Celestial Raiders OC

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General Information

Character Name: Belmont A. Williams

Epithet: Magic Man

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role on the Ship: Musician


Physical Description

• Height: 6'10

• Build: Slim

• Eye Color: Black

• Hair Color and Style: Black and Blinding Bangs

• Other Distinguishing Features: None

• Animated Face Claim:



• Traits: Generous, Wise when he needs to, Well-Mannered, Unpredictable, Confident.

• Strengths: Fencing Proficiency, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Precision, Mystical Bardsmanship

• Weaknesses: Can't handle large enemies for long, Body isn't built to taking a lot of damage,

• Hobbies/Interests: Treasure Hunting, Drinking, Napping

• Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good



• Place of Origin: A small town called Hopeless, currently traveling.

• Brief Life History: A long time ago, Belmont lived in very low-class town called Hopeless, which was known for the many residents dying every year but by some miracle two children were born that day. One was Belmont and the other was his sister, Belladonna, Belmont never met his sister due to the government taking her at a young age.

Over time, many of the residents started dying even faster until only two people remain, Belmont and the town caregiver, Granny. The town's people knew there time was coming so many of the adults decided to put together some stuff for Belmont to have for when he left the town and moved on. After Granny died and was buried, Belmont set off to the world, looking to make his mark and make the world remember his name.

• Reason for Becoming a Pirate: To become the world's greatest musician.


Skills and Abilities

Special Skill: Harmonic Aura

Abilities of Harmonic Aura:

Sonic Crescendo:

• Description: The musician can generate sound waves of varying frequencies and intensities.

• Applications: Destructive force to shatter barriers, disorienting enemies, or even propelling objects.

Euphonic Shield:

• Description: Creates a protective barrier around the user or allies made of sound waves.

• Applications: Blocking physical and magical attacks, dampening the impact of projectiles.

Rhythmic Resonance:

• Description: Tunes into the natural rhythms of the world to create various effects.

• Applications: Calming turbulent seas, influencing wildlife, or syncing with allies for enhanced teamwork.

Ballad of Recovery:

• Description: Plays a healing melody that gradually restores health and stamina.

• Applications: Healing injuries, purging poisons, or revitalizing exhausted allies.

Cacophonic Chaos:

• Description: Unleashes a discordant melody that sows confusion and unrest among enemies.

• Applications: Disrupting enemy formations, causing hallucinations, or negating focus-based abilities.

Harmonic Synchronization:

• Description: Aligns their own Harmonic Aura with another's Celestial Aura, boosting both.

• Applications: Amplifying the powers of an ally's Celestial Aura or harmonizing two Harmonic Auras for a greater effect.

Melodic Manipulation:

• Description: Uses melodies to control or influence emotions.

• Applications: Instilling fear, happiness, or courage in allies and enemies, potentially affecting their decision-making or combat effectiveness.

Limitations of Harmonic Aura:

• The musician's abilities would require an instrument to channel, making the instrument both a tool and a vulnerability.

• Each use of a Harmonic Aura would consume "Melodic Energy," which can be regenerated but is limited.

• The effects of these abilities could have varying durations and effectiveness based on skill level, focus, and the emotional state of those affected.

Weapon of Choice: Kingsman, a Cross Sword Cane that can act as a conductor baton.

Any Affiliations with Gods or Mythological Beings?: Apollo


Divine Relic

Name of Divine Relic: Elysian Lyre

Skills it Grants: 

Aural Alchemy: Transmute melodies into elemental effects.

Chord of Eons: Play sequences that manipulate time momentarily.


• Requires a deep emotional connection with the audience or target for maximum effectiveness.

• Intense focus and stamina needed to maintain the relic's abilities.

Abilities of Aural Alchemy and Chord of Eons:

Elemental Sonata:

• Play melodies that invoke elemental changes, such as generating fire, water, or even gusts of wind.

Time Lapse Requiem:

• Slow or speed up time momentarily within a localized area, affecting allies or enemies.

Empathic Resonance:

• Connect emotionally with individuals, making them more susceptible to other abilities or even influencing their actions.

Sonic Burst:

• Use a chord to create a small explosion of sound capable of disorienting enemies.

Harmony Shield:

• Produce a barrier of sound waves that can deflect physical or magical attacks.

Symphonic Surge:

• Amplify the abilities of allies, enhancing their Celestial Auras or their own natural abilities temporarily.

Melodious Meditation:

• Self-regeneration by playing calming tunes. Restores a minor amount of health and stamina.


• The relic needs to be in physical contact with the musician for the abilities to be activated.

• Overusing abilities could lead to "Melodic Fatigue," which would make it difficult to use the relic until adequately rested.

• The relic might also need to be "re-tuned"


Story Arc Ideas

Personal Quest: Finding his sister and becoming the world's greatest musician.

Enemies/Rivals: None

Potential Development: Become more emotionally trained with the lyre.


Sample Lines

Introductory Line: Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?

Battle Cry: Let's go, Go, GO!

Closing Line for a Story Arc: So Uncivilised. ~

Relationship with Wu Zephyr: Acquaintances for now.


    •    Quote 1: "Manners, Maketh, Man."

    •    Quote 2: "Smile! You know, you're never fully dressed without one!"

    •    Quote 3: "You forget a thousand things every day, make sure this is one of them."

Extra Info: The suit that Belmont wears can handle high/low temperatures and the hat acts like a storage space for things that he can't by himself.

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