Inheriting Trouble (Chapter 1 -- Trouble Brewing)

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This story was voted by WP readers as my NanoWriMo project this year and even though I didn't get to the 50K in November, the contest did get the ball rolling. Happy reading and please don't forget to comment and/or vote!


When small-time crook Kyren Durant receives a call from a random lawyer, his first impulse is to scan his brain for an outstanding warrant. The lawyer's ramblings about one of Kyren's faceless flings dying tragically in a car crash is barely enough to solicit a raised brow.


The next words have Kyren drop the baggie of drugs he was about to sell. He has been named the sole beneficiary in the girl's will. Finally, he hit the jackpot. However, the money comes attached with a string . . .

Long, tanned legs in frayed shorts should be outlawed, at least for girls I don't fuck. Not that the rest of her isn't pleasing to the eye. A top crop that reveals plenty of skin, long, honey-blond hair that frames a round face with a cute button nose, crystal blue eyes the color of the sea, and pouty lips that are just asking to suck cock. On a hotness scale, she is way up there; unfortunately, she knows it, too. I'm graced with the most haughty stare yet.

The schmuck she is with looks absolutely clueless, as if he is the only one in the entire state who hasn't caught on that the bitch is only after his money. He gazes aimlessly around for a solid minute before steering in my direction. I measure him up. Typical college kid at the town's prestigious university who wants to impress his girl and blow through some cash.

His gaze keeps flicking around; he looks sketchy as fuck, and if the cops were around, he'd draw plenty of suspicion to himself. "How much for a baggie?"

A baggie? Kid is a first time buyer. "A baggie of what?"

He glances around again. "Coke, man."

And he wants to be cool. That alone will cost him double. "An eight-ball is four hundred."

"You take credit cards?"

I snort. "Bro, do I look like a bank to you? No, I don't do credit cards."

"Okay, I'll need to get some cash then."

I point at the escalator. "The ATM is one floor down."

He spins around and leaves with the girl in tow.

What an idiot!

I slurp from my ice coffee and glare at the other patrons that sit in my close proximity. The food court at the mall is almost deserted but for a few mothers with their toddlers. It's burning up outside and the beach is the place to be. I fan myself with a napkin. After this sale, I'm gonna call it a day.

My cell buzzes and I squint at the display. Unknown number. For a breath, I'm tempted to ignore the caller, but it could be Darius on a new burner phone.

"Yo, what's up?"

"This is attorney Laurence Cooper. Am I speaking to Kyren Durant?"

Fuck, do I have an outstanding warrant?

But how? I took care of the last one when I pled guilty to the DUI and paid my fine.

"Yeah, that's me."

"I'm calling on behalf of the estate of Avery Grant."

Okay? "Is the name supposed to mean something?"

"According to my records, you and Avery were in a brief relationship a little over a year and a half ago."

Dude, I don't do relationships.

I squint. Her name draws an absolute blank.

"Look, whatever happened between me and Aubrey—"


"Yeah, whatever. The thing we had, it was one hundred percent consensual."

"That's not in dispute."


"But I'm afraid I have some very sad news." The lawyer sniffles. "Avery died tragically in a car accident last month."


"I'm sorry for your loss." Out of the corners of my eyes, I catch sight of college schmuck and his girl.

"No, Mr. Durant, I'm awfully sorry. I know how much Avery must have meant to you."

"Yeah, sure." And it would help if I could remember her.

Waving the college kid closer, I dig a baggie with cocaine out of the front pocket of my jeans.

"Anyhow, you have been named as the sole beneficiary of Avery's estate."

Shit, I might get a couple of hundred bucks out of his call. "How much is it?"

College schmuck holds out the cash for his drug purchase and I tuck the phone under my chin to have both hands free for the exchange.

"The inheritance is fifteen million dollars."

The baggie with the cocaine drops to the ground. "Excuse me?"

A mother at the next table gasps and covers the eyes of her toddler with her hand. "Sweetie, don't look at that man."


I scoop up the drugs and stuff the baggie into my jeans pocket. My gaze drills into college schmuck. "Get lost."


I turn my back on him and walk away. "Did you say fifteen million dollars?"

"Indeed. However, there is a condition noted in the will."

Figures. No one gets that lucky and inherits fifteen mil out of the blue without any strings attached. "What do I have to do to get the money?"

"Avery got pregnant as a result of your union. You are the father of a healthy one year old. Congratulations."

My mouth opens and closes without any conscious doing on my part. "That can't be."

"Are you disputing paternity because if you are, you'll forfeit the inheritance."

"No, no, if Aubrey—"


"Yes, Avery. If she said I'm the dad, I'm sure she was right."

"Excellent. So you'll assume custody?"

Custody? Hell no. "Not if I can avoid it."

"I'm afraid that's the condition of the will. No custody, no money."

I rub my chin. How hard can it be to raise a child? With the amount of dough involved, I can easily hire a full-time nanny. Wouldn't even have to see the brat, let alone spend time with it. And then, when it's older, I could send it off to a boarding school in Europe. "No problem. I'll assume custody."

"Then all you have to do is stop by my office and sign a few papers. I'll text you the address."

Simple enough. "When can I come in?"

"This afternoon, if you can manage."

"Okay, give me an hour."


On my way downtown, I stop by the Empire to cash out with the boss. Business has been slow and I'm down by two grand; not that this is going to be an issue. I'm a fucking multi millionaire. Even if Darius charges me fifty percent interest until I get a hold of my fortune, I'm fine with it.

The Empire won't open for another two hours, but he's already there to hassle the staff. They fawn on him and cater to his whims. Booze, cigars, and sex are his vices and he has plenty of girls that ensure that his needs are met.

As soon as he notices me, he waves me closer. "Kyren, my man. Are you here to bring me my cash?"

"I got most of it right here." I set the rolled up grand on the table that was originally earmarked for my rent. "I have the rest soon."

"Good because I'd have to charge you interest otherwise."

I grimace at the subtle reminder that the lucky ones get charged interest and the unlucky dudes end up at the bottom of the ocean. "I got into some money, so I won't be buying any new product for a while."

"Oh, how come?"

"A small inheritance, from a distant relative."

"Good for you, bro. I hope it all works out for you, if not, you know where to find me."

"Sure thing." Once I settle my debt, I'm not intending to ever set foot into the Empire Club again.

"Is that Kyren I hear?" The voice from the shadows has my blood running hot and cold.

I lean closer to Darius. "I didn't know Maradona was back in town."

"Arrived just this morning from New Orleans."

"And the guy she followed down there."

"No longer among the living." Darius puffs his cigar and cloaks us with a cloud of smoke. "Prick broke her heart, bro, so what else could I do?"

Not get involved in the life's drama of your grown sister.

As the smoke settles, she emerges from the other end of the bar. I swallow hard; my entire blood supply rushes to my lower region. Her dress hugs her in all the right places, her deep cleavage that shows off the contours of her tits leaving little to imagination. And then her face. Smokey eyes with long lashes to emphasize her liquid hazel irises, fine cheekbones that give her a certain elegance, and then those full, sultry lips I want to taste. Her long raven hair is braided to the side and gives off a little of that forbidden school girl vibe. All in all, the year I haven't seen her has done little to kill my attraction for her.

Oh, boy.

She approaches like a vixen, her hips swaying with every step. A few inches from me, the stench of Darius's cigar is subdued by her rich perfume. Smiling, she skates a sharp, black-painted nail down the bare part of my chest. "How have you been, babe?"

I open my mouth but only air escapes. Clearing my throat three times returns control over my voice. "Great."

"You look good." The edgy nail slides over the button-down front of my shirt; it's a miracle the fabric doesn't tear. "Very good."

"You look fantastic yourself."

"Why, thank you." She purses her lips. "What are you doing later? I still need to find a date for this fundraiser tonight."

I glance at Darius. He gives me an unmistakable "my sister is off limits" glare.

"Sorry, but I'm busy."


"I told you I'll go with you," Darius jumps in.

She rolls her eyes and turns her head in his direction, her hand moving to her hip. "I thought I was clear that I won't be going with you."

"It's an important event, and Mom and Dad expect you to be there."

"And I will, but not with my brother. No, if Kyren can't make it, you'll have to find someone else." Her gaze roams over the servers buzzing around the bar. "One of them will probably do."

"They have to work, Maradona."

"Then I want Kyren." As she refocuses on me, her lips curl to a pout. "Is there any way you could change your plans?"

I glance at Darius again; this time, I get the nod of approval. "Sure, anything for you."

"Excellent. Darius rented a limo, so I'll pick you up at seven. Are you still at your old place?"


She gets on her tiptoes and brushes a kiss on my cheek. "Later, babe." Her hard nipples tease me under her dress and I'm ready to tear it off her. Only Darius's presence keeps my thumbs looped in the front pockets of my jeans.

She sways away, leaving my cock throbbing.

I give Darius a crooked smile. "Sorry, bro, she was so insistent. I hope it's okay, otherwise, I'll come up with an excuse."

"It's fine." He stubs out the cigar. "But make no mistake. You'll escort her, nothing else. There won't be touching, kissing, or anything else of that nature. No trips to the bathroom for a blow job or a quicky. Enjoy the food all you want, but I don't want to see excessive drinking, and no drugs either. You'll be on your best behavior. And at the end of the night, you'll put her back into the limo and then walk home."

Happy blue balls night. "Understood."

"If not"—he cuts his index finger along his throat—"and I'll be watching you the entire time."

"I got it, bro."

"And this is a one off. No future dates or any sort of fling. Maradona is absolutely off limits."

"I swear, I'd never touch your sister."

And that this pledge has already been broken once is only need-to-know.

If you enjoyed this teaser, you can follow the ongoing story on REAM or KINDLE VELLA. Links can be found under my profile or you can DM me. The completed story will become available as an eBook and paperback later this year.

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