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Name: Dante "Bruttenholm, Azzael" Jones

Aliases: Wer Übertrifft Alle, Hellkid, Bronze

Age: 31 (In Mind), 18 (In Body)



Demon Parts: Hands of Devastation and Crown of Balance.

Features: Demonic Tattoos

Battle 1 (Normal):

Battle 2 (Full Power):



Dual Revolver Pistols w/ Element Based Bullets (Mad Dogs):

Pandora's Case:

Excalibur Inferno:


Powers & Abilities

Balanced Cambion: is balanced between their heritages, if sometimes rather precariously, and have both free will and a good amount of power. There are likely a number of definite traits and instincts that draw them toward their inhuman side. Physically they tend to have at least a few indications about their non-mortal parentage, but the amount varies greatly between individuals.

Empathy: The user can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another.

Energy Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate energy, the capacity or ability to cause change or do work.

- Absorption: The user can absorb various forms of energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage. By enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power or using it as a power source. Either temporarily or permanently.

- Barriers: User can create a shield, wall, barrier, dome, or a field formed from energy, elements, the environment, or by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole

- Blasts: The user can release energy over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.

- Constructs: Users can turn energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.

Supernatural Condition: The user possesses a supernatural condition, capabilities/attributes/aspects drastically beyond what is naturally possible.

- Decelerated Aging: The user either ages slower than normal for their species or is of a species that has extended life-span.

- Supernatural Accuracy: Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally greater accuracy than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them able to aim and target much better than regular beings.

- Supernatural Agility: Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more agile than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them immensely more agile and able to combine their balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance better than regular beings.

- Supernatural Athleticism: The user is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acrobatic than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, they are obviously superior in speed, explosiveness, power, quickness, and other various acrobatic abilities than regular beings.

- Supernatural Balance: User is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more balanced than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely more balanced than any regular being.

- Supernatural Combat: Users possess immense combat skills, both offensive and defensive, that far surpass other beings of their verse. Their skills may be highly innate superhuman, honed or both.

- Supernatural Durability: The user's body tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. are extremely resilient, allowing them to withstand harmful forces on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc. Also, users usually possess drastically enhanced levels of strength and stamina, due to how durable their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing muscles and/or breaking their bones.

- Supernatural Endurance: Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more enduring than other beings in their verse because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making them able to work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an immensely extended amounts of time, far longer than regular beings.

- Supernatural Energy: User's energy is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally greater than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely more energetic than regular beings.

- Supernatural Regeneration: The user can regenerate completely so long as they are not instantly killed by an attack (i.e. Disintegration, Incineration, and One Hit Kill). They are practically immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. They are immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to its unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts.

- Supernatural Senses: User sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings.

- Supernatural Speed: User can move at or beyond supersonic speed.

- Supernatural Stamina: User stamina is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally greater than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them immensely more enduring than regular beings.

- Supernatural Strength: Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally stronger than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level and superior to most supernatural beings, making them immensely stronger than normal members of their species.

- Supernatural Reflexes: Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior reaction speeds over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them able to react faster than regular beings.

Invulnerability: The user is immune to any/all forms of physical damage and harm regardless of its type or level of power, unable to feel physical pain, and is immune to bleeding or loss of limb. The user is also immune to Damage Manipulation if relating to physical harm of the body.

Intimidation Intuition: Have intuitive knowledge in intimidating and scaring others.

Killing Intent: Can induce fear into others with their intent to kill.

Weapon Proficiency: Possess a large range of weaponry, most commonly cursed and demonic weaponry as well as weaponry imbued with horrific power.

Paranormal Expertise: The user possesses great, if not natural, experience and knowledge in paranormal beings, how to understand, detect, and combat against them.

Demonology Intuition: The user has innate knowledge of the study of demons. They research the behaviour, abilities, weaknesses, and anatomy of demons to pursue the documentation and categorization of them.


Excalibur Inferno

Type: Anti-Fortress / ???

Rank: C~EX

Range: 1~99 / ???

Maximum number of targets: 999 people / ???

With being both an heir to the throne of Camelot and a throne in Hell itself, it stands to reason that this weapon is one if not his best as well as most deadly. Upon releasing the seven seals (each being the seven deadly sins) the sword is fill with divine-demonic energies allowing Dante to open portals to hell, create divine-demonic minions, harm divine as well as demonic entities with a slash of it. 

So far Dante has seen it do a few things but has been told by the lady of lake, Viviane and his grandpa, Azzael, that the sword is cable of bringing about Armageddon or True Peace. Either way it's up to Dante on what he wants to do with it.



"Alrighty Dude, Time to Count Up Your Sins."

"Judgement Time....Starts Now!"

Unknown Male Voice:

"Confirmed. Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth."


"Let's go on a one way road to heaven or hell."

Unknown Male Voice:

"Rip and Tear, Until it's Done."


[Excalibur!!~ INFERNO!!]



Arthur Pendragon (ancestor, deceased)

Morgan Le Fey (ancestor)

Mordred (ancestor, deceased)

Azzael (grand father)

Sarah Hughes (grand mother, deceased)

Astaroth (great uncle, deceased)

Unnamed maternal half-uncle (deceased)

Unnamed maternal half-aunt(deceased)

Gamori (paternal half-aunt)

Gamon (paternal half-uncle, deceased)

Lusk (paternal half-uncle, deceased)

Trevor Bruttenholm (adoptive grand father, deceased)

Simon Bruttenholm (adoptive great grand uncle)

Hellboy aka Anung Un Rama (father)

Abraham "Abe" Sapien (uncle)

Unnamed mother (deceased)


Theme Song

Battle (Normal): Valiant Hearts - Devil Trigger


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