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(Y/n) POV

After a night with Rias, we got called to a site where fallen angels have been seen gathering in large numbers. We get to the last known location of a specific fallen angel and find a magical trail that we can follow. It was weird because the trail is so obvious and this fact puts me on edge and Rias seemed to notice.

Rias: (Y/n)? Are you alright?

(Y/n): This trail is just too obvious, it smells of a trap.

Rias: You noticed that too, huh? Everyone, be on your guard. We don't know what could be lurking out here.

     As we continue through the forest that leads to the mountains, I have all senses on high alert. We continue to follow the trail until we come to what looks like a ruined temple.

Rias: These symbols. They seem to depict a creature that resembles Mothra but different in some way.

(Y/n): Mothra told me she had an evil counterpart that can bend the minds of the weak to it's will. Maybe you all should stay outside to avoid possibly being enthralled.

Rias: Your concern is noted.

(Y/n): Rias?

We continued deeper into the ruins, I start to get the sense that we're being watched and try to keep a sharp eye. As we pressed deeper into the ruins, Issei gets my attention in a very nervous tone.

Issei: Um, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): What?

I look at his face as everyone stops and I see he is trying to hold back some fear, that's when I feel something moving on my back and look on my left shoulder and see a tarantula. I gently wipe them off me and Issei now has a tarantula on his shoulder and I gesture for him to turn around. He does so and there is a carpet of spiders on his back, I look up and see a whole mess of webs.

(Y/n): *as I wipe off Issei's spiders* Don't worry. Tarantulas aren't dangerous.

Gasper: That's a lie. *as he cowers next to Koneko*

Akeno: Don't worry Gaspey, they only bite if you're afraid.~

Gasper: No!

Rias: Let's move.

We continue through the temple and we come to a unusual ray of sunlight peering through the darkness.

(Y/n): Stop.

Rias: Darling?

(Y/n): Stay out of the light.

Everyone waits while I crawl underneath the light beam, on the other side I then wave my hand in the light and a spike trap erupts from the wall next to me. Most of the Occult Club squeal in fright and surprise as they see a skeleton on one of the spike traps. The others avoid the ray of light and we continue through the temple. We come to a corridor with a stone carved picture on either wall, I look at the floor and stop Kiba from walking further.

Koneko: What now?

I grab a unlit torch and look around, I look at the floor and see something strange, I use the torch to trace the floor as Rossweisse kneels down next to me. The torch then hits a man made crack in the floor, I then press the torch down onto what appears to be a pressure plate. The plate lowers and a dart whizz's past Rossweisse's nose and into the torch handle.

(Y/n): Take great care where you step.

Issei: Someone really didn't want anyone getting in here huh?

We continue and find a really big open chamber with the ceiling forming a dome-like structure with a hole at the center raining down a beam of energy onto some sort of giant organic structure. Rias then points out a bunch of fallen angels and even demons and light angels surrounding the structure.

Asia: What's going on here?

Akeno: Angels, Fallen Angels and even devils all here together not killing each other? How?

Issei: Maybe they all have a common wet dream?

(Y/n): Shut up, Issei.

Rias: I think they're being mind controlled by whatever that structure is.

Koneko: It almost feels alive.

      Suddenly, the entire club, minus me, seem to go into a trance and start walking towards the central structure.

(Y/n): Guys?

      Akeno then turns around and shoots me with lightning sending me flying into the wall. I recover and pull myself out of the wall and look at the club ready to attack me.

(Y/n): Friends. Remember who you are.

      Akeno shoots another lightning bolt but I am ready and tank through it only to get hit by Issei's Dragon Shot.

Kiba: It's nothing personal.

Issei: But we don't need you anymore.

(Y/n): I know you all in there, just-

Rias: Take him!

      Akeno, Issei, Rossweisse and Rias hit me with powerful spells that push into the wall again.

(Y/n): My friends! I do not wish to hurt you!

Akeno: Well we don't feel the same.

     I pull myself together and dodge Akeno's next lightning strike and jump up grab her by the ankles and throw her into Rossweisse and Issei, sending all of them across the ground. I am then set upon by Kiba and Xenovia who strike at me with their swords but I turn my body to scales to prevent them doing much damage. Koneko then blindsides me and punches hard and I skid back several feet, Gasper then uses a time stopping spell to slow me down, but I manage to power through and break the spell.

(Y/n): You really think your tiny spells can defeat me Gasper?

Gasper: I'm really just the distraction.

      I get hit by Rias' destruction spell and it sends me skidding across the ground.

(Y/n): Rias, please. Don't make me hurt you.

Rias: But I want to hurt you. HYAH!

     Rias hits me with another spell, Issei and Akeno join in as well, I power through the spells and manage to stand. Rias stops and readies another more powerful spell and says.

Rias: You're outnumbered and overpowered. Give up!

      Rias casts her most powerful spell and hits me and knocking me back into the ground but I barely manage to stay standing as the spells stop firing. As I collapse to my knees, Rias lands in front of me, I look at her with a saddened expression, she readies another spell but hesitates casting it. I look into her eyes and see her mind is trying to fight back against whatevers controlling her. The spell disappears and Rias lowers her hands, but a new voice is heard.

????: Weak.

      I then get hit by a new beam of energy and this was much more powerful than what my friends were dishing out, it was so powerful and forceful that it knocked me out cold.

Rias POV

      As soon as my mind sees (Y/n) knocked out, I finally break myself out of what ever enthrallment was controlling me.

Rias: NOOO!

      I suddenly feel weak and collapse to the ground the others also pass out and fall to the ground, I then weakily look over at (Y/n)'s body and use whatever strength I have left to drag myself to him. I take his hand in mine when a cracking sound is heard and I manage to look over at the central structure as it cracks open and a moth looking monster with crystals sticking out of it head crawls out of the cocoon. The monster spreads it's wings and let's out a cry before the other thralls drop to the ground, the monster then starts flapping it's wings and flies out of the temple and we're all too weak to follow. I finally lose all strength and finally pass out as the monster shrieks one more time.

Timeskip 30 Minutes Later

Rias POV

     I slowly wake up with a splitting headache and the light hurt my eyes, I groan and grab my head as I sit up. My senses finally comeback, I look around and see the rest of the club just starting to rouse themselves, I then look next to me and see (Y/n)'s still unconscious body.

Rias: *gasp* (Y/n)!

      I roll him onto his back and check for a pulse, whew, he's still breathing but he is weak and whatever monster did this is now flying around doing who knows what. I shake (Y/n) to try and wake him up.

Rias: (Y/n)? (Y/n), wake up. Come on. That is an order!

       Finally, he grumbles and weakily looks at me with those beautiful (E/C) eyes.

(Y/n): *weakily* Rias. *closes eyes*

      I look around and see the remnants of the cocoon the monster emerged from and sense the beam of light is actually transmitting radiation to this place. I stand and pick (Y/n) up and sling him over my shoulder, I carry him to the center of the beam of radiation and lay him down. His body starts absorbing the radiation and his wounds start to heal slowly. I check on the others, and except some bruising from the fight that they can't remember happening, they're fine. I go back to (Y/n) and he is starting to rouse himself, I rush to his side as he weakily tries to get up.

Rias: Easy (Y/n). Take it slow.

(Y/n): What... happened to the... monster?

Rias: It emerged from the cocoon and flew away.

(Y/n): *tries to stand* I've gotta catch up and defeat it.

Rias: *worried* Please, (Y/n) take it easy you got hit pretty hard.

(Y/n): Battra must be stopped.

Asia: Battra?

(Y/n): Mothra's evil counterpart. I... have to... go.

      (Y/n) collapsed to his knees and Asia tries to heal him further but the radiation is not working fast enough and none of us are in any shape to battle such a monster. (Y/n)'s wounds healed up a bit more and his eyes started to flare with radiation signalling he was trying to transform and he did transform to Godzilla and started following Battra's radiation trail. We all tried to follow but we were too tired to fly, so I summoned a magic circle to get us back to the clubhouse especially since Gasper and Issei were the most exhausted, I just hope (Y/n) has the strength to beat this monster.

(Y/n) POV

       I am closing in on Battra and he looks like he's heading to a populated area, I pick up the pace and try to catch up with him. I finally reach the shallows and start to rise from the water and find naval ships surrounding me, I look up in the sky and see Battra dodging or enduring the bullet and cannon shots. I roar at Battra as some of the ships turn their fire on me but they're weapons do nothing to me, I just focus on Battra as he dives from the sky while shooting his prism beams at me which do some damage but I remain standing. I recover too slow however dodge out of Battra's grab, he starts crawling on me and biting my back and sides, I swing my tail and slam it on the ocean surface to cause a blinding wave and Battra let's go and takes off.

(Y/n): Man, I really wish I could fly right now.

      I start charging up a Atomic Breath and when I fire, Battra manuevers out of the way and dodges each blast I send his way. Meanwhile, Battra starts using hit and run tactics and divebomb me with his prism beam and then fly out of my reach where he can easily dodge my breath attack. Battra then heads for the shore and I give chase, Battra then heads to an amusement park and rips the ferris wheel out and divebombs me with it, the force was enough to knock me off balance. I recover only to be hit by another prism beam attack which knocks me to one knee. I get back up as Battra tries another tackle-grab and he once again lands on my back and starts biting me, I can't reach him while he back there. I decide to try and emitting an Atomic Pulse, so I start charging up atomic energy and my dorsal plates start to light up. The energy keeps building to critical levels, Battra notices and tries to take off but I release the Atomic Pulse and he is sent crashing through a building. I reach him and as I grab him in my mouth Battra starts thrashing, one of his legs scratches my gills and I grunt in pain as the scales and skin are much softer there, I then throw Battra but he regains his balance and takes flight again. I watch him and wait until he goes for another divebomb, I then turn and with all my might swing my tail at the incoming Battra and because of physics Battra took serious damage and crashed through several warehouses. I gake a moment to catch my breath, but then I hear rubble moving and I look to see Battra trying to pull himself out of the wreckage, I decide to end this here and now and start charging up an Atomic Breath.

     The Atomic Breath fires and hits Battra dead on and destroys him upon contact, I make sure he's down for the count and roar in victory.

     Tired, I simply turn around and go back to the depths of the ocean to further my training and prepare for what's next on the fight schedule.

(A/N): Sorry guys, this was kind of a long one. Anyways, this chapter and the new chapters of all my unfinished stories are my Christmas gift to all of you amazing readers that have supported me through this year. Whew and now I need a break, so I probably won't publish anything new till January. So until then this is your author signing off. PEACE OUT!!!

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