The day I broke up with my ex

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It was a few days after I caught my ex, red handed, cheating on me. He was kissing another girl, right in front of me. And I also found out he was using me as well to get popular, as I was and still am popular at school, he would get popular for dating me..

Anyway, I was heartbroken on this day, and I was angry and depressed. Keep in mind, I've was dating him since mid 9th grade, all the way to basically the start of the 10th. I thought he actually loved me, so I gave all my love to that liar..

It was an evening the day before another school day. I had him over at my house, which would later turn to a bad idea, to break up with him, firmly, in the place where it started.

He was trying to seduce me into making out with him, which I wasn't having any of. I wasn't about to even hug the guy that has been cheating on me for who knows how long.

He pushed me against the wall, and pinned me there. I acted like I actually wanted to, then before he could begin kissing me, I removed my arm from his grasp, and slapped him as hard as I could and began screaming at him.

I yelled at him asking him why he cheated on me, and I also yelled at him saying why in the world would you ever use me to get popular after he didn't have an answer for my question.

Then I immediately shoved him backwards, but unfortunately he didn't fall. Then I said very sternly, with tears starting to come from my eyes, that we need to break up.

I could see hatred flare in his eyes. He looked at me with such disgust, returning the look I was giving him.

Before I knew it, he had swung his hand, and slapped me really hard, against my cheek, causing me to cry out in pain, he then shoved me into my wall, winning another cry of pain.

I dropped to the ground, and he was quickly above me, ready to strike me again.. before he had the chance to do so, my parents opened the door of the house, announcing they were home, and my ex casually walked out of my room. He left me scared of him.

The next day at school, when rumors about me breaking up with my ex, named Jason, circled around the school, and soon got confirmed by my best friend Emy, he lost all his popularity..

Karma sucks doesn't it?

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