PART 43:THE NEWS OF UNSEEN [Surah Yusuf 12:102-106]

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102. That is from the news of the unseen which we reveal unto you, and you were not with them when they gathered together, and when they plotted.

103. And never will the vast majority of mankind be true believers, although you desire it greatly.

104. And you do not ask them any payment for it. It is nothing less than a reminder for all of the nations.

105. And how many from the signs in the heavens and the earth, they pass by them and from it they are turned away.

106. And the vast majority of them will not believe in Allah, except that they will also do Shirk.

Now that Allah has finished the story of Yusuf (AS), He (swt) returns the address to the Prophet (PBUH). In this ayah Allah describes for the Prophet (PBUH) what this story was. The nature and reality of this story. In saying that Allah also tells him (PBUH) the purpose that this story must serve. This story was not revealed to entertain the people. Rather this story was revealed to call the people to their Lord. To bring the people closer to Allah (swt). That was the purpose of this story. This story was news from the realm of the unseen that was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH).

The unseen is all that is hidden from us. All that we have not sensed and does not know about. The future is in the unseen. The present that we do not sense is also in the unseen. Even the past that no one told us about is in the unseen. The distant past is also in the unseen. That which happened centuries upon centuries ago. Such was the story of Yusuf (AS). It happened long in the past and no one even at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) knew much about it. Even those who knew about it, such as the Jewish scholars, knew only a little about it.

Then Allah says to the Prophet (PBUH), “and you were not with them when they gathered together, and when they plotted”. In this story, we find narrations of events that no other human being could possibly have witnessed. When the brothers of Yusuf (AS) gathered together and plotted on how they could get rid of their brother then was their anyone else who was there with them? Was there any human being who recorded this event and who recorded what they said? Of course not. No one was there with them. So how then could he (PBUH) have known about what they said to each other? Allah reminds the Prophet (PBUH) of this fact in this ayah. This is done in order that the Prophet (PBUH) may use this fact in his dawah.

Even though the Prophet (PBUH) brought such clear evidences the vast majority of the Quraysh chiefs did not respond to his dawah. Neither did the vast majority of the Jews of Madina. Allah consoles the Prophet (PBUH) here by reminding him that such is the nature of this dawah. Such is the nature of the call to this Message. The vast majority of people simply will not believe.

Allah then reminds the Prophet (PBUH) that he is not asking the people any payment whatsoever for bringing the Message to them and also he (PBUH) is not asking for any payment for their accepting the Message. This part of the ayah is a consolation for the Prophet (PBUH). Allah is reminding him that it is not because of him that the people are rejecting the Message. If he (PBUH) had asked them for something then perchance they could have used that as a reason for their rejection. But he did not ask them for anything. So he should never have been the reason for their rejection. Thus Allah consoles the Prophet (PBUH) and reminds him that he is not the reason for their rejection. Their problem was not with him rather it was with the Message itself.

Then Allah reminds the Prophet (PBUH) of the nature of this Message that he is bringing. This Message is no joke. This Message is not something to be taken lightly. This Message was nothing less than a reminder to all of the nations. A reminder of the purpose of their existence. A reminder of their Creator and Sustainer. A reminder of what we are doing here and how we should be living our lives. Allah then asks us how many signs there are in the heavens and the earth that these people turn away from. The answer to this question is that indeed countless are the signs that these people pass by every moment of their lives and they turn away from each and every single one of them. It is only because they are heedless of Allah. Why then should the Prophet (PBUH) feel sad? They turned away from the One Who created them and the One Who sustains them at every moment. However, their turning away does not harm Him (swt) in the least. It only harms themselves. One Day soon they will return to Him (swt). Then He (swt) will deal with them however He (swt) pleases.

This is the relationship that these people have with Allah. They make something else or someone else as important in their lives as Allah. These people are behaving as if they are safe from the punishment of Allah. They felt secure that the punishment of Allah would not touch them. They thought that they had a long life ahead of them. How deluded and deceived were they?

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