Prompt 6

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In a world not too different from our own exists a hidden race, one able to reach into the dreams of those they create bonds with and pull pieces of those dreams into the real world. The way they form those bonds? By taking a piece of their lifeforce, their soul, and placing within the one they wish to bond with.

Of course, this is not without its own risks, as bonding with another gives them a certain level of their own power. Each bond grants a small gift to the bonded, a power unique to only them, and the hidden ones can only hope that such power does not end up being abused. This is the reason why so few bonded to more than one being at a time and only after spending months, sometimes years watching those they are thinking of bonding with.

Today, you have been granted such a bond with one of the hidden beings, gifting you with a power you had only ever dreamed of having before. A power that had always been your greatest desire to have, one you had never even considered to be in the realm of possibility for you to receive. But receive it you have and now you have only to learn how to control it.

Of course, you must also consider that from now on, your dreams are within the hands of the strange being that seemed almost ethereal at times, standing halfway within your world and halfway within the dreaming world. And in exchange for the power you were granted, it could and would pull whatever it desired from your dreams, something you would have waved off if not for the passing mention that those objects would never appear in your dreams again, your eyes widening at the sight of the object it held.

Even now, you could feel the knowledge of said item blurring further in your mind, fading from your memories more with each passing moment. Had it been red or green? Maybe it was blue? Was it a toy or perhaps a weapon? It had been square though, you remember that much! Or maybe it was round? The harder you tried to remember, the faster it slipped from your mind until finally, you couldn't even remember what you had been thinking about.

Whatever it was, surely it didn't matter! Not nearly as much as the amazing power you had gotten! Now to think about how you would use it, after all, you had the entire world at your fingertips if you did this right!

Because your power was...

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