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Song of the Chapter: "Untitled, 2014" by G-Dragon.

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Yeolhee was hiding behind a curtain, looking at the sleeping patient, that seemed to be called Kim Jaehwan. The young man was sleeping, after an allergic shock, he had a few hours ago. Ever since then the young woman hadn't left the emergency ward of the hospital, even after the nurse, that Yeolhee learned to be very lazy, had told her to go away.

Kim Jonghyun sighed when he saw Yeolhee hiding lazily behind that curtain. „You're still here?" The nurse asked and Yeolhee only nodded. „Don't you have to take anti-depressants or something?" Jonghyun asked and Yeolhee cocked an eyebrow. „I'm not depressive." Yeolhee simply stated and came out of her hiding place and stood next to the nurse that was checking Kim Jaehwan's vitals.

„Not all patients of the Psychological Ward are clinically depressed," Yeolhee stated and crossed her arms in front of her chest. „Bipolar?" Jonghyun asked and looked over the stats of another patient, Yeolhee following him on every step. „Nope," Yeolhee commented and looked over his shoulder when he checked on another, sleeping, patient.

Jonghyun stopped walking and turned around with a sigh. „You're annoying and disturbing my work, patient," Jonghyun said strictly but Yeolhee only furrowed her brows. „You weren't believing me when I said that there was a patient in the foyer and now you think I am clinically depressed and bipolar?" Yeolhee asked, feeling the rise of an episode in the depths of her stomach. Yeolhee tried to take a deep breath, but the nurse was ignorant and didn't believe her at all. Only because she wore the blue squares.

She blew up her cheeks and turned away from Kim Jonghyun, leaving the emergency room and walking back to the foyer where she found Foxman once again, talking on his phone. Yeolhee smiled at his sight, forgetting the weird feelings in her stomach, that were surely going to erupt soon, and walked up to him.

Minhyun was talking on the phone to a friend, Yeolhee could tell from the way he laughed at some words. „I didn't know he was allergic either. But now we know we shouldn't add peanuts, Dongho!" Minhyun chuckled when he saw Yeolhee walking up to him. „I see you later, Dongho." Minhyun smiled towards Yeolhee and said goodbye to his friend, hanging up.

„Hello, Yeolhee-sshi." Minhyun smiled and bowed lightly. „Your friend is still sleeping." She commented and Minhyun nodded. „I didn't know he was allergic to peanuts. So our friend cooked us some special Udon and added peanuts for the crunch. It was really delicious. Well for me. For Jaewan, I guess not." Minhyun chuckled and looked at Yeolhee's gown. „Are you very ill, Yeolhee-sshi?" He asked and Yeolhee looked down. Her feet were in slippers and the weird feeling in her stomach was even more prominent now that Minhyun asked the question.

„Was the question too personal?" Minhyun asked, feeling Yeolhee's nervousness. „Not really. But it's difficult to explain. Most people don't even know that my illness is real and well." Yeolhee gave a fake smile, her bottom lip starting to shake.

„I b-better leave." She whispered, turning away and running towards the elevators, feeling her eyes prick with tears that didn't seem to stop flowing down her cheeks.

Once she reached the Psychological Ward she rushed to her room, past stressed looking nurses and a Teenage Boy who had cuts all over his arms. Yeolhee jumped under her blanket, once she reached her room, and screamed into the pillow. Her whole body shaking with the anger that suddenly had built inside her.

„When you feel an episode, write down your feelings.", Dr. Min had said when she had experienced the first fall of a BPD Episode.

With a heavy heart, Yeolhee fought herself out of the bed and to the little desk she had in her room. She took a deep breath and sat down, writing down her feelings, like she would always do. Kang Yeolhee was a jobless Author. She had published short stories in several magazines so far and loved writing.

Her biggest wish was finishing a whole book and publishing it.

But with her mental illness it was hard for her to write as she liked and she had thrown so many good ideas in the bin already.

Yeolhee took a deep breath when she saw the words she had scribbled down in her notepad. She wiped a tear, that was rolling down her cheek.

I am not worth it.

I hate myself.

Why can't I be normal?

Minhyun-sshi probably thought I was not sane.

Did he know I am ill? Did he realize I was a Psycho?

Yeolhee bit her lip and closed her notepad, quickly wiping her tears and finding herself leaving her room once again. The teenage boy with the cuts was still standing in the hallway and Yeolhee stopped after passing him, turning around. „Do you want an ice cream?" She asked the kid and the boy looked up. His eyes were empty and he almost trembled. „Ice cream?" He asked and tried to hide his cuts. Yeolhee watched him carefully. „How old are you?" She asked and the boy looked down. „I'm sixteen." He answered and Yeolhee nodded. „Those scars", she started and the boy looked at her with widened eyes. „Those are battle scars." She continued. „They just remind us, that we survived." Yeolhee simply finished her sentence and lifted the sleeve of her left arm showing her scars and bruises that were covering her wrists.

The boy looked up to her. „Are you ill as well?" He asked and Yeolhee nodded. „It's an illness that young adults sometimes get." She said and the boy nodded. „I'm Kang Yeolhee. And you?" Yeolhee asked. „Lee Daehwi."

„So, Daehwi. Do you want ice cream?" Yeolhee asked and Daehwi nodded shyly. „C'mon," Yeolhee said and smiled, forgetting about her episode of earlier and taking the Dongsaeng to the hospital's cafeteria. Not knowing that she would meet Foxman very soon.

A/N: Guest appearance of our lovely Daehwi-yah! I wanted to add someone from the Maknae-line and didn't want to use another P101 trainee but one of W1 so here we are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and we see us next time! Bye!

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