Last Part

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Hi Guys...!!!

It's me again...!!!

Long time no see right..
Well your wait is over here is last part...!!!


Story of Love Which Change The Beast

Seen - 1

Swara's Room

She was sitting in a corner and was thinking about all happenings...somewhere she was happy but somewhere she was sad also...its true that revenge give peace to your mind but it's also true that it can blacken your heart also...the girl who was once bubbly and full of life was now a revenge machine...if she has something to live than it is only her daughter who is a small ray of light...but now...she was worried what will happen if that light also vanishes...its true that she is the symbol of her helplessness of that night where she lost her everything...but its also true that she was her blood and she can never hate her own blood specially her own innocent daughter who is exactly her repilca in this young age...she was thinking so hard that she didn't see Sanskaar came in room...

Sanskaar(hesitant) : Swara???

Swara who was really lost in herself become suddenly stunned seeing Sanskaar that too in her room...

Swara(becomes angry to see him) : what are you doing in my room...don't you have any manners...that we shouldn't go in someone's room without their permission...but who am I talking how can a (with venom)Rapist has manners...

Sanskaar feels like crying hearing the word RAPIST...but it was also a clood blooded reality which can never change....

Swara(with at attitude) : tell me what you want...why are you here now...

Sanskaar(slowly) : I came to talk about...

Swara(with attitude) : wait a second if you want to talk about that Ragini and Laksh than don't...I'm not that free to waste my time on those useless people...

Sanskaar(politely) : no I came to talk about Pari...our our daugth...

Before he could complete his sentence a loud shout was heard in whole room shooting its core...

Swara(Roared) : DON'T YOU DARE TO CALL HER YOUR DAUGTHER...she is only my girl do you get that...

Listening to this he started to plead that give him a chance to prove himself...

Sanskaar(pleads) : Swara please give me a chance...please...I..I want to hold my daughter...I want to...

Swara(angrily) : she is not your daughter...she is only MINE...

Sanskaar(with teary eyed) : but....

Swara(thinks something) : OK...I'll forgive you...but on one condition...

Sanskaar(hurriedly) : I'll do get your forgiveness...just tell what you want...

Swara(smirks evilly) : I want...I want you to kill your own family...than I'll will forgive you...

Sanskaar(beyond shocked) : what...I...

Swara(laughs evilly) : what you can't do it...haha I knew that GET LOST...

He helplessly left from there...

Seen - 2


Pari was playing with her toys and was unaware from surroundings...Sanakaar was seeing all this from aside accompanied by Laksh who was really sad for his brother...suddenly Pari runs towards him ...

Pari : Papa...papa...

Sanskaar who hear word papa was about to run towards her but stops on her spot seeing someone...

Person(happily) : I'm here my princess...

Pari(runs to him and hugs him) : papa  you know how much I miss you...I want chocolate...(pouts cutely)where is my chocolate papa...???

Person(lifts Pari) : ohhh sorry my Angel...I forgot to bring choclate...but no warries...come lets go to buy differents chocolates which ever you like...ok...OK let's go than...

Sanskaar see all this with teary eyes...

Seen - 3

Swara is sitting with same person and discussing her plan...

Swara(smirking) : well today is the last day of this whole act...I'm really excited to watch the ending drama...

Person(unsure about Swara's decision) : what have you planned...

Swara(smirks evilly) : this a secret...Sanskaar want my forgiveness so he has to do what I say...

Person(asks) : means???

Swara(says something) : he will kill....

Person(shocked) : what...??? Are you mad...he will never do that...

Swara(says angrily) : I know he will not do that...that's the interesting part...I wanna see his that helpless face which will give me see a RAPIST...

She was about to loose her control but was soon stop by the hug...

Person(hugs her) : shhhh...relax my shonu...don't think about those painful memories...

Swara(breaks down) : how can I relax can I??? Whenever I see those bloody so cold family faces...I...I just want to make them suffer that much that they loose their I lost mine...I...

Raj(consoling her) : I know I can't understand what have you bare in your life...but I can assure you one thing...that now you will never be alone...I'll always be there for you...

Suddenly Swara's mobile ringed and both broke the hug...a third person who was standing outside the room see all this with teary eyed...and was about to leave but stops hearing Swara's worried voice...

Swara(worriedly) : said you will find one...

OP : ........

Soon call was cut and Swara sit with thud on floor making Arjun shocked as well as that person...Raj rushed towards her and holds her in his arms...where she sobs and said something which was enough to make that person and SwaRaj world's apart in a few seconds...

The person who see all this decide something and left from there...

Seen - 4

Sanskaar's Room

Both are discussing something and Laksh is too shocked to react...with Sanskaar's changed behavior....

Sanskaar(sadly) : I have to do this...

Laksh(worried) : are you sure you can handle it...

Sanskaar(determined) : get her forgiveness I can cross any limit...

DP(pleads) : don't go please...

Sanskaar(sadly) : I'm sorry but I have to go...bye...

Saying so he left from there...leaving his whole family in grief...

Seen - 5

Night Time

Swara's Room

She was sitting with a little hope...that that could save her life...Raj was with her and was really worried seeing her condition...

Raj(assures her) : Don't worry Swara...I'm Hundered percent sure we will find someone who...

Swara(crying) : don't lie to me Raj...don't lie...I...I know I'll loose her...I...

Soon her mobile ringed once again...

Swara(attend the call) : yes what is it now...tell me...???

OP : ........

Swara(happily) : really....I...OK when I have to come...what now...??? No...I have no problem I'm coming right now...

Saying so she cuts the call and turns towards Raj who was seeing  her with confused expressions...

Raj(asks) : what everything fine...???

Swara(shouts happily) : yes everything is fact super the ...

Raj(happily) : really...??? I mean...I...I'm so happy...

Swara(tells him) : yes me too...but doctor said we have to do this operation in her condition is not good so we have to go now...

Raj(nodes) : OK let's go...

Seen - 6


A big hospital is shown SwaRaj with Pari came there and move towards a doctor's cabin...

Swara(greets him) : Hello doctor...

Doctor(tells her to sit) : ohhh miss Swara please have a seat...

Both SwaRaj sit down  with a sleeping Pari in Raj's lap...

Doctor(asks) : well are you both ready to do this...???

Swara(determined) : yes doctor we are ready...but...I want to see donor once...I...I want to thank him for saving my...

Doctor(tells her about donor's wish) : I'm sorry Miss Swara but we can't let you see him...he requested that he doesn't want to meet anyone...

Swara(nodes) : ohhh OK...

Soon all move towards operation theater from where nurses on stretcher take Pari inside the OT and SwaRaj were waiting outside...Raj calls Swara's Parents and brother to tell them about operation...after few minutes all were with her by her side to giving her courage was about 7 hours being passed but still Operation was going on...with every passing moment Swara was thinking that she is loosing someone...but still she brush her thoughts away...and decided to remain positive...
Soon after few minutes OT's door was opened and doctor came out...all rushed towards him...

Doctor(happily assure them) : don't worry operation was successful...

All become happy that their little Pari is save...but soon Doctor gives something to Swara...

Doctor(hands her a paper) : Miss Swara here its for you...

Swara(confused) : what's in this paper doctor...

Doctor(tells her) : the donor gave it to me before operation...he said that I give this to you after operation...

Saying so he left from there...

Swara open the letter and started yo read it...

My Dear Shona...

Well I know now I don't have any right to call you this...but still bear it thinking it my last words...

Yes you heard right...I'm sure till now you must have guessed what I'm saying...

I'm dead Swara...

You told me to kill my family...and look what I a coward kill myself but I'm not guilty...infact I'm really happy... I have done something...which...which will always remind you that I'm always with you...

I know you hate my presence but still I'm too selfish to leave you...

I know I was never. Good friend...a good boyfriend...a good cousin or a good son...but I never knew that I have a daughter...who...who is suffering from this much big must be thinking how I get to know all this...well sorry to say but I heard you and Raj talking when you were crying your heart out...

That time I...I wanted to console you...I wanted yo hold you...but I know I don't have any right to touch you...

When I heard that My daughter...well who am I kidding to...even I don't have right to call her my daughter...but still I'll call her my daughter one last time...when I heard she is having complications in her heart...I thought its all due to me...

I once heard that Parents wrong work influence their children future...looks like my all wrong doings were really cruel that my daughter was suffering...

I thought if its all due to me so I should be the one to end these sufferings...

I...I donated my heart to I'll always be her chest continuously beating...I'll always be with you...

I know you hate me too much...but still please don't hate our daughter due to my heart being in her chest...she is innocent...

One last time I want to say...


Just one last wish ...please don't ever tell Pari who her father was...I don't want to see hate in her eyes...please consider it my request...

And yes please Marry with Raj...he is a very good person...and I know he will love Pari like her own daughter...

One last thing which I always wanted to tell you from childhood but never said...due to my so cold male Ego...


Your ....


Swara was crying bitterly...she never had thought that...Sanskaar can do this...letter was slipped from her hand...she immediately runs inside the OT and see a person's dead body laying on a stretcher beside Pari...she slowly lifts her hands to uncover his face and was shocked to see Sanskaar...

Whole family who came behind her were shocked to see all this...

Raj was the one who recover from the shock and move towards Swara...he holds her...who was shattering like a broken glass in his arms...

Seen - 7

Swara's Room

It was after Sanskaar's furnel...she was sitting in her room thinking about Sanskaar and her moments with him...

Now she realized she loved him also but due to his acts she never try to know her own heart...she was happy that Pari was save but also sad that He was no more...

Today she tell everyone that Ragini and Laksh were not divorced and that She is also not married with Sahil...that all was a act to show them how cruel they were to her...

The beast which was inside her in these years was finally dead...she was able to feel her heart beats after long time...but it was too late...because the person who was responsible for the beast to vanish was no where to be found...its true that LOVE Can change anyone even a BEAST too...

Seen - 5

A Mandap is shown and a couple is shown sitting in it...and are getting married...
Well guess who is it???
Ofcource our SwaRaj....!!!

Finally I have written it...!!!

I'm really sorry to SwaSan fans...I know you all wanted me to unite SwaSan but still it was impossible...its true that Sanskaar was guilty...but still whatever he would have done he would never have been able to gain Swara's forgiveness...!!!

But this way...he will always be remained in her heart...!!!

So forgive me to not reunite them...!!!

I have never written something this much sad even I was crying myself...but still if it was not good feel free to tell me...and please no bashing...!!!

Hope you all would have like it...!!!

Please do vote and comment to tell me how you like it...???

...Thank You...

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