Male Kamen Rider Build reader x Ever After High (2139 words)

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The reader encounters a Deity that's bored and wants him to be of some form of entertainment, to which she offers him the chance to have any power in the world of Ever After. He chooses to have the powers of Kamen Rider Build, including intelligence, all canon and concept Fullbottles, Build and Sclash drivers, the Transteam and Nebula steam guns, and four new pandora panels with new full bottles. He gets his wish, but the Deity didnt tell him that she'd send a enemy force associated with the powers he chooses, so now a version of Faust exists in Ever After, with two of their own Pandora Panels.

When the Reader appears in Ever After, he falls on to the roof of Ever After High, the same roof that Raven Queen, after another arguement with Milton Grimm, was thinking of jumping. The reader saw Raven standing on the ledge, back pointed to the drop, eyes closed as a tear went down her cheek. Then she began to fall back, but the reader quickly ran over, and just before she was out of reach, the Reader grabs her by the ankle, and trying his best not to be pulled down. When Raven saw him, she was shocked that it was some stranger that had saved her, but quickly paled as the fear that she was keeping back suddenly flooded to the surface. After much struggle, and making sure to not look down at under Raven's skirt, he pulls her up. Raven suddenly hugs him tightly, continuously thanking him as she cried helplessly as she vented all her fear out. The Reader soon asks her why she almost did that, and she explains how shes supposed to be evil and poison her friend Apple White with a Poisoned apple, but she doesnt want to be evil, she just wasnt raised that way by her father, the Good King. The Reader decides to tell her that its best to follow your heart, or with the quote,' Take a risk, take the fall, if its what you want it's worth it all'. Raven thanks the Reader for saving her and soon heads back to her dorm room to sleep. But what she doesnt know is that the Reader was thinking of a plan that will allow her to stay a Rebel, but fulfill her story.

The follow two days the Reader makes his plan, research cursed apple magic, learn the fire alarm locations, Ravens and Apples schedules for Che-myth-stry and lunch, and so on. Then he executed his plan, during Raven's Che-myth-stry period he triggered the fire alarm, he hid in a janitors closet as all the students ran out side, he then went to Che-myth- stry and replaced Ravens instruction sheet for the day with a recipe for Cursed apple. When everyone returned to class, Raven finished her projected and is shocked by the creation of a cursed Apple, to which she quickly throws away. Phase 1 was complete, when everyone left, he took the apple out of the trash and cleans it, it maybe cursed but it still should be clean to eat.

Phase 2 begins, at lunch, the Reader manages to replace the apple Apple had gotten with the cursed apple. With in seconds of taking a bite she fell unconscious. Everyone begun cheering as Daring stepped up to give Apple a kiss, and that they thought Raven had finally accepted her destiny. The curse on the apple wasn't one of true loves kiss though, it could only be cured by a regular kiss, so Daring was able to cure Apple, who said princess quickly hugged Raven for finally accepting her destiny, which sparked Ravens confusion as she hadn't, she somehow made a poisoned Apple in class when making Pheonix Gel, and somehow it had gotten from the trash to Apple's lunch tray. It was then the reader announced his presence, 'Raven did make the Apple, but it was I who replaced her Che-Myth-stry sheet with the recipe, and placed it on Apple's tray, so now Raven has followed her story without the need of being evil, and shows that you all can still follow your destiny's in different way then you think you can'. Raven is confused and feels slightly betrayed by what the Reader has done, but is also slightly happy that now she doesnt have to be evil. Apple on the other hand is completely happy that she and Raven can have their happily ever afters without Raven being evil. Its then the Milton Grimm shows himself after hearing every word the Reader said, and is clearly aggravated with the story now being followed right. The Reader quickly counters, after apologizing to Raven to saying this, that Raven nearly jumped to her death a few nights ago from all the pressure that been be put on her to be evil and follow her mothers destiny, to which everyone is shocked by the fact that Raven tried to take her own life over this problem. The Reader continues by saying that storys continue to change with every generation, and that destiny is not for us to control, that its forged from the actions of themselves and those around them, he was able to craft the story of Snow White a new version because he wished to help Raven escape the cruel hand people were trying to put on her. To which all the rebels applauded the speech, even a few royals as well. For Milton, he was still trying to realize that he nearly drove a child to suicide, it then that it hit him, a 'child', not the evil queen, a child that hes been trying to make evil and eventually ruin her whole life. He then asks that the Reader, Raven, and Apple come with him to his office.

At his office, he apologizes to Raven for pushing her to that point and thanks the Reader informing him of this as its definitely shown him that he's not taking into consideration that his students are children so they are extremely Emotionally vulnerable and can't take the pressures he's putting on them. Its then that the Storybook of Legends off to the right glowed, its glass case breaking apart as it opens up to the section of Snow Whites story, the images changing to show the previous ones, Apple with her happily ever after and Raven in rags on the streets being arrested, into adult Raven, Apple, Daring, and the Reader enjoying lunch together, with the words,'... And so they All Lived their True, Happily Ever After, the end'. (This universe never had the Storybook stolen, so this is the true one). This shocked the 3 fairytale characters, the story book of legends was never said to do that, and not once has it ever been written Happily Ever After on the Image of the characters, especially saying was their 'True happily ever after'.

The Reader asks what happened, and when it was explained he theorized that the Storybook of Legends true purpose is to help new generations to correct the mistakes of the original story, to not make the same mistakes that their parents made. The headmaster takes this into consideration, as he sees that how much hes realized he done incorrectly. He then sends the three he called into his office away to think with himself. When they leave Raven begins asking why the reader did this, to which he replies that he wanted to help her and make sure nothing that she almost did never happened again, and the best plan he had was to act as a new character to the story and send the actions of the story rolling and making sure Raven could stay good, he also apologizes again for telling everyone about how she nearly killed herself. She hesitated for a moment but accepted the apology, though have a bit of hesitation of trusting him with secrets. Apple was about to say something when screams for help were heard from the courtyard, when they arrived they saw robots and mechanical looking black monsters attacking the students, they saw Daring attempt to attack one of the robots but was grabbed by the shoulder by someone in a strange suit of armor almost themed on a spider.


he armored man then aimed a strange gun at him and loaded a bottle with a black web pattern, he then fired at Daring, engulfing him in black smoke. When the smoke dispersed, in Darings place stood a mechanical monster that looked like it was decorated with gold brick plating with two saber arms.

The Reader realizes that this is Faust, with their own Stalk. He then puts his hand on his chest, it glowing and rippling as his hand reaching in and pulling out his build driver, then he placed it on his waist for it to form its belt. He then pulled out two bottles with the images of Jaguar and the back of a excavation vehicle with it's back shovel visible. He then placed the midnight Blue Jaguar bottle into the first slot of the driver, the driver announcing, 'Jaguar', then he inserted the orange Trackhoe bottle in the other, the driver announcing 'Trackhoe', followed by ,'BESTMATCH'. With that the attention of the Transteam user turned to the reader, who was smiling widely. He then grabbed the crank on the driver and began turning it, everyone's attention being drawn to him as the snap system began forming around him. The blue and orange half bodys then formed as the driver asked,'ARE YOU READY?', and the reader replied, 'yes I am, HENSHIN!'. With that the two half bodys engulfed him forming the armor. The driver then announced ,' Predator of Stealthy Excavation, TrackGuar, YEAH!'.

The suit had the image of a jaguar head for the left eye, and a folded trackhoe for the right, the right arm was midnight blue with a Jaguar head on the shoulder and three claws on the wrist, the left arm had a medium large folded Trackhoe shovel on it and a driver seat on the shoulder, on it's back was a large backpack like construct that had three folded trackhoe shovels, two with the shovels pointed on the top of the back, and the third pointed down near the tailbone. This was the readers Base form as Kamen rider Re:Build, TrackGuar.

The Transteam user then told her forces to attack him, while revealing a female voice, and holding back the Gold smash back with one hand. The reader then charged forward, leaving the shocked Raven and Apple behind. With the first Guardian the reader simply extended his Jaguar claws into its head. He then continued to strike at the other guardians with his Trackhoe shovel, which had become animated(meaning active) and unfolded, actively acting as a powerful punch or claw. When the clone smash charged the shovels on his back became animated, the higher shoulder ones going over his shoulders and the one near his tailbone acted as a tail. He then began hitting the smash with heavy blows from the top shovels and then swung his tail at it, its teeth glowing and going into the smash, destroying it. The Transteam user was shock that her forces were beaten with such ease, but quickly expressed anger at the gold smash that would not go away. She gives the Reader a warning about interfering with Faust plans and disappears in steam. The Gold Smash then began targeting Re:Build, who was keeping a safe distance from its sword like arms by using the Trackhoe arms on his back to stand high above it, walking like a crab or daddy longleg. After exchanging a few blows with the smash he leaps back, begins turning the Crank on the driver, his Trackhoe shovels on the back began glowing, and the driver announced, 'READY, GO', with that the trackhoe legs smashed into the ground and pushed themselves against it, launching Re:Build into the sky, the driver then continued with, 'VOLTECH FINISH, YEAH!'. The trackhoe arms then extended downward and grabbed onto the smash, before giving a powerful pull, pulling Re:Build to the smash at extreme speed as he aimed for a rider kick, with the energy projection of a Jaguar at a pouncing position forming around his body, with the head being where he was, as he drew closer the jaws opened as Re:Build delivered the kick, and the jaw closer causing an explosion. As this happened, Re:Build shouted ,"EXCAVATION EXECUTIONER".

Re:Build soon Unhenshins after extracting the Essence from the smash, reverting it to Daring. But he is quickly surrounded by the students of Ever After High as they all exclaim, "WHAT WAS THAT?!". The screen goes dark as that chapter ends.

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