Battle for Kyoto

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Issei POV

     After we were ready to go to Nijo Castle, my teleportaion circle was redirected elswhere and I had to deal with a minion of Cao Cao, which lasted about a minute before I beat him and I escorted Kunou to the castle where the others were gathered.

Issei: Hey, sorry for the wait. Had a minor roadblock to take care of.

Xenovia: We're just glad you made it.

Issei: *notices Xenovia's sword* What's that?

Xenovia: The chuch just sent the modified Durandal.

Issei: Sweet! Just in the nick of time.

Cao Cao: Welcome! I'm so glad you could join us.

Issei: *growls* Cao Cao.

     Two figures appeared behind the group with a hostage it seems.

Kunou: Mother?! Mother, can you hear me?! Please, come back! *no response* What have you done with my Mother?!

Cao Cao: Didn't I tell you? Your mother is helping with an experiment, to release Great Red from the Dimensional Gap.

Issei: What could you possibly want with releasing Great Red?!

Cao Cao: Well, you see our boss has a problem with him. She wants to go home but Great Red stands in the way. The chi power running through the nine-tailed leader and the city of Kyoto will hopefully serve as a beacon to lure Great Red out. *stomps spear on the ground*

      The sound heard somehow causes Yasaka to be forcibly transformed into a giant nine-tailed fox.

Kunou: Oh mother.

Saji: What do we do now?

Xenovia: Here's the first move. HYAH!

     Xenovia infuses her new Durandal with so much power that it's blade extends and she swings with all her might creating an explosion that completely demolishes the castle as well as leaving a large crater. Issei and the others had turn shield their eyes from the explosion, and when they see the result-

Issei: Whoa!

Xenovia: *wipes a little sweat* Whew.

Issei: Don't you "whew" like you've just done a hard days work!

Xenovia: The first strike is always important.

     The Hero Faction emerged from the rubble almost unscathed.

Cai Cao: Bravo. Nice move. But we need to start the experiment. Georg?

Georg: Roger.

    Rossweisse may still have a hangover but she can tell that the one called Georg has access to a cery vast spell library incorporating nany different variants. When Georg activates his spells and focuses on the giant fox, Yasaka howls into the sky and the power surrounding her intensifies. Meanwhile, Cao Cao's other cohorts choose their opponents, Seigfried wants to battle both Kiba and Xenovia, one called Jeanne wants to fight Irina, while another called Heracles wants Rossweisse. That leaves Cao Cao vs Issei, but before the battles can get underway a massive familiar looking blue beam of light hits Yasaka, knocking her to the ground, this confuses everyone.

Jeanne: What was that?!

Cao Cao: *realizes* Really? Right now?

      Footsteps are suddenly heard, big, heavy ones, then an eatsplitting roar is heard from a distance and getting closer.

The Gremory group turn around and see a truly astonishing sight,

  a 600 ft tall Godzilla stomping towards the group, his dorsal spines are lit up with atomic energy and is overall impressive and intimidating at the same time.

Asia: *relieved* (Y/n).

Xenovia: How did he find us?

Issei: He'll have a monstrous personality. Azazel knew he'd come.

     Yasaka recovered and turned to the monster stomping towards her, she flairs her nine tails in a threatening fashion, Godzilla responded with slamming his tail on the ground as well as intensifying his threat display. The two then roar at each other and Yasaka charges first because she's fast, she leaps at Godzilla, however, Godzilla was ready for this and ducked to avoid the strike letting Yasaka crash into the ground.

Asia: (Y/n)! She's being mind controlled! We need her alive!

Godzilla: *ROARS*

Goodzilla clamps his jaws on Yasaka's shoulders and tosses her across the ground, Yasaka recovered in time to avoid Godzilla's charge and used the time to jump onto Godzilla's back, since she was quite a lot shorter than Godzilla.

The rest of the Gremory group get back into their battles and at first it was not looking good for any of our devils. Rossweisse was still having a hangover and so lost her battle quite quickly, after several intense minutes, Issei finally had a breakthrough and gained new power potential allowing him to get the upper hand on Cao Cao.

Godzilla and Yasaka were still going at it and the two released their fiery breath attacks in a beam struggle, at first they seemed even, but Godzilla put more energy into his breath attack and overpowered Yasaka and sent her across the ground. Yasaka was able to recover but not in time to avoid Godzilla's tackle, Godzilla then clawed at her several times and then as she tried to escape, Godzilla used his foot and planted it on Yasaka's chest to pin her to the ground.

Issei: *to Cao Cao* Looks like your experiment won't work. I'd retreat before Godzilla decides to have you guys for a snack.

Cao Cao: *growl of frustration* *to his group* It appears the experiment is a failure. Let us depart.

Issei: Hey! Give Yasaka back now!

Cao Cao: Fine, she's of no more use to us anyway. *stamps spear on the ground*

    The stamp releases Yasaka and she starts to power down upon realizing what was going on and Godzilla taking his foot off her, Issei then use his, um, boob lingual spell to connect Kunou and her mother to break out of any remnants of the spell that was used to bind her. Upon her returning to normal, Godzilla walks away and returns to the ocean.

      Issei and the other students were celebrated as heroes and the next day saw them off back to Kuoh Academy and back to Rias, and let's just say, she's not happy about being left in the dark.

Rias: Why did you not let us know what was going on?!

Issei: Well-

Akeno: You said you would contact us after Kinkakuji.

Koneko: Yes, you were so distant.

Asia: B-But everyone came home safely.

Azazel: Issei met another woman in Kyoto.

Issei: It's not like that! Don't say that in such an ambigous way!

Azazel: Have you seen her mother, I bet she'll grow up in all the right areas.

Issei: Hey- *gut punch by Koneko* Why? *groans*

Koneko: No reason.

Azazel: Come on Rias, Issei unlocked new power while he was there. Cut him a little slack?

Rias: By summoning me and touching my boobs when I am not a member his harem anymore? I think not! *slaps Issei*

Issei: Ow! Okay, I probably deserved that.

Rias: *deep breath* I suppose it's okay since everyone returned safely. Besides we still have the school festival and the Rating Game against Sairaorg to worry about. We need to focus on preparing for that. Dismissed.

     Everyone returns to their rooms and once again most of the girls file into Issei's room, ugh. Rias however goes to her own room that she used to share with (Y/n) when he was here, but after 4 months apart, Rias has started to wonder if she'll ever see him again.

(A/N): Bittersweet, everything worked out but our two lovers are still forced to be apart. Well, that's the end of this three parter, hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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