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Yeolhee was biting her lip. She was nervously sitting on her chair, her navy skirt draped over her knees while the soles of her crispy white sneakers were bouncing up and down on the floor. It had been a long time since she has been some time since she has been out of the Hospital. But it was a nice change for the young woman.

She nervously blew up her cheeks and looked around the coffeeshop. For someone who was looking at Kang Yeolhee from afar; they would think she is a normal twenty-two-year-old waiting for a date. And to be true, it kinda felt like a date.

When Hwang Minhyun had called Yeolhee two days asking her if she would be able to meet in a coffeeshop close to the Hospital to talk about the progress he had made during the four weeks he had been preparing for the Photoshoot, she had been shaking. She had called Dr. Min immediately and asked her if she could go out for a few hours on that day in a Coffeeshop. Dr. Min had agreed under the condition that she would take her pills beforehand.

So this morning she took her pills with the guidance of Dr. Min and got herself ready for her „date". She picked out her cutest skirt and dress shirt she had in her Hospital closet and even managed to put on some hight make-up.

Now she was sitting in this Coffeeshop Minhyun had told her and continued to nibble on her bottom lip. Why was she this nervous? Minhyun had already seen her at her worst, why would he care about what she looked like right now? But Yeolhee wanted to look nice. It was her first time out in the „real world" once again. She took a deep breath and looked up when she saw a tall man walking over to her.

It was Minhyun, wearing black jeans, white sneakers (like herself) and a white button-down. Yeolhee bit her lip at his visuals. Other women were looking at the young man as well. Minhyun took off his Armani sunglasses and moved his hands through his brown hair. A woman a few tabled away from Yeolhee gasped. „Isn't he handsome?" The woman whispered towards her friend who only nodded. Yeolhee smiled, knowing that this „handsome" man was going to sit with her. And only her.

A smile spread across her lips and she lifted her hand waving him. Minhyun grinned seeing Yeolhee sitting there and quickly strolled over to her, sitting on the chair opposite of her and placing his coffee cup on the table. „Sorry, I am a bit late. The bus was stuck in traffic." Minhyun apologized but Yeolhee only shook her head.

„It's okay. I wasn't waiting for long anyways." Lie. She was sitting here for half an hour already, waiting for Minhyun, wondering what he was going to wear and imaging how his body would move through the shop until he would sit down in front of her giving her the handsome smile he would always give. Yeolhee smiled and took a sip of her, now cooled down, tea.

„How is your therapy going?" Minhyun asked sipping his coffee. „It's okay, I guess. I took my meds this morning and Dr. Min said I am doing well. Daehwi had some trouble with his medication last week and ended up hurting himself again." Yeolhee made a small break. „He needed to get his cut glued together." She said and Minhyun sighed. „What happened?" The man asked, worrying about the young boy. „His parents came over to visit him and his Mother seemed to nag him a lot. It was wild." Yeolhee said and Minhyun nodded. „That's sad to hear but I think it's time ti tell you what I have achieved these past four weeks." Minhyun smiled and leaned forwards, locking his eyes with Yeolhee.

The girl blushed and Minhyun smiled.

„We have a sponsor!" He grinned and opened his bag pack, showing Yeolhee an E-Mail from a big pharmaceutical brand that made pills for mental illnesses. Yeolhee read through the letters and smiled when she finished it. „They're sponsoring us with a lot of money." The author said counting the zero's after the amount of money printed on the letter. „Yes. That's why I could book a medium sized studio." Minhyun explained and took out some more paper. „These are the concepts I have thought about so far," Minhyun said and Yeolhee looked at the drawings.

„I want to paint Daehwi's scars with different colors and have him splash around paint everywhere, while he is wearing white," Minhyun said while Yeolhee studied the concept Minhyun had planned for Daehwi. „I found a poem online that would match this concept and I guess you could write something familiar?" Minhyun asked and Yeolhee nodded.

„For you I planned something more creative." He said. „Can you swim?" He asked and waited till Yeolhee nodded before showing her the drawings of her concept. „I want you to dive in a tank. At the sides of the tank I want to write everything that you think defines you." Minhyun explained. „I want the first pictures to seem like you are drowning in your own emotions before we continue the picture series with you coming out of the water and hold on to a rope that says ‚Future' or ‚Strength' or something," Minhyun spoke and Yeolhee nodded. „Those ideas sound fantastic," Yeolhee said and eyed Minhyun from the corner of her eyes.

He looked super attractive concentrating on his project. „W-What do you want me to wear for that pictorial?" Yeolhee whispered and now it was Minhyun who blushed. „As I want y'all to wear white I hoped you could wear a white dress when going into the water tank." Minhyun looked at his hands. „I-I know white turns see-through when wet but" - „It's okay. I can wear white." Yeolhee smiled and suddenly she felt Minhyun's eyes on her body. She blinked and blushed before their eyes locked.

„Well, great!" Minhyun stuttered and packed his stuff drinking the rest of his coffee in a swift motion. „The first shooting would be yours in around four days? Is that okay?" He asked and Yeolhee nodded, standing up together with Minhyun. The other women were still eyeing the two of them. „I text you the address of the studio," Minhyun said while they left the coffeeshop together.

Outside Minhyun put on his sunglasses and smiled at Yeolhee pointing in the other direction. „I have to go this way." He said and Yeolhee nodded. „You surely don't want me to accompany you?" He asked and Yeolhee shook her head. „I'll be fine. The Hospital is just over there." The girls said and waved Minhyun goodbye when the man quickly pulled her into a warm heart.

Both of their hearts heated in chorus and Minhyun was bright red when they parted. „Thank you for the afternoon." The photographer spoke before turning around and walking towards the bus station.

Yeolhee on the other hand stood there frozen. Her heart beating quickly and she felt like a bunch of butterflies were going crazy in her stomach. Was she falling for Minhyun?                                                                                                 

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