Lil Amy's First Accident

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Present Time 2019

Third POV

Is been weeks since the third grades are facing National Exam/ UN. This day, the students are gathering to make their year books. Amy, met her bestie Clover who sat alone (like always) then after Amy put her little bag on the seat.

Clover went to her and they started talking and joking around, until all their classmates looking at these two insane people. But they didn't care, these two are always the target of the bullies they even tease them much. But there's nothing their can do if one of this insane girls turn in her psychopathic side.

So if they dare teasing them, it means they soon facing death. Okay, let's let that aside. But to this lovely insane girls, they talking and talking and suddenly Amy ask "oh, have I ever told you my past like... Went I was around 1 year?". Clover tilted her head and she shook her head " No, only I know is that you told me about when you on 2 grade   on elementary. (spoiler alert!!)" Say Clover.

Amy nodded and she look up at front then she saw her classmates are gathering up for the photo. "Okay, let me tell you what happened when I was still a young fella" Say Amy as Clover nodded and she started to listen to her story.


Year, 2002. 9:00 P.M

Ms, Suzugamori was taking care of her little sweet baby girl Amelia. She giving her a baby porridge, oh! Little fact about Ms, Suzugamori. She always gave all her child chilly whenever they want to eat.

The reason behind it so, when they grow up. They love eating anything spicy (instinct of Indonesia people 😅) but this time different, Ms, Suzugamori didn't gave little Amy chilly today. I think she haven't bought it (*plak* auto got cold glare by Ms, Suzugamori).

Mr, Suzugamori just got home from his work, then he put his bag on the couch and he untied his tie. "I'm home" Say Mr. Suzugamori, his wife came to the livingroom as she carrying her little baby girl and she smile "welcome home honey" Say her.

Mr. Suzugamori look around the house and he look at his wife "where's Freddy and Chucky? " Ask him. Ms, Suzugamori more point at a door besides them "they in their room doing their home works" Say her.

Mr, Suzugamori nodded and he look at his one and only daughter and he pat her head then he smile, "hello Amy, daddy's home" Says him. Ms, Suzugamori smile and she look at Amy "come on, say hello to daddy" Says her.

Instead of saying hello, little Amy crying and coughing at the same time,  Ms and Mr Suzugamori start panicking as they realize that their daughter coughing so hard and crying. Mr, Suzugamori quickly left the living room and he went outside to get his car.

Ms, Suzugamori trying to calm her down, but it useless. She still crying and coughing, suddenly little Amy throw up and is not food that coming out. It was..... Blood. Ms, Suzugamori start even panicking and as she hear her daughter coughing again.

She hear her husband calling, then she  quickly went outside and she went inside the car, the Suzugamori's brought their child to the hospital. But since it was night, they decided to brought her to Emergency unit.

As they arrived, Ms, Suzugamori rush in and she went to the nurse that was on duty, she explains everything. So the nurse took Amy and they went inside. She told her to stay outside, Ms, Suzugamori do as she told. She sat down on a chair.

Not long after that Mr, Suzugamori came in the rush. He look at his wife and he sees that Amy no longer with her "where's Amy?" Say him. Ms, Suzugamori look at him and say "she with the nurses, she told us to wait" He nodded and he sat beside his wife.

Is been an hour and they didn't see the nurse coming out from the room carrying their baby. They started to worry, worry what if they're baby couldn't make it. What if she had an dangerous illness. They keep wishi is not happen.

Not long after that the nurse come out with their baby girl sleeping peacefully, there's a bandage on her head. The nurse explains what happened in there and the reason why it took long time.

They relief that their child are healthy, after the accident. They decided to go home.

Flashback ends

"So that's what happens" Say Amy and she sigh "if I just had a time machine, I would travel back and slap that doctor to do that to me" She say winking at her friend. Clover just giggle and suddenly "Amy! Clover! Come on! The photo section is about to start!" Say one of their classmates.

They look each other and stood up, as they went down to the soccer field and join with the others.

To Be Continue.


Yo! This is the second part of my experience. And yeah I didn't make it up. I hear that from my mom. It pretty shocking that I throw up blood. But I hope you enjoy this, well then see ya!


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