had talked before the masked stranger hooking on to him and dragging him through the air as he screamed until he arrived in front and was grabbed by the throat by the giant man then he grabbed his weapon and held it his left hand. "even if this isn't done by gravity dust." It happened so fast and unexpectedly that it took a moment for other to react to it. Winter and the other two ran towards the masked giant. The mans eyes underneath the mask focused on the approaching people rather than the man flailing in his grasp and hitting the masked strangers arm with a sword. An explosion rang, smoke covered the masked mans vision. "A good hit." The giant said as the smoke cleared and a small crack was present on the masks chin, his eyes now looking at the man in his arms whose sword now had mechashifted into a shotgun. "My turn now." He slammed the smaller man into the ground, the hit forming a small crater surrounded by cracks in the soil around it. He let go of the man and placed his foot on the man on the ground. Shots from two of the people started pelleting the masked stranger. He raised his free right hand to protect his face. Another shotgun blast hit him this time to the chest, but he didn't flinch or move even an inch. If he didn't have a mask on they would have seen his face slightly frowning, with is weapon he swatted away the shotgun out of the pined attackers hand, bullets still hitting him from the other two people shooting him and Winter fast approaching him, he raised his massive foot and stomped on the pinned mans chest, increasing the size of the crater and the cracks around it, the mans aura flickered and shattered. "One down."

He said as he met Winters blade with his weapon. He easily pushed her back, but she with the help of her glyphs propelled back at him and struck with speed, but to her surprise the large man and his bulky weapon where there to meet her blade again and push her back. She jumped to position herself behind him. As the two others focused their weapon fire on the giant mans head. This just garnered a grunt from the masked man as he threw his weapon it flew and rotated striking Winter that had positioned to be behind him, ignoring his weapon and winter he ran towards the one of the people with rifles shooting him as his distance from Winter increased one of the shooters the female on had her rifles under barrel shoot a grenade that hit the masked stranger in the chest, but the explosion didn't even halt his run as. Now he had approached the one closer to him which was the male rifle user not the female one that had shot the grenade she had stayed closer to the tree line making her furthest from him. the mans rifle split in to two curved blades and he ran past the giant while slashing at the mans right leg, but the giants anchor like weapon flew and hit in him after the large man snaped his fingers, and as he was hit by it the weapon proceeded to drag him across the ground a few feet further from the masked man.

The masked giant again snaped his fingers and the weapon flew into his arms and he quickly turned to the female rifle using woman and threw it at her specifically aiming for the under barrel that shoots the grenades. Just as he had guess the woman pulled the trigger just when the distance between him and the other man increased, but surprise was quickly present on the womans face as he had thrown his weapon at her and right as she pulled the trigger his weapon flew fast enough that the grenade didn't fly far enough from the shooter and as it was hit by it exploded so close that it sent the woman flying back hitting a tree. As the womans vision cleared after being thrown at the tree she was met with a foot hitting her sending her crashing through the tree, completely breaking it in two, as the tree fell forward threatening to fall on to the giant man, he held out his hand and caught it. He swung it horizontally hitting the man that he had previously sent flying by his anchor weapon and the swing also momentary halted Winters approach towards him, when he finished the swing rotating 270 degrees from the previous location, he previous was facing. The man let the tree fall out of his hand and crash into trees that were just at the edge of the clearing.

(Masked Man) "You know I thought you stronger than that. What now Schnee, you all alone now against me?"

Winter was kneeling on one knee as a white glyph surrounded her on the ground boarbatusk and two beowolfs appeared at her side. They charged at the man, the boarbatusk was first as his rotating body was fastest out of the summons of the Schnee. The man stoped the boarbatusk body that was trying to slam in to him with an outstretched palm sparks of aura flew as the boarbatusk body spun against his arm, he slammed the rotating boarbatusk body down as it continued to rotate and dig in to the ground aura sparks flying of his arm as he continued to apply pressure on it, with his other hand he threw his weapon applying a rotation to it, the weapon decapitated both the beowulfs.

(Masked Man) "Numbers that lack substance, how fitting of Atlas." The boarbatusk finally had stopped spinning and now was squealing in pain as the pressure on its body was increasing, soon the mans palm caved into the top of the body of the summons and it turned to dust.

The man raised his eyes from the disintegrating body of the boar, as was met with a flurry of stabs from Winter that had quickly approached him, the strikes came fast and what they lacked in strength made up in the sheer amount and precision of them, making the giant man stumble a few steps back. Winter jumped of her glyph, created in the air behind her, bringer her sword down with a overhead swing hitting the man across his chest and ten pushing of him to jump back. The giant had returned to his senses as he had been hit by the last of Winters attack and as she jumped back, he had grabbed her by the leg and spun around holding on to her taking two large steps forward towards the trees at the edge of the clearing and swung her body horizontally bringer her crashing through two tree trunks. As he finished the swing, he held on to her, her body had gone limp, her eyes unfocused and arms barely not dropping her weapons, she didn't drop it only because of her instructors at Atlas academy had drilled into her that the greatest shame for a soldier is to lose his weapon, he held her upside down by her right leg. The man held his hand above himself and snaped his fingers his weapon flying to him as he caught it by the handle. He looked at Winter Schnee at her eyes, he could see her consciousness flipping between being conscious and unconscious. He lifted her up, so her eyes were at the same level as his.

(Masked man) "You are.... Not fated to die here, fate has much else for you to do." He let go of her body she fell to the ground not moving. He turned away from her and walked back towards his cabin. An explosion rang as he was flung into the cabin crashing trough the wall of the cabin and he landed on and broke a dining table inside it.

As the explosion finished an Atlasian Paladin, one similar but not fully akin to one seen in the RWBY series probably and older prototype then the ones seen in the show, stepped into the clearing a shoot from which a rocket was shoot still smoking. The large man inside the cabin stood up grabbed the nearest bottle of alcohol that was not shattered and chugged the devils liquid all down, as he did that he also mechashifted into a gun, well more like into something that appeared as a two and a half meter long artillery cannon, he stepped over the broken furniture and wall pieces and stepped outside the hole he had made while crashing into the cabin. He held his cannon like weapon at his with both hands (like a minigun in GTA) and fired at the mech, the action of the gun firing shook the wood walls and flooring around him. It hit the mech head on and left a bend on its front chassis armor plate. The mech ran towards the masked stranger as he fired two more shot at it, they hit but it didn't stop the mech from clearing the distance between it and him, now that the mech stood next to him it could be seen that it was double his height. It struck towards him with one of its arm he raised his weapon the arm strike blocked the arm but he was still flung of his feet and to the left in to the clearing away from the cabin, he fell and rolled coming to a stop, his back laying on the ground as his eyes saw the clouds calmy drifting in the sky.

(Masked man) "You know there is a reason why I chose this specific location to live, why I didn't choose to live somewhere else like in a city, but a forest in the middle of nowhere, do you want to hear the reason?" he said as he sat up. The mech stood in a ready to strike position but didn't move to attack. "I take that as a yes.... it has an underground river running under it that is close to the surface. You might be thinking what that has to do with what is happening now, but it is very important. This underground river is why I do not fear any horde of grimm attacking my, also it is why I wouldn't fear even if Atlas brought its entire airship fleet." He now was kneeling on one leg. "You are an idiot for given so much time for me, you know that." He said that while standing up and southing AAAAAGGGHHH. Geysers of water shot out from the ground and soon water filled up to the mans knees. Water surrounded the mech it tried to get away, but soon it was being ripped piece by piece by the water. A man fell out of it and a water bubble was around his head he was clawing at it trying to get out as he was starting to lack air. The giant man took steps towards the man that fell out the mech, water splashing around him, he frowned as he couldn't move his legs after the second step.

(???) *voice that sound like male* "That will be enough." The voice came from deeper part of the woods, the masked man turned towards where it came from and saw three figures shrouded in shadows standing on a floating piece of ground, they floated over and entered the light of the clearing, two men and a woman, all faces that he knew but ones that didn't know him.

(Masked Man) "Who are you?"

(Ozpin) "Before the introduction could you release our friend over there, he seems to be lacking air." The mech pilot fell towards the torso high water as the water bubble around his head was released, his fall was stopped as purple glow surrounded him and he floated towards the three people, no not three the masked man now noticed four figures laying unconscious on the floating piece of ground.

(Masked Man) "Now who are you and why are you here?"

(Ozpin) "I'm Headmaster of Beacon Ozpin, this lady over here is my assistant and also professor of Beacon Glynda and to my right is the man responsible for our little misunderstanding General James Ironwood and for the reason why we are here is to have a peaceful discussion and offer an opportunity for you sir."

(Glynda) "I think the trying to act peaceful ship has sailed Ozpin, especially with what James has done."

(Ozpin) "Now Glynda we are not here to throw blame at each other."

(General Ironwood) "I feel my action are justified, he is a dangerous criminal so I approached this mission as such."

(Glynda) "As I much I hate to admit, but he is right Ozpin, we are standing in front of a murderer."

(Ozpin) "Now Glynda we shouldn't attach such title to a completely innocent man."

(Glynda) "You call him innocent, you got to be kidding me Ozpin."

(Ozpin) "All his action, even these ones." He points to the unconscious group behind them. "Can be written off as self-defense."

(Glynda) "And what now you accept him-." She points at the masked giant. "To just talk to us after what just transpired."

(Ozpin) "Well I agree that leaving James to work out a possibility to prepare a peaceful communication between our two side was a mistake-."

(Glynda) "Yeah choosing a man, that I doubt even knows what peace means was an obvious mistake."

(Ozpin) "What do you want me to say Glynda? That you are right? Yes, you are right one, are you satisfied now." Glynda glares at Ozpin. "And yes, I believe it that we can talk this out, cause to me this fine gentleman does appear to be a calm and reasonable person. Are you a calm and reasonable person?" (HE SAID THE LINE)

The man stared at each of the three people his stare lingering just long enough for Glynda and Ironwood to feel uncomfortable. A crow appeared out of the tattoos of the man arm, surprising the three people waiting for an answer, it was most surprising to Ozpin as he recognized the magic used to accomplish this as it had long been lost. The man then looked at it for a another long while. Then suddenly the crow turned to look at them with its other eye that the three people couldn't see previously and the eye of the crow was glowing a faint white yellow color and gave them a feeling that it held many secrets, as the crow did that the water that was to the giant mans knees receded and disappeared in to the ground the surroundings returning in to a state like the water never was there. The crow then again disappeared into the tattoos of the man.

(Masked man) "You want to speak, then we shall speak." He turned away from them and walked inside the cabin through the hole made in the wall during the fight.

The three people where processing what had just happened, so they didn't even register him walking into the cabin and bringing out a table with chairs four mugs and a barrel. After he set up the table he said.

(Masked man) "Sit."

Ozpin gathered his wits and walked up to the table and sat down. Just a second latter Glynda and Ironwood did the same.

(Ozpin) "If I may ask, that just now wa-." He was cut of by the giant man.

(Masked man) "It is what you think. But no, I am not someone from those times, does this answer your question."

(Ozpin) "Yes." Ozpin seemed to regain his calm demeanor.

(Masked man) "Now can we move on to what you wanted from me."

(Ozpin) "Before that could we make a request for you take of the mask, it would just make me trust you more if I could see your face and a name to call you." The large man again stared for a long while in silence at Ozpin, then raised his arm and took of his mask placing her next to a mug on the table in front of him, first thing everyone noticed about the man where his eyes, one was foggy blue the other foggy yellow.

(Trygve) "Names Trygve. Satisfied."

(Ozpin) "Yes, now moving on to why we are here is because you sir have been doing quite allot of things in all the kingdoms and what have done has travelled far and wide reaching even mine and James ears."

(Trygve) "Your point?"

(Glynda) "What he means we do not like all the manslaughter you have committed, even if it was criminals, you not being a registered huntsman also add to our dissatisfaction with you."

The man opened the barrel he had brough out of his cabin and scooped the alcoholic liquid into his cup.

(Trygve) "Doubt Atlas calls it that, they probably call it more culling the cattle, considering most that I killed while their where faunus of white fang, HAHAHAAH." He raised the mug and drank all its content in one go, slamming it down on the table after he drank it all. Glynda looked at Ozpin giving him a questioning look.

(Ozpin) "Sir Trygve I understand you have a lot of unfocused violence in you and that to most people would make you seem like a bad person but from what I have seen and heard about you all of the action you taken had good intentions they were taken with intent to save or protect someone."

(Trygve) "I do not care what you think of my actions or how others perceive me, what is it you want from me?"

(Ozpin) "It is not something that I want from you, but rather I have an offer for you, one you'll find hard to refuse."

(Trygve) "What is it?"

(Ozpin) "How I previously stated you have a lot of violence within you, but it lacks purpose and what I want to offer to you is purpose, work for us for the grater good of the kingdoms."

(Trygve) "What you ask of me is just to be a weapon for you to wield."

(Ozpin) "There are added benefits that all record of your crimes will be removed, and you'll be given free travel access to all kingdoms without the need to hide."

(Trygve) "Will I'll be allowed to do my own things or will you try to shackle my actions."

(Ozpin) "I assure you that you'll be allowed to do what you want as long as you complete the missions given to you."

Trygve stared at the mug he had slammed down at the table for a long while. A groan was heard as the previously unconscious group of five people them being the ones that attacked Trygve at the start, it brought Trygves mind back from weighting the in and out of the offer. He grabbed the other mugs filled them with alcohol from the barrel and placed them in front of Glynda, Ozpin, Ironwood and five more in front of empty seat that he had prepared for them to sit, then he filled his own mug and raised it.

(Trygve) "It is tradition from where I come to drink when finalizing an agreement."

(Glynda) "I don't really-"

(Trygve) "Are you going to disrespect my peoples tradition." He leaned forward and rested one hand on his weapon.

(Ozpin) "No she isn't, drink Glynda."

(Trygve) "Bottoms up" All nine people raised their mugs and drank from them; Glynda took one gulp of it frowned and placed the mug back on the table. Ozpin finished half of his mug and only Ironwood and Trygve finished their mugs in one go. Trygve smiled at Ironwood. "Good man, at least one of you can drink." Trygve filled the mug of Ironwoods and his own again. Glynda looked away with a face showing disgust.

(Ozpin) "Now Trygve we didn't come here to get drunk there is business to attend to and we would like to know when you are ready to travel with us."

Trygve placed his and on the barrel and lifted it up chugging up to half of it and slammed it down on the ground.

(Trygve) "I'm ready to go now."

Ironwood took out a scroll and sent a signal, a bullhead soon landed in the clearing and all of them got in it.

(Trygve) "Where are we going?" his words where slurred a bit.

(Glynda) "To Beacon academy."


End of Chapter.

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