Trouble Stirring in Kyoto

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Rias POV

It's been several months since (Y/n) was labeled a rogue devil, and I still have not gotten past his absence, everytime my servants and I go to take care of a rogue devil, I fear it moght be (Y/n) or I feel insecure about him not being there. (Y/n) and I loved sitting on the balcony and he would lay his head on my chest or I would lay down in between his legs and I read us a book, I really miss having (Y/n) in my arms while we spooned in bed together. *sniffles*

Today though, Issei's class is heading to Kyoto for a school trip only Koneko, Akeno and myself aren't going. I just hope they stay safe, the Chaos Brigade is getting bolder and I will have no way of coming to their aid if they need it.

Rias: Akeno, I need some air. I won't be long.

I go outside and start wandering through town, I end up in the central park in town and go to the fountain and sit down. My mind goes through the memories of (Y/n) and I couldn't help but shed a tear as I walk back to the clubhouse.

3rd Person POV

Unbeknownst to everyone at the park, Rias had hid a slip of paper under the lip of the fountain with her sigil on it.
Later that night, a figure came out of the shadows and grabbed the slip of paper and read what was written.

Meanwhile, in Kyoto, Issei and the rest of the Occult research club are wandering around Kyoto they all make it to the Fushimi Inari-taisha, when Issei senses something moving in the bushes and runs ahead of the others to the top where there is a temple and prays to be the Harem King one day, of course. Suddenly, the presence he felt from the shadows appears as a little girl with fox ears and nine tails.

Issei: Whoa. Is that a fox?

????: Outsider! How dare you show yourself here! I will have you return Mother!

Issei: Huh? Wait, hold on! I don't even know your mom!

????: Don't lie! You cannot decieve my eyes!

The girl gives the signal to attack and Issei counters and tries to escape to the forest, Issei almost gets hit by two youkai, thankfully Irina and Xenovia blocked both attacks as Asia approaches too.

Xenovia: Are you all right?

Irina: These appear to Youkai.

Asia: Are you okay?!

Issei activates his gauntlet as the little girl from earlier appears in front of the group.

????: Impure existances of evil! I will never forgive you!

Issei: Asia! The, um, substitute acknowledgment card!

Asia: Right!

Asia pulls out a badge that allows Issei to use his pawn abilities even without Rias present.

Issei: Alright! Promotion, Knight!

????: Attack!

Issei: Remember, this is still Kyoto, try not to harm your opponents or the buildings!

Xenovia/Irina: Roger!

The group easily beat back the Yokai that their leader sounded a retreat.

????: Evil existances! I will have you give back my mother!

The youkai disappeared and the devils were left to ponder what just happened and why. Later that night, Issei tried to sneak a peek in the girls bathroom room but Rossweisse stood in his way and the two ended up trading blows with Issei only winning because he used his Dress Break spell on Rossweisse destroying her clothes. Anyways, a while later Azazel brings the Occult club together along with Saji and Lady Leviathan, unbeknownst to everyone else, one unknown figure is eavesdropping on the conversation outside.

Issei: Lady Leviathan, why are you here?

Leviathan: Work. I wanted to forge an alliance with the Youkai. It's just, something terrible has happened.

Kiba: What happened?

Leviathan: The Leader of the Kyoto Youkai, a nine-tailed who kept them all together, has gone missing.

Issei: So that's the reason we were attacked by the youkai, they must've thought we kidnapped her.

Leviathan: Azazel told about the attack.

Azazel: I fear the Chaos Brigade is involved.

Issei: *growls* Damn cowards.

Xenovia: What do we do now?

Azazel: The adults and myself will take care of this as best we can, for now you brats enjoy your trip in Kyoto

Issei POV

After another day of taking in the sights of Kyoto, our group is seemingly set upon by the Youkai again. As we ready for battle, Rossweisse stops us and says we're all being brought together to talk.

Azazel: Ah, there they are.

Leviathan: Hey, everyone!

Issei: What's going on?

Youkai: They are all here, Ma'am. *disappears*

Kunou: I lead the youkai who live in the light and shadows of Kyoko. I am Kunou, daughter of Yasaka. I apologize for my behavior yesterday. *bows* I attacked you without knowing your situation. Please, forgive me.

Xenovia: Eh, it's fine. I'm just glad that misunderstanding has been cleared up.

Asia: Yes, peace is always best.

Issei: You made a mistake because you're worried about your mother and you apologized for it, so there's no reason for us to condemn you.

Kunou: Thank you.

Leviathan: Let's talk details inside.

We all head inside and sit down before Lady Leviathan explains further.

Leviathan: Several days ago, the youkai's nine-tailed leader, Yasaka, left to meet with the Servant of Sakra of Mount Meru. However, she never arrived at the meeting. After the youkai made some inquiries, it was determined that Lady Yasaka was kidnapped by an unknown group.

Azazel: After Serafall and I cleared up the misunderstanding between The Youkai and the Red Dragon Emperor, we helped deduce that the Hero Faction of the Chaos Brigade was involved.

Issei: Them again, seriously.

Youkai: Is there any chance we'll rescue Lady Yasaka?

Issei: Of course we will! We'll get Yasaka back if it's the last thing we do!

Kiba: *chuckles* That's Issei for you, willing to help others.

A little embarassed with myself, Kunou offered to show us around Kyoto tomorrow while the adults continue searching for Yasaka.

3rd Person POV

The next day the student group continue exploring Kyoto until they near the Togetsu Bridge, and see Azazel making a joke about Rossweisse not being able to hold her liqour, which, after she angrily drank a shot of Sake, he was right.

Issei's group follows Kunou and start across the bridge while she tells them legends about the bridge that humans have come up with over the years. Suddenly, a purple fog appears and envelopes the group except the actual humans and creates a dimensional space where no actual harm can be done to the human world.

Azazel: Issei! *lands in front of students*

Issei: Azazel?

Azazel: It seems only we were caught up in this fog.

Kunou becomes worried and scared.

Issei: Kunou?

Kunou: I had heard that my mother was enveloped in this same fog when she was taken.

Issei: That means-

Some shadowy figures appear on the other side of the bridge, one of them wielding some sort of spear fires an energy beam at our devils, Azazel does his best to block it but ends up being shot into the side of a mountain.

????: *confidant* Nice to meet you, Governor General Azazel, and you Red Dragon Emperor.

(A/N): Cut! Alright great work everyone. Take fifteen and we'll get back to it.

Thanks for reading, I relly hope I can make this part entertaining for all of you. If you like this story and want to read more, head on over to my Author's page and you can find my other stories I've written, and consider following it's a great way to keep me motivated to keep writing awesome stories.

Until next time, I'll see you in the next exciting chapter. PEACE OUT!!!

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